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Everything posted by Bluerodian

  1. Gravity is an immutable law of the known universe. Rules against species are something someone puked out into a design document. Pretty clear difference there.
  2. You're right I can't change the rules, but when some goes throwing them around, especially Bioware, I simply say "so what? Change them." It's their rules and they can change them anytime they choose. Would it work? I have no delusions about whether it would or not, but I'm damn sure not just going to blindly accept it out of hand. Throw discourse and disagreement in their faces in hopes of spurring thought and change. And I'm done here. Time for sleep.
  3. You never seem to realize that I do not care what they say. Has that not sunken in? You keep right on fuming and pulling your hair out, though. Anyway, to put the discussion back on the rails. The OP wants Trandoshans. I think he should have them. Anyone else's feelings be damned.
  4. Yeah I don't care. It does not matter one bit to me about whether or not their bean-counters can sleep at night worrying about next years earnings report. I'm unsympathetic to faceless corporations because their game didn't give them the ROI that they wanted. I am not a charity. Insanity, however, is just blithely accepting the status quo without question. So why should I? Finally, on the subject of reusing art assets. New species are the best example of it. All of the mostly hominid species (Bothans, Rodians, Kel'dor, etc) use the same body shapes as the existing species. Furthermore the character meshes have already been built. They would still need tweaking and work to prep them for use in-game, but then again so did Togruta. Point is that they would not require near the same amount of effort as a from-scratch development. Their requirements are THEIR requirements. Like most things these are not set in stone and can be opened up. And for the record, I do computer programming professionally and have done 3D artwork as a hobby for many many years now. Hell I'd rip the models from the client and do the work for them if I thought they would use them.
  5. If people want something bad enough then they need to push for it. These requirements are not set in stone but people act like they are. Like you said you would want to play a Bothan but have effectively surrendered. I say keep on pushing. When bioware or someone else starts quoting requirements tell them to stuff it and\or tell them to change the requirements. Where Bioware is concerned the pressure has to be relentless
  6. Isn't just me apparently. I suspect, however, I am the only one that thinks the pixel romance is pointless and silly.
  7. How about saying that some people simply don't care about "requirements" and no doubt will continue to push for what they want. Would you prefer that? I know I don't care about the requirements. It really doesn't matter what is said to the contrary.
  8. I suspect Bioware chooses their player species by whether or not an overly hormonal teenager can rub one off to it. If not, no dice. Secondly how little work the can get away with implementing it. If more than a minimal effort, then no dice.
  9. Hilarity would be if the item to turn off 12x xp was only sold for 2400 cc's. I believe, however, that they are sticking a vendor on Fleet that sells a zero credit item to do the job.
  10. First of all Wut? Second of all there is a vendor in fleet that sells an item to turn 12x off.
  11. I would recommend that from here on out you keep your expectations low, and I do mean very low. That way you won't be disappointed anymore.
  12. A good engine is designed to be backwards compatible with older hardware while maintaining performance at lower graphic settings.
  13. There's a bit of difference between adding events to the time line and adding a whole other species. I would imagine adding species does have to go through some form of approval process with the mouse.
  14. A new game+ would be interesting. A way to replay the story with some additional challenges and rewards. MMOS are all about repetition to the point of nausea so it would make sense.
  15. Another thing that this thread has no considered, though, is that going forward it is more likely Bioware will stick to species in the official canon as opposed to the apocryphal ones in order to keep Disney happy. If so, then No Zeltrons or Falleen would show up.
  16. I doubt it would happen, but I do believe it would be good for the game. Taking all that they've learned from this one, correcting the fundamental flaws (Like the bone-headed decision to use an alpha build of Hero Engine...Seriously...Who was the mental midget that came up with that?), better Space combat, better character gen, better PVP, and building upon what they do well, then relaunching it as a sequel would be good if handed correctly. If they migrated characters and legacies directly from one game to the next then it would probably do well. Or it could be a completely bankrupting disaster... Either would be good for Bioware at this point. Now then would I play it? Eh. Maybe. I cannot say for sure one way or the other.
  17. Adding SLI support would probably require a rewrite of the rendering portion of the engine. I don't see Bioware expending anything but minimal effort in that area so don't hold your breath.
  18. Certainly adds no end of drama in the community. I've not seen this many popcorn drama threads in a while. The whole story part of it has become secondary.
  19. They were six years ago but that Bioware is gone. Now it's just EA wearing the corpse. At the end of the day it's all EA wearing a mask to look like Bioware, Maxis, etc. Some of these developers are still working for their respective companies but they can only do and say what EA allows them to.
  20. No so different that they couldn't still fit. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Devaronian?file=Devaronians.jpg
  21. I'm indifferent to either but concerning Chat bubbles if people want them they should keep pushing for them. If you don't like it then tough. Go to some other forum.
  22. The point is that EA lies. So anything they say, regardless of context, should be taken with a grain of salt.
  23. They got caught in one lie concerning SimCity. Who's to say they won't lie about SWTOR?
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