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Everything posted by cerveau

  1. its funny, i only get blind invites from ppl who are lower level then me. and i aways reject them now- i aint boosting. i used to accept but as have others have said, had them loot, not kill and even give abuse cos i wasnt doing it right (for them) plus just cos u are in a certain area doesnt mean u are doing a quest. I was collecting a datacron, and having to clear a path to it, (taris) and got half a dozen blind invites from the same person, who didnt bother to communicate once, i ignored him. yes this is a mulitplayer game and there are group quests but cmon the solo quests are what they are. normally the blind inviters are just lazy buggers.
  2. u use them to make relics - the different colour combos give relics with different stats. my mistake was that I assumed you only needed one of each of the 4 colours. i was trying to make the yellow, red, red relic for that u need 2 red shards. now im going to have to pay 20k for the power cube thing to disassemble the cube ive made- to get my 3 shards back and go loot the 2nd red shard.
  3. aah, that explains it - ty very much I assumed like all the other datacrons - u only looted then once and they became permanent items in ur missions inv. now ive made a lev 15 usng 3 separate colours - those 3 cubes have gone So can I re-loot the colour datacrons again ? or are there others.
  4. Ive got all 4 colour shards, Im trying to make a yrr relic but every time I input those 3 colours, i get the message "You dont have the right combination of shards" Ive then tried most of the combos listed on the net, but nothing works at all. Is this a bug ? I have all 4 colours but cant make any relic of any combination. [EDIT] im level 43 so was trying to make lev32 shards 0- none work but it let me make a lev 15 shard - which is totally useless to me..... wots up with the lev 32 combos ?
  5. i think its just based on ur faction, if ur dark u get dark jaesa, if ur light, u get light jaesa. as you've proved if ur neutral - u get to choose. i was dark, killed her parents but let Nomen karr live, and I got dark jeasa. Id like to know, now you have dark jaesa, are you going light side to see wot happens with her ?
  6. just wanted to add, that you can get an easy 300 CP for vette just by running Black Talon solo. i got vette to 9k affection by lv 30 just doing that - didnt give her one gift. (obviously you have to know the right convo answers, the 300cp also includes 200 DS) Also I read that you can corrupt vette by not removing the shock collar, I think she asks you 4 or 5 times to remove it, if you dont, you finally get a quest that makes her a Slave forever, from then she likes your dark side choices. (I havnt done it myself tho) but i believe you then dont get any more quests from her at all - personally it seems silly to close off those quests just to hear her say "die scum" and for a few DS pts - which you can get anyway. I would like to know if you can recruit Dark Side Jaesa, then go Light Side what happens then ? Does she come for you when she's "sensing" light side sith ?
  7. thats how old the mail is, not how long it has left.......
  8. 1080 1080 1080 ppl blah this around and they dont even know wot the F it is. its the part of the screen res for EG 1900 x 1080 (16:9) its the number of pixels u get, playing with ONLY 1080 horizontal pixels on a 40 inch screen is crap YES, there is a difference between a monitor and a TV. They have to spread the same number of pixels over a larger area making the pic look crap (unless they have an upscaler) a 30 inch monitor running at 2560 x 1600 pixels is going to give a much better picture then a 40inch screen running only 1900 x 1080 pixels. go play on a big *** TV if you want lots of space between ur pixles.
  9. aah, thanks for the info, lets hope they fix it soon.
  10. You say theres one for each level ? Ive only got one for 3 and 4. ill ticket it to see if i get any kind of response, not holding my breath tho.
  11. Ive just got Dark Side V ie 10k dark side points and 0 LS. When this happened I got a title achievement saying Id reached Dark side IV ? but nothing for V Is this a bug ? Ive since earned more DS points which hasnt made a difference to my 10k dark and 0 Light as this is the max. So ive got the title "Loathesome" for Dark Side 4. Is there one for V ? If this matters im a lev35 Sith marauder. Also Im not sure if the sith corruption graphic on my toons face changed either. I was expecting more corruption on reaching the max level, but as far as I can see nothing changed ? bug ? thanks
  12. Exactly, it has to be cross server or theres no point. Its supposed to shorten the time getting a group, if its just your server it would take just as long as spamming the chat box plus those servers that have severe faction imbalance would not benefit.
  13. haha i lol'd so much at " I'm Full Epic " best laugh of the weekend the thing is u really really believe you are, i know... get it tatooed on ur a s s then walk down the steet butt naked so we can all laugh at you.
  14. swtor is still new, so theres loads of players leveling, so lfg in gen chat is mainly easy. wait a couple of years when theres less ppl leveling, then youll be crying out for a way to do flashpoints quickly instead of struggling to find a grp. (for leveling alts i mean) b4 lfd in wow, it was quite a chore to find the people on the same quests/same dungeons. and that was just for my main. now with lfd, its easy to get a grp, the biggest bonus is that its easy for all your alts to get a raid, b4 lfr only my main raided reguarly now all my alts can raid anytime i want. as for socialising, i get enough socialising with my guild. as i said earlier, gen chat is still full of lfgs anyway, so ppl are still meeting new ppl on their own servers.
  15. how exactly, you havent said how it destroys ?
  16. Wow may have LFD/LFR but the chat box is still always full of ppl LFG so it hasnt affected it that much. plus as others have said, spamming LFG msgs doesnt make u new best friends. Just think tho, if you had LFD then you could leave the general box free of LFGs, then you could socialise in g chat without annoying LFGs appearing, to sensible for you ? carry on spamming gen chat with lfg then.
  17. Playing on the EU servers since EA, and average queue spot in the 400s Theres 20 english PVE servers on the EU side on the US side theres 70 PVE servers give EU more I hope you are implementing Char server Transfers soon, cos Ive started 5 on Frostclaw and its choked already. incidentally, WOW had exactly the same problem in the beginning, i remember server queues of 300.
  18. should have ordered from game.co.uk, got my CE hours ago
  19. most people ? i got my Game.co.uk email on the 21st july and it has the pre-order code in it!
  20. well i pre-ordered on the 21 july and entered my code that day, I have no email but wait, Im from the EU so i get shafted. oh and its only 5.29pm so no we arent f-ing sleeping.
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