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Everything posted by Manigma

  1. You can't really compare TF2 though as all the unlocks only give a slight advantage if any - you can pwnface from the very start. In this game there are stat ramps that of course you will want to get to be as strong as possible. It is not about players being brainwashed it is how the game is designed, we are playing to the design of the game we can't magically remove stats from the better gear.
  2. If it's Huttball 6 Sorcerors and 2 Assassin - there it's won.
  3. Wut? is that true?? I thought it applied the DoT as long as the buff was active, that really sucks.
  4. I have found the hardest to beat are Shadows/Assassins and Powertechs/Vanguard any other class I can deal with if they are well geared, it will be a very close fight with some classes (Sentinal for example). Sage's are a pain if they are a certain spec they can kite and heal and you pretty much won't kill them alone if they know what they are doing.
  5. I use Dark Energy Surge it does Internal not Kinetic therefore it is not mitigated.
  6. Actually that is a reason I don't want to play Republic! I love huttball and hate the other 2 warzones.
  7. So what if I'd rather change the race of my main? I'd rather not have to create a new character entirely and grind all the gear and levels just to change that race. Can't we be rewarded choice on existing characters if we have levelled other ones to 50.
  8. Seriously? Do you have a link where it says that?
  9. If you mean Champ Gear tokens it was much much worse before the change where you only got 3 centurion comms or 1 cent. comm and a piece of gear if you were really lucky - not to mention you could get tons of duplicates of one item. Getting champ commendations in champ bags is much better (and faster) system of gearing up.
  10. What do you mean badly positioning ourselves? Done EV and Karragga and we were in the same position as other melee either behind or to side of boss, except the council where it is 1 v 1 and we can't use attacks from behind, but that is the only problem.
  11. Well I have lvl 50 of both and have pvp with both extensively, I more often have resource problems with my Assassin than my Operative. Assassin need more keybinds to be successful as well. I agree they are more powerful out of stealth and better for objectives but that isn't related to how easy or hard they are to play.
  12. Yeah 9 bags is really nothing, you shouldn't complain.
  13. Grind is being removed with every patch, which is good imo, there is hardly any grind for PVE, PVP takes much longer to get the top gear but they are heading in the right direction.
  14. me too, it looks fantastic but just plays like monster hunter, bit too basic combat for mmo.
  15. Hi im BM valor 66 I levelled the slow way, I approve of this change because the grind was too much for a lot of people, it was just a huge sense of relief when reaching BM, now others don't have to go through the **** I did. Good change.
  16. Why people apply Acid Blade twice? Mine easily lasts through a whole rotation.
  17. I think Concealment has excellent dps you just have to get your rotation right, the backstabs will be the meat of your damage and with the 2-set bonus you can easily pull 3k+ crits every hit corrosive dart sets up a nice dot - with +10% dmg to shiv you get some nice damage in between your other abilities. Never really had trouble getting behind enemies or to the side for backstabs of course as it stands ranged are flat out better due to the boss mechanics.
  18. TAs are easy to juggle Marauders and Assassins are harder to play (Assassins have some annoying procs to watch for same as Marauders). Assassins also run out of resource faster than Operatives do for dps build.
  19. 8 aoe knockbacks is hell for melee, just chain knockback or alternate knockbacks and it's a win for the sages
  20. You can't dictate what other players do, you can make a suggestion, but if they don't follow it you have to adjust and just do what you can to win.
  21. here is tip, ranged are better re-roll if you are not ranged.
  22. Not by Bioware's standards, they seem to be able to make decisions on classes from days of data.
  23. We are talking about lowbies with almost no gear - your talk of full champion geared players isn't relevant and in fact strengthens my argument that gear matters more - as full champion gear is almost the best you can get.
  24. Gear makes more of a difference than player skill, you should know this if you have spent any time in lvl 50 warzones signed Valor 65
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