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Everything posted by Bluerodian

  1. It can, but reaching out beyond that small core of people generally doesn't happen. Most players are likely singular players. None of their friends or relatives play (At least that has been my experience). It seems to me, and this is just my observations so your mileage may vary, what we have in TOR isn't a community. It's a mob of individuals looking out for their own ends and no one else's. Occasionally they'll group in to stand-offish cliques creating this mini quasi-communities, but the result is still the same. An unfocused mob of individuals.
  2. It's not just you. The problem is that MMOs in the modern era have rendered the concept of community obsolete. Their very structure is such that people have little incentive to interact in any meaningful manner. There's simply no interdependency between players, and even group content can either be soloed at a later time or skipped altogether with little repercussions. In TOR, it's a bit worse. The interaction with the story itself (The biggest drawing point that Bioware touts) is a singular experience to the point that other players all but vanish when you are engaged in dialog. This even further pushes people apart and creates the "single-player" experience. It's not easily fixed without causing hurt to the bottom line.
  3. Actually, while it might have come across as sarcastic, I was being quite serious. The general population of MMOs these days are the loudest, softest, pansy-est creatures to walk the earth. In WoW, the best the had for a Death Penalty was durability damage to equipment and maybe a little bit of downtime. I always thought they should use that as a mechanic in a raid. Say one encounter involving an old AD&D staple of Rust Monsters. The encounter would be one boss that hits like a mac truck and six rust monsters that hit like pillows but do 40-50 times the normal amount of durability damage to gear, not to mention they have an obscene amount of health. All creatures are immune to CC and the Rust Monsters would be very fickle about who they attack and would dart from raid member to raid member on a whim. Throw in the usual environmental hazards and obscure tasks to complete and you have something that would be hair-pullingly frustrating to complete. So the encounter would be a DPS race to beat the boss before the entire raid's equipment breaks, making failure very very expensive and would also ensure that it absolutely cannot be farmed regardless of gear level of the raid.
  4. They just need to ramp the Raid difficulty up to a level of brutality unheard of in MMOs before, even beyond what EQ did. If people complain, just tell them "Well you have content, go do it!"
  5. I like you, let's be friends but you better stay WAY over there away from me.
  6. Not really. Storm Troopers are supposed to just stand there silently and look menacing most times. It would be easy to just grab the janitor, grab some of the other actors, grab some bum off the street and offer him a cheeseburger. All they have to do is stand there in white armor and don't say a thing.
  7. The actor for Anakin was fine. I would have fired the writers, though.
  8. I prefer empty servers. The fewer people I have to cross paths with, the happier I am.
  9. Chiss Jedi Knight. A smarmy, sarcastic, freaky blue Jedi Knight.
  10. It boils down to the gameplay. When you strip off the story and look at everything left, you get a fairly mediocre and formula MMO. I'm guessing people, myself included, would have liked to have the story tacked on to something that's actually a new sort of experience in how a game is played, instead of the tried and true tired formula. Story only goes so far.
  11. I don't like PVP. I never have, so I don't want to deal with PVP. If you like more power to you, but it's not my thing. One thing I don't want is to have to re-learn all or some of my class because some change in PVP royally messed up my character. I've had to go through this way too often in other games and I'm more than a little sick of it.
  12. Better question would be how they would handle a xenomorph infestation on a highly populated planet. Or perhaps a visit from "The Thing." (Not the comic book character, the 1982 John Carpenter movie Thing).
  13. Probably, instead of trying to get people on low pop servers to move to high pop servers, they would do the opposite to try to thin out the population of the higher pop servers first. More people to play with on lower pop servers, less lag for players on higher pop servers, so it works out. There just needs to be a good enough carrot to entice people to move.
  14. It's success is precisely why it damaged the industry. Now almost every Joe Schmuck MMO developer since has been trying to copy the "magic formula" and it's horribly stifled any further innovation within the industry.
  15. I don't think they are expecting the content, but rather the features. Personally, I despise WoW and the damage it's done to this industry.
  16. Launch is over. It's about the game now and out in the world compared to the others. Still, I've always been of the mind that you can't compare the launch of one MMO to another because they launch at different points in time. TOR was never competing with WoW at launch. From the moment it was conceived, it was competing with WoW now. The only way to accurately compare the launches of both to each other is if they both launched at relatively the same time.
  17. Another thing that's been around since ANH is defection. Han Solo, for instance, started life as an Imperial Navel officer before becoming a smuggler. They could have opted for the EQ2 approach. Start in one faction and through the course of play get the option to move to the other faction based on moral alignment. Never heard of a Jedi falling to the darkside and joining a galactic empire?
  18. Better solution to cross-server tools is to just take the Eve approach and put the entire population of the game on to a single server, separated by either PVE or PVP. If there's no cross server, there can be no cross server tools.
  19. Well it is their forums, after all. IB4L
  20. For the sake of least amount of work required, I think they'll probably stick to those that they can concievably body swap. The reason would be so that they can use the same gear without less of a hassle. Much easier to modify a helmet model than to create an entirely new set of armor or go in to the hassle of making custom gear for a specific species. After that would just the logistics of dealing with ones that don't normally speak basic.
  21. Probably. Their supposed fix would probably just load up this video on start-up.
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