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Everything posted by Idunhavaname

  1. No more esh-ka fighting... please.... Anyway to contribute something. I like the idea of events that happens at a specific time. I don't know about other players but I always get excited when Darkmoon Faire and Fishing Tournament comes. I think SWTOR worlds would benefit well from these small events that occurs once or twice per month, An example I can think of would be in Nar Shaddaa casinos with mini games (when they do implement mini-games). Its so frustarating to see those pazaak tables and not play them .
  2. I actually meant to say Preferred as well instead of F2P. My fault. But my point still stands. The arguements againts increasing or removing credit cap is valid and arguable. Adding a method that will allow Preferred players to incerase the credit cap as they spend time in endgame means credit farmers will have to spend as much time as an average player to go above the cap (enough for them to purchase unlocks without spending Cartel Coins).
  3. Imo the credit cap should stay but let F2P playres increase the cap by simply playing the endgame. For example, finishing your story, ops run, FPs, reaching X valor rank may increase your cap by 50,000 credits. This way credit farmers will have to really work to get past the cap instead of just rolling alts and leveling it to 10.
  4. Game : 7/10 Story is one of the best in MMORPG. Unfortunately, that can't be said for other things. Endgame, PvP, even world enviroment is terrible. If you play this game for endgame then you will be dissapointed. F2P : 7/10 Could have been worse. Could have been much better. It was however sucessful at bringing in more players. Thanks to F2P we no have 300-400 players on fleet and starting areas and theres always someone willing to do heroics.
  5. I love my WoW paladin figurine I purchased last year so yes I will 100% purchase it. They will have to release a JK hood down armor first though.
  6. Nice... and I purchased Account Quickslots and Hide Headslot for a friend just last week. I really hope I get a refund.
  7. I second this. Im in love with her accent.
  8. Trooper story is basically Mass Effect 2. If you enjoy ME2 then im sure you'll enjoy Trooper.
  9. Make Coruscant/Dromund Kaas a secondary social hub. PLEASE I beg you do this. One of the biggest turn off for me in this game are the copy and paste fleet. Create a new area in Coruscant and Dromund Kaas with all the stuff the fleet have and allow acess to Fleet general chat as well. Not only will this reduce lag within the fleet it will also give us reasons to stay in these amazing planets you worked hard to design. Second, let companions ride mounts. Its a shame that we miss alot of open world dialogues from our companions when were mounted. If not possible then at least let us still hear the dialogues regardless if were mounted or not when we enter the triggered area.
  10. I retract most of the bad things I've said about you BioWare <3
  11. Like have a contest every month or two? I like that idea. Modding community have proven time and time again that they are more creative at making than makers themselves (looks at Skyrim and SC2 map- Cloud Kingdom).
  12. New! I came to this game for KOTOR experience. If I wanted to just raid and PvP, I would play WoW/Rift.
  13. I say 1000 or $10 worth would be reasonable. Should be account wide though imo rather than server specific.
  14. If you want to be sure just purchase them now and use them later when your account goes F2P. I for example am buying all the unlocks (quickslots,hide headslot,Unify, titles etc) with credits and coins for when my account goes F2P.
  15. People who say "WoW specs have been dumbed down" have no understanding of how the old specs worked. Cookie tree cutter spec was never difficult and always ends up having a common. Most of the time you'll have 5 remaining skill points which you can spend on whatever the heck you want and even those 5 would end up being spent the same way.
  16. People will play it if it makes crap ton of money.
  17. Im going to add emphasis on the "POSSIBLE" and the "If I wanted to I could have moved it to second bar". You claimed that you NEED (as in we NEED waster to survive as a living thing) and im saying it is POSSIBLE. We all know the F2P restricions will not change simply because its EA but it might for prefered. I don't like the idea of limiting UIs and think it should be removed but we need to be on a realistic scale even for money hungry EA. If we just say "ALL OF THIS SHOULD BE FREE EVEN FOR FREE PLAYERS" I can bet you someone in the top floor of the EA building will start laughing. And yes I do agree with the things you said that the frame for subscribers should be for interesting content instead of freeing yourself from restrictions.
  18. Challenge accepted and completed as Gunslinger! (unless you add stance bar as a quickbar).Only annoying part is you literally lose your first bar if you enter cover so you'll have to do alot of abilities readjustments. Granted I actually did use 3 quickbars but 3rd one only had transport ,mounts, and some cooldowns (could have moved CDs to Bar 2). I also play a Jedi Guardian and I can tell you theres ALOT more buttons you need to push and IF you really try, you can actually reduce the quickbars you use from 3-4 to just 2. It will be alot more uncomfortable of course but it's not impossible.
  19. Real men play in first person mode, without keybinds, and RP walk.
  20. That will make world way too empty (and its already empty as it is). However I think we need something that will let us level from only Class Missions and Planet Story missions. So you'll still be doing the normal quest on planet but it will only be the main planet story without the random 30 mins + of side quest.
  21. Im a subscriber so I have no idea what all the restrictions are but I say it should be... Quickbars: 2 for F2P. 3 For prefered. Character Slots: 2 for F2P. 4 for prefered (purchasable from Cartel if you really want the money EA) Field revival droid: Same for F2P. Remove it for prefered. This one still boggles my mind. Flashpoints/Warzone/Space Missions: Same for F2P. Increase to 5 per week. Hide Head Slot: According to my friends this was also restricted. I say remove it for both F2P and Prefered because restricting this is just stupid. Give experience boost to subscribers for additional incentives (added this because im getting lazy from leveling alts. Even with 25% experience boost) I think this way will make prefered a viable way of enjoying 1-50 content withotu taking too much from subscribers.
  22. I would so pay $15 a month for a WHOLE YEAR if they made a JTL xpac.
  23. You can pretty much solo it with healing companion. Trash could be a problem but majority of them can be skipped. Just run through and die.
  24. Once you hit 50, you can... 1. Grind dailies so you can do HM FPs. Grind HM FPs so you can do ops. Grind Ops so you can do HM Ops. Grind HM Ops so you can do Nightmare Ops. 2. Grind WZs commendation so you can get Battlemaster gear. Grind ranked WZs so you can get War Hero gear. 3. Reroll. 4. Wait until next story patch comes out. (like HK-51 and Makeb)
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