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Everything posted by Niv_Dralshya

  1. NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Banning Speeders on the fleet would make it a chore to do anything on it. if it's really an issue for some people, there should be an option to disable viewing speeders on the fleet, but nerfing other's movement speed because you are being inconvenienced a little bit by it is the wrong way to do things.
  2. To be fair, King Adas is the one who started the Sith Empire, Ajunta Pall though did become the first Dark Lord and brought the Sith back from warring tribes it had devolved into into the great Empire it was. But Kotor is flat out wrong on this. Marka Ragnos is demonstrably more powerful than Sadow, as is Tulak Hord according to Kotor 2 and TOR. It could also be argued that Kressh was more powerful as well , but since Ragnos interrupted the fight we don't know for sure, but Kressh created a gauntlet for his son that made him almost invincible. So...
  3. What's especially criminal about this is with Jedi and Sith, , Kotor two huge areas dedicated to both Jedi and Sith learning. you learned to be a Jedi on dantooine, and on Korriban, you learned to be a Sith. I wanted to see that kind of thing, more depth to the Sith and Jedi philosophy, more things to learn and grow from in the early stage. I do appreciate though later in the inquisitor story learning more about how to actually be a Lord of the Sith, how to gain power and the like. That I appreciate, but it feels like so little actual meat is there. Bounty Hunter however seems starkly contrasted as you get a very clear image of what a Mandalorian is supposed to be, how they are supposed to act. the honor system, the resol'nare (through Torian) and their philosophy is firmly established, while it is somewhat the case with Sith ,not to the extent I would like, and very little actual Sorcery is explained.
  4. I'll grant you that much, I mean I hate that kind of crap so If this wasn't true I would've never continued playing in beta and I've been subscribed since launch. I'm not complaining that these quests are in there. That's standard fair for an MMO and it's done extremely well and most of the time I honestly feel like what I'm doing is important, and very often it feels very little like grinding, I commend Bioware on that. That said. There is so much more variety of gameplay there could be, not every side quest needs to fufill this formula and it's really tiresome after 9 planets worth of it, with very little variety in between. Do you know what an Inquisition is? I don't see how getting information (via inquiry ) using various methods of information extraction does not fall under that role, especially when one of the introductory class quests on Korriban is doing exactly that. So yes, that is the role of the Inquisitor, to Inquire. To Seek information, whether it is of ancient Sith knowledge, History, Secrets of the Dark Side or the Force, or just plain old every day Intel on a battlefield.
  5. They may slip it into 1.3 ,who knows. Honestly, I'd like to see this plus the Pureblood/ Sith corruption glowy eyes
  6. The Codex Entry on Darth Thanaton is incorrect and contradictory. it says that he is a stickler for Tradition is fond of Adhering to Sith customs and traditions, and Values this above most everything else, and this is why he despises Darth Zash for her bypassing Sith custom and tradition for her own power plays and schemes. But it then goes on to list "Sentinels of Sith History" included in this list is Naga Sadow. Now, here's where the problem is. Naga Sadow was everything Thanaton hates about Zash. He scoffed at Sith tradition, ignored Sith custom and violated Sith laws to ascend to Dark Lord, he took an outsider, and a possible republic spy under his wing as an apprentice after knowing him for all of a day, murdered his master in cold blood who was no threat to him whatsoever just to sow sympathy to assure his rise. He was a Terrible Sith Lord, a Terrible leader, and everything that Thanaton despises and yet his name is listed as a Sentinel of Sith History? Ludo Kressh was everything Thanaton liked, he adhered to tradition and custom, he had the best interests of the Empire in mind, he hated those who scoffed at tradition and valued history. Why is Naga Sadow, who was a traitor, a coward, and a fool listed here as a paragon of the Sith?
  7. YES! This Absolutely! KOTOR had entire areas like that, hell, almost all of the Sith Academy part of it was like that! and it was fantastic! Bioware! Take notice of this!
  8. So, I'm on Corellia, and I get a mission prompt about this chick who has Jedi prisoners who aren't talking and needs help. And I think "This is the perfect opportunity to have a mission that isn't about killing x number of so and so, or collect X number of loot or activate X number of thingies, a more story driven, meaty quest about a tense interrogation, a more mind game type deal. The kind of stuff I love Bioware for." So, My character actually says "I could give them a working over, I'm really good at interrogation" .I'm A Sith Inquisitor, and Yes, I am good at interrogation, and I have gotten to do so very little of it. BUT NO! WE CAN'T HAVE ANY VARIETY IN OUR THEME PARK MMO! THAT WOULD BE TOO GOOD./B] No. You need to go collect X number of lock boxes, kill X number of guards and get X number of droids so I can perform off screen interrogations you'll get to AT MOST read about in a mail later on with some extra credits, oh and to top it all off ,I'd bet there's not even a lightside/darkside choice any where in there. Is it so much to break it up a little outside the class quests? hell ,almost all of them are the same three things, use this item, kill x number of things, collect x number of loot, dialogue tree with three options that say nothing like what it says in the wheel prompt, followed by an arbitrary light/dark choice with totally bland and shallow 'light dark' options designation where light is usually just rational, if not just as evil if not more so as the dark option, which is almost always just "Lol kill" or pointlessly cruel for cruelties sake, that's not dark, that's not evil, it's stupid. Don't get me wrong, when this game is good, it's great. But c'mon here guys you're killin me! I've been playing Bioware games for over ten years, And the one thing I've learned to love about them is how the story matters, the dialogue matters and the gameplay is more than just 'kill x number of this' over and over and over again. I know you guys are better than this! Not much that can be done now but... for christsakes guys, in the future, mix it up a little and throw some different kinds of quests in with the rest of the theme park filler, that's all I ask, a little variety when the story calls for it, other wise you're just wasting our times with the fluff. A *great* Example of this sort of thing, was Voss, The quests on Voss were great and far more based upon how you respond, rather than killing things, The dialogue was important, the responses important in a large number of quests and I would love to see more of that kind of thing, mix. it. up!. Best part is! it's not even that difficult, make a bit of cut scene, a bit more dialogue and some more responses and think a bit, and you're done!
  9. One of the really cool things I heard about in Beta was a cool glowing effect for Dark side corruption and Sith pureblood eyes. I wonder why that was taken out? and I want to start a petition, movement, whatever to ask they be put back in. I would really like glowing red or golden eyes.
  10. So? Aleema Keto blew up an entire Star Cluster with a Sith trinket and she wasn't even properly Sith herself. Palpatine , one of the most powerful if not the most powerful Sith Lord to have ever lived, could rip holes in space and create gigantic fleet engulfing force storms.
  11. The Thrawn Trilogy is really good, but I think you may like the Yuuzhan Vong War books more for the extra Jedi-ness. If you like Mandos and Commandos? Republic Commando Series is the way to go.
  12. The Symbol you're referring to is one used by the Bendu Monks http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bendu A form of it was originally used by the Republic, but then the Empire adopted a form of it for their crest, which appears to be a combination of the symbol, and the Old Sith Imperial Emblem of the golden age and Revan's day. After the war, much of Imperial Culture and Technology was assimilated into the republic. for thousands of years the Republic used the bendu wheel, up until the rise of palpatine where he adopted the Imperial Emblem ,a call back to the Sith Imperial version of it, while keeping the bendu wheel. and restoring a great deal of forgotten Sith culture in the guise of his "New Order" Persisting throughout the Galactic And Second Galactic Empire's time. The New Republic and Rebel Alliance though, never switched back due to the connotations of the now hated symbol, and adopted entirely the Rebel Starbird, which is based on an Old Jedi emblem.
  13. I dont know if this is necroposting or not but here goes. 1. The Dark Side and The Light There is no light side of the force, there's the Force, and The Dark side. The "Light" is just using the force without emotion, from a state of calm and serenity. It's safer, it's more clean and pure. But it takes a much longer time to become anywhere near as powerful as a Sith Lord becomes with it, but flashy displays of incredible power are not something Jedi regulary do as they feel it's vain, and arrogant of them. And they shy away from using the Force for trivial things. The Dark Side is simply using passion instead, whatever that passion may be, but it must match your intentions. The kind of emotion is not as important as their intention. For instance, to use the Force to hurt someone using the dark side you must be angry, you must want to hurt them. , To heal someone you must want them to live, you must be passionate about the desire to keep them alive. Love can be a motivation in this but it's a different kind of love than what most people think of. A Sick kind of obsessed love. a good example of this, is Legacy, in which Cade Skywalker forces people close to him back to life and heals them with the Force, and while he's generally using powerful positive emotions most of the time, because it's a selfish act, and he's doing it more because of an obsessive guilt or unwillingness to let go, he forces his will upon the Force. That is first and foremost the single most telling trait of the Dark Side, and the most clear difference in philosophy, it's not so much emotion but kinds of passion. Jedi prefer to serve, and do the will of The Force, they are passive in this, and move with it, calmly, from a position of serenity. Sith are more heated, motivated and fueled by passion rather than duty, and impose their will upon The Force and try to control it more. That's the difference. So, no,it is not possible to master both sides at the 'same time' but it is possible to have mastered both in a life and understand both philosophies, but to be able to use them both at once is contradictory and would ultimately corrupt someone to the Dark side. For instance ,Darth Traya was a Jedi Master, then a Dark Lord of the Sith, and she understood both paths perfectly and hated them both. Revan saw both sides of it, and he also, turned from both, trying to find something different but ultimately? He failed. Luke Skywalker saw both sides, so did Jacen Solo, so did Darth Krayt, so did numerous Others, but the vast Majority of individuals who could claim had mastered both sides, fell to one or the other and almost all of them ultimately to the dark side. The Potentium theory states, however that there is no dark or light but different methods of the same thing, possibly so but ultimately the denial of The Dark Side's existence, saying it's only in the individual is dangerous. Attempting to use passion tempered with serenity is still using passion, and such an emotional appeal will eventually cause someone to give into their emotions and passions, and that is a way of starting along the dark side. Ultimately, The Light side is the safer option, and the more reliable one, but the Dark side is stronger, and more powerful on the individual level, and is much quicker, but it corrupts the same way running an engine too hot damages it, or burning a candle twice as hot burns half as long. It physically corrupts and damages the mind, body and soul because they can't handle the level of power it produces, and it is pretty unnatural.
  14. I want a true female equivalent to the male body type 4, so I can play an Imperial Agent that looks and acts like Amanda Waller.
  15. As a Sith player I would greatly appreciate the ability to have just your Legacy name displayed. Reason for this being, since Legacy name is something you get for the first time part way through the story, I thought it would be appropriate to be able to have it be a name my character chooses for themselves like proper Sith do. For instance, my Character is Tiarna, who became Tiarna Scath, I'd really like an option to have my display name just <title> <Legacy name> so it would read "Lord Scath" or later on "Darth Scath"
  16. Is there a Max Dark side point at V? Or is there a way to keep getting them to ensure you do not slip back to Dark IV
  17. Why....why the **** woulld they change that? MORE OPTIONS IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN LESS ARG
  18. The Pureblood being a slave makes even more sense in the Inq Story (without spoiling anything) once you find Callig and he explains things to you. it actually is the most logical of the back ground races in that respect.
  19. The people saying "it's not the games it's the player" are corporate shills, or completely in denial. This game has been out for six months. Six Months! Anyone at this point saying "You rushed through the game" at this point has not a single toe to stand upon with that argument. It's not the player, it's the genre, the market is dead and people keep pumping out the same bland boring WoW Rehashes with a new coat of paint every couple of years and expecting it to emulate WoW's success. These companies need to get it through their heads THAT IS SIMPLY NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. There will be no WoW Killer. There will be no next great ten million subscriber for seven years MMO with the themepark style, because not Newsflash! WoW did not start with ten million active subs, WoW did not start with ten thousand, it took them this long to get to where they are, peaking a couple years ago. And now everyone smells green blood in the water in the game industry and wants that Warcraft money so they crank out a ****** version of a themepark mmo wow style with their IP and think it will get people to switch over, or join up, and you know why it's not working? People have been playing WoW for seven years. Seven Years Anyone still playing that game is not going to switch over, and even if they were looking to switch to a new MMO it sure as hell wont be the same **** they've been playing for the better part of a decade with a new coat of paint. It does not work with subscription based gaming. The age of the Theme Park MMO is coming to an end and this is the big crash we're seeing. Games that are Massively Multiplayer need to step up their game and get more sandboxy or have more social aspects or need to give people something new and well done, not the same nonsense we've been seeing for years with a new IP attached.
  20. I think it should go further, I think you should have entire branches of 'Craftsman" classes that have missions and tasks around non combat objectives. Star Wars Galaxies did it beautifully.
  21. Not doing it makes the hardcore community cry it's too easy. You can't please everyone, so they should just focus on pleasing the one who they stand the gain the most from ,which is the hardcore crowd who just want a better game with some more challenge, they want something that's got more to it, while casuals want it watered down, though when going with the hardcore crowd you leave the casual option. Catering to the hardcore is good for everyone.
  22. That's not even remotely true. And even if it were, When you get someone who is "Casual" and "Hook" them, getting them dedicated to playing your game, to doing it for hours at a time nearly every day (which is what the core population base of WoW Does) for years on end, they aren't exactly qualified to be called "Casual" Gamers anymore. "My Kind" are the ones who spend the most money long term, we stay the longest, we buy the collectors editions, we pay for the expansions, we buy the DLC, we pre-order the games, we buy merchandise and we are the ones who stay dedicated and loyal. Casual gamers don't. Casual gamers may be more numerous but they spend less money, play less, and have *******r taste. Leaving behind "My Kind" is killing the industry. It's causing more companies to make more homogenous, stale, bland games that have no depth thinking you can squeeze the same 60 USD out of the same people dozens of times and they won't notice. that they'll stay with a game for years on end when there's no depths and they have to pay for it. It works with Call of Duty, but it doesn't work with an MMO. And all you accomplish is alienating your base who end up leaving you too. and where does that get a company? It gets it broke and out of business. It taints IP's with the stink of failure and bad memories ,it drives away customers who would've been loyal for years, even the most hardcore bioware fans are starting to turn away from the company now. And only someone who was completely in denial can't see that now. It's heartbreaking but it's true. If they had continued to appeal to their base, this game would've been fantastic, if they set their expectations lower it wouldn't have been so spread out, if they hadn't rushed it for easy profiteering it would've been alot better. as it stands it's watered down, over extended, and unpolished hot mess of a game that could've been so much better. Now I'm not unsubscribing just yet, I still have hope but it's fading. If Bioware wants to save this game they need to refocus on appealing to the people who they should've been all along. Their hardcore base fans and Star Wars fans. their Old fans. if they had done that, all they would've needed to do is make a good game ,a complete good game, with something a little different, and it would've been a much bigger success than this. Bioware needs to stop relying on hype and marketing , and get back to making a good game, and put faith in the power of word of mouth to sell it for them.
  23. The Basic idea is this, To create an incentive for players to stay after 50 until new content rolls out, make up some quick and simple Worlds for PVP, That don't have set missions, or quests (well maybe a few possibly) But the main goal will be While on world there will be a bar on the screen showing the state of the planet, part red, part blue to show who is currently in the most control. Now the way this would work is you'd have various outposts, bases, resources and points of strategic value. Like Anti-aircraft weapons, turrets, bunkers and armories, space ports, drop zones all kinds of important things, that have a few NPC guards depending upon which side currently controls it, and in real time constantly there is a battle all over the planet at these points between NPC's, and what the players from both factions do, is lead charges against these points to capture them with the intent of taking the planet, there'd be a few starting/respawn points across the planet as well, and more would open up as a side gains ground, with a couple 'hold out' secret landing zones should the entire planet fall under one side or another. And the planet would constantly be under contest, so players would have a reason to every day go there to defend, or attack for their faction. Then, when one has been played out enough, you have some events leading to the finale of the battle, which last a week or so maybe, and Finally, you have the planet successfully taken for one side or another ,if you want to bring that planet back into the fray as a battleground world, you simply have an event about an invasion from the former losing side, and do it all again. This creates Opportunity for Roleplaying, it creates an objective based open world to keep people playing without the content getting stale, and it gives players more a feeling like there's much to do even after the story ends until the new content comes out. I'd think this is much better than just Warzone maps and Flashpoints and Operations.
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