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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. the roll ability by smug/agent costs 25 energy to use, has NO cooldown, they roll 4 times they're out of energy. I have trouble with them on my melee toons as well. But they can't roll far enough fast enough to get away from my sage.


    Roll a ranged dps or hang near ranged dps or slow them so they can only roll 6m.


    They can actually roll 5 times then they're out of energy.


    What the most effective thing to do with this ability is to roll all the way across to the map to a single target while cloaked/uncloaked then come about 1m from said person and just default attack them while having a macro that says "I'm Batman". You instantly win.




    I can admit, about a year ago, after I switched my main from Deception Assassin (server 1st BM!! yes my arm is sore from patting myself on the back :) ) to Merc I thought just like that dude...


    Then came experience (other players), then came ranked, people learned their skills, interrupts and strategy (you won't fool me with fake casting)...


    I agree w/ AALBC, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, unless you never step foot in ranked, or PvP vs. bads at non-peak hours.


    It's fact, undisputable fact, amongst equally skilled players, Merc is at a SEVERE disadvantage. Far too easy to interrupt, must remain planted to cast for 109 out of every 110 seconds, abysmal defensive CD's, and burst damage is limited.


    With TTK and the extreme skills of those in competitive ranked, Merc doesn't cut it. And the mere mention of pillar humping makes every Merc that has stuck with the class since 1.2 (and those that played against me pre 1.2 :), I knew what an interrupt was!! ) become overwhelmed with emotion at the sheer ignorance of such a statement.


    Pugs...all day. I don't think I need to partake in story time, share stories of my vaunted pug Merc damage, and ridiculous 75+kills 0death matches, or that I can play pillar hump&heal to dominate scrubs.


    If you really want to convince the Merc community we are viable in Rankeds or even versus quality opponents, it will take more than a few big damage screenies...


    I know, I made that same mistake almost a year ago to the day...





    It's hard to argue with logic, fact, and evidence.


    Tux, AALBC, Macro, Cash all know what they are talking about. Not saying that any of them, or myself, could be wrong, but, I'd listen to what they have to say with a keen ear. They have the experience and knowledge to back up their rhetoric.


    Illum farm too hard.


    I will admit the only thing I've seen that is stupid is the new 30% Health Regen heal. The only people it's really good vs are Sorcerers, Operatives, Commandos and Powertechs. But even those classes have enough spike to knock you down 30% of your health.


    They really need to change it to where you hit 30% if your health you regen all the way up even past 30% for it's duration.

  3. Again for those who can't read it was my iPhone's autocorrect. Glad we fully analyzed the difference between roll and role when all of us knew the difference anyway.


    I'm working on writing out my piece on Assassin's and there ROLE of solo node defender and how they can do their job better than anyone else, even an concealment operative.



  4. I used my battlemaster yesterday on my sniper.. its still about as viable in pvp or pve as it was with the ewh out with last few months. still useless. why would you expect to suddenly be a factor in old gear again?


    Because the point of bolster was supposed to make everyone equal.


    If you have BM gear in a WZ you only get up to 800-1100 expertise. Which means you deal 25% less dmg and take about 15% more.


    It's about having to go spend about 100k credits to buy some orange gear and other stuff to replace the BM gear. It's about returning players and those who don't read forums at all and queue up for PvP and have no idea why they're sitting at 800-1100 expertise and getting slaughtered in Warzones.

  5. Commando damage has always been fine while we were left alone. It was always under pressure that we had issues. Luckily it seems it's been so long that most people forgot they have an interrupt, but never you fear. Smart players will be locking us down again soon. We're like snipers with less range and they can get at us and interrupt us.


    Except now if we have our cooldowns up we can make them regret that decision. But we need those cooldowns up or we can just run away faster unfortunately.


    In regs we've closed the game, and since some people were already doing very well in regulars, they're even better now. I don't see us being ranked viable though.




    Pillar hump. Cute. Please stop expressing opinions on the matter if you aren't educated enough to have valid ones. I can't stand the idiots like you who come in here and think they have any clue what they're talking about because they can top damage charts in lowbie or in unranked warzones. I can do that and I'm wearing PVE gear. That doesn't make the class good. That makes other people horrible.


    Someone's mad cause they don't know how to play? Like the guy above me said, create distance. And if you're getting focused that much in ranked your healers/tanks should be good enough to keep you up as well.


    Basically all that I got from your bitter reply is "I cannot just stand here and shoot and DPS people, I am broken."

  6. Not against decent players it's not. Are you 55 yet? I tried Gunnery this weekend in PvP and it sucks. 1v1 I was able to be shut down, like usual and in groups, I'd get off the occasional Grav Round shot, but EVERYTHING is too easy to interrupt - stuns, mez's, pushes, nades, pulls, mines...they ALL stop casting. In PvE, Commando is fine, but not even freaking close in PvP.


    That's when you use your ability that gives you 2 free insta-casts and go from there. Or have whoever you have fanning you get focused by your team.

  7. I just rolled a Merc yesterday, been powering through it to 21 today. Got to say I'm loving it. I'm getting highest damage in PvP like 99% of matches, even had a 758k Voidstar earlier at level 19 :L


    The main reason behind me playing it is because Heatseaker missiles just looks so damn fun to be shooting around, oh and it's last 50+ I need ^_^


























    He only lasted seconds.

  8. The only thing I've had problems with Gunnery Commando is if I can't get my stuff to crit. But if I get a crit rotation on someone, whoever I just hit is 100% dead in 4-6 seconds.


    2-4K Grav Round x 2, 4-5K Sticky Grenade, 8-10K Demo Round, 4-6K High Impact Bolt = Dead. It's super rare for that to happen due to only have 25% crit chance but it's still highly effective if it doesn't crit. I absolutely love playing Commando now. I hadn't touched him in a year.

  9. This is the thread to post on. Assasins/Shadows can Phase Walk thru walls? Is that working as intended? Let's not even talk about the only ability in the game that covers 60m.... Shouldn't there be LOS to Phasewalk?


    Yes its intended. The while point of this ability is it get to a safe location without cloaking. If you couldn't go through walls or it was less than 30m then this ability would be pretty much useless.


    Words cannot express how much I love using this ability in the Alderaan WZ.

  10. I doubt any, it was a 100-0 game, and a Sorc got 1m damage. From that I can tell it was a long game.

    I only have a 25 Merc so I can't really say for sure, but I'll agree it's easier to heal on Sorc and Operative but I wouldn't say that Merc was 'bad'. I actually quite enjoy Merc healing, though that may just be because it's something different from the Sorc and Operative I've played loads.




    Merc/Mando healing isn't bad. It's just a lot more forgiving/easier to heal on Sorcerer/Sage or Operative/Scoundrel.

  11. I use a Rifle on my Grav Round Commando and Healer Commando. I don't notice any difference at all. Only thing is I can't used Charged Bolts or the AoE attack we have. Oh well...I think it looks a lot cooler and it shocks the hell out of people when I do it.
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