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Everything posted by Deamandred

  1. I agree with another poster. with the expansion coming out next month the game is on an upswing. As far as the people claiming the game is dying or going to be shutdown. I think i can make a fairly accurate prediction. in 2013 EA received a ten year exclusive contract for star wars games. So barring that contract being renewed this game has until sometime in 2023.
  2. this entire thread comes down to each fans personal opinion. As long as star wars exists this argument will continue.
  3. Very True, except for Equality is a lie. A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow – those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence. Equality is a perversion of the natural order!… It binds the strong to the weak. They become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.” ~Darth Bane. And The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want, and the weak suffer at their hands. That is their fate; it is inevitable. Whether you like it or not, in real life, they are oh so true You gotta love Bane.
  4. I will agree with the other poster speak for yourself, don't claim to speak for 80 other people. Now your post in short.. I am no longer enjoying this game. So I am unsubbing and headed elsewhere. Good luck to you in your future gaming endeavors.
  5. Please post your proof. Obviously you have access to inside information. Please post and back up your claims.
  6. While it may be amusing to come here and complain. The above is absolutely true. try the changes, provide feedback and lets help find a balance. if your going to keep on 4.0 levels or nothing, then it might be for the best if you move on to another game experience.
  7. Then we wish you well as you move on to your next grindy game. /Bye
  8. Just replace voting greed with voting need, best way to solve the problem. make it clear from the start that everyone should vote need. best way to inconvenience and eliminate ninja looting. Problem solved I would even go as far to say that ninja looters would be the first to complain or leave the group.
  9. Either way, I'm just saying there is a market. Whether by buffing a existing companion or creating a heroic one. as long as their is limitations especially with regards to PvP. The opportunity is there to meet a specific customers bases "wants" and make a crap ton of money in the process. You notice i didn't suggest they be cheap.
  10. Agreed. You know i said this before. There is a market for 4.0 style companions. So develop the Heroic companion, Throw it on the cartel market, say 5,500 cc. with the following limitations 1. not allowed to be used in PvP 2 not allowed to be used in anything above a heroic 2. Personally I think they would sell enough to pay for the next expansion:) Everyone is happy, those that want them can buy them. Those who do not, will not.
  11. Remember Folks There is an entire generation of gamers, who grew up under the everyone gets a gold star education system.
  12. Now get your guild together and I am seeing a new drinking game in the making here, hell it might even become competitive. Of course the Imperials would dominate the field. Takes a lot of booze to forget all that anger and hate, peace comes through alcohol induced blackouts.
  13. Stop Crying. Read the post. have gotten together with the Design Leads and we have re-discussed our goals for combat and content difficulty. We want players to enjoy [Heroic 2]s and level up their Alliance. You can find the exact changes coming in tomorrow’s patch, below. And I assure you, we will continue to carefully watch how content is being enjoyed and adapt as necessary. They could very well have done nothing and left it be until after the holidays.
  14. Show me the numbers to back that up. absolutely no way did NGE SWG have more subs than pre-NGE towards the end. Subs increasing after the NGE, not hard to do since 90% of the subs quit on NGE launch day. not hard to increase from that. Sorry bud but i played all era's of the game and on multiple servers. NGE pop never surpassed pre-nge pop unless your talking the last few weeks of the game.
  15. Deamandred

    Swg 2.0

    a knock off wouldn't be entirely difficult, call it cosmic wars
  16. you don't need all these new servers blah blah 1. People want thier 4.0 companions give it to them. make a set of them put them on the cartel market and let people buy them. 5000 cc each 2. Now use of one for levelling purposes you earn 1/5 the xp that someone using a non OP companion would get. Cannot be used in OPs, FP or PvP. you get the idea Problem solved everyone happy
  17. Tsk Tsk Zanya this is Star Wars not Babylon 5 Sorry couldn't resist, first thing that came to mind when i read that.
  18. Another B8 thread. 4.0 is gone, time to move forward, not keep stoking the fires.
  19. Eric has a poll eliciting feedback on the current state of companions. If you have actually played since the patch, and have an opinion either way. submit your feedback and lets wait and see what is decided. as of right now what's done is done. submit your feedback, wait and see if there is a change. aside from that you can unsub rage/quit. 4.0 Level companions are gone, they are not coming back at that level. Time to get over it and move forward. I don't foresee 4.02 staying as they are either. I see a balancing in the middle of the two. The entertainment value of the Rage/bait fest is wearing thin, time to move on, Move forward.
  20. Never stated that a nerf was not needed. I totally agree that a moderate toning down was in fact necessary. I think the sweet spot was smack dab in the middle of what was and what we got. but damm come on all this could have been avoided with 2 or 3 weeks of testing or some beta testing before 4.0 went live. While i do find alot of these threads entertaining. anyone with an ounce of sense can see it all could have and should have been avoided. you are right also had 4.02 been 4.0 this would have worked out better. its always better to add slight improvements to a product than to downgrade one. upgrade promote customer satisfaction, downgrades dissatisfaction. exactly as we have seen the last few days.
  21. Once again it all comes down to implementation. Proper beta testing could have prevented the companions from going live at the level they were. They failed there, let them go live and THE OP Companions were responsible for the majority of people returning and spending money here again. The Patch, Poor implementation 2.0, should have been put on the test center. we all knew a moderate nerf was needed. By the way in the end the only changes that matter are those that effect the bottom line. what you want or I want doesn't matter. IF BW wants to leave the changes as is and can accept a certain loss so be it. If the accountants in charge feel different there will be change. Money talks, bulls**it walks.
  22. Interesting comment. Your game, are you saying you have more rights here than the Non-elitists. Technically the casuals make up a larger paying majority than the elitists. You want to see this game here next year or the year after, do the math. The problem here is not elitists or casuals. it was piss poor implementation of the patch. most people on both sides can agree that a toning down of the companions was needed. A moderate toning down that should have first been applied to the test server. So that we could spend a few weeks testing it out. providing feedback that would have included other companion AI issues. In the end getting a patch that made sense addressed more issues and that all sides could live with. Instead we were sold a bill of goods that got a ton of people to resub only to receive a base delta zero nerf a month later. Let me ask you something, although in this context only a New Yorker would get it. If you paid for a Juniors cheese cake would you quietly accept Sara Lee. Because that is essentially the difference between 4.0 companions and 4.02 companions. people feel cheated and justifiably so
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