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Everything posted by Idunhavaname

  1. Dantooine. This planet could also include character Aryn Leneer and Zeerid for those who read the Decieved book.
  2. So far yes. We've only recieved the typical "LOOK NEW RAID AND DAILIES". When they made a nice post about story continuing I was led to believe that a new class story would be avalaible but instead all we got are Corellia dailies.
  3. I honestly just do it because I can. If they buff me back, thats great but I don't feel good or generous about myself from buffing anyone I see. Heck i've even thrown random heals to those about to die alot and have only recieved 2 "thank you".
  4. Belsavis. I've rolled 2 alts and quit when they hit Belsavis. I can't endure another hour of that planet.
  5. I dance around because it's a habbit from WoW. Not necessary but hey it's fun.
  6. All of the above but Heroic Flashpoints and Flashpoints should be priority first. Then Operations and finally Heroic/Regular/Class Missions.
  7. It looks nice but it really hurts my eyes. I can barely spend 5 minutes on this website without getting a headache.
  8. I agree. The layout is nice but it's giving me a headache.
  9. I would have to agree with this post and this is coming from a Republic player. The main reason why I hated the Sith Empire were because of the psychopath emperor and constant backstabbing. For some reason, I don't see those problems in Malgus Empire. Think about it, remove all the down syndrome sith (basically 98% of the sith population)who would kill anyone in sight, ensure you're working together for the benefit of the empire and you almost have an unstopable force. Only reason why Sith keeps and will keep losing war is because of their arrogance and incompetence... (that and because George Lucas likes good guys)
  10. DAILIESSSSSS. Hate them as much as you want but it's your answer. You get about 200k for doing all the dailies in Ilum,Corellia, and Belsavis along with Daily Commendations. For gears, purchase purple mods from Daily Commendation vendors and do Eternity Vault normal.
  11. If I come out alive with all my body parts intact? Wookie in a heartbeat. If not, ewoks.
  12. Yeah it's annoying. Dark side choices on Empire is (or at least 90% of the time) idiotic where it would just harm the empire even more. It's actually the same on Republic but with Light Side but at least the Dark Side option on Rep is tactically a good choice.
  13. I actually like it if you're female. I cried from laughter the moment I saw how it looks on male though.
  14. Yeah. I've only been able to cast Deliverance when theres literally no enemies around me and im LOS behind a pillar. It's so dissapointing to see healing turn from fun to stressful.
  15. Thats what I did. I leveled with Kira for only conversations but I will tell you right now that you will eventually need Doc/Scourge and T7.
  16. The PvE armor for consular actually looks really nice if you're female.
  17. I spent a good amount of money and time buying stuff from players on imperial side, using Nar Shaddaa GTN to send it to my Republic character for armor that would fit Lord Scourge so he would still maintain his Sith Lord look only to be dissapointed. Thank you BioWare.
  18. It's better than being called "my lord" all the time.
  19. You know almost everything Kira says makes me think. "If you combine Hoth and Tatooine together, would it make a decent planet with nice weather" I highly doubt it but the determining factor would probably be the location of the planet.
  20. There is another Cantina for Coruscant that is MUCH bigger on the Old Market District or whatever it's called. As for the land strips, I actually like having them seperated. Gives the idea that Coruscant is so massive that theres really no way you can get around by just foot.
  21. Only reason why enrage timers exist is so a group can't just stack healers and tanks with very few DPS. I honestly prefer soft enrage timers opposed to a hard enrage such as "Boss gains additional damage per minute" or "Adds spawns will eventually overwhelm". It still requires DPS but gives the group more options on group makeup.
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