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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. On Tarro Blood I've had the weekly to win 9 warzones for over a month. Empire is so grossly over populated on the server they're either in BM/War Hero or being carried by the 4-5 who are. Republic has 5 people on it's whole side who have WH gear that I ever see play. So if that tells you anything right there...
  2. The damage boost provided by expertise is directly and exactly countered by the dmg reduction given by expertise. (you seem to have forgotten about the defensive side of expertise )


    The healing part is a bonus.



    On topic. Adrenals and & relics change will make killing players take a couple of seconds longer, but the change is just a band aid, they don't fix the difference in power between classes.


    Expertise defensive % is less than offensive %. Has been since 1.2. With that, the severe increase in expertise numbers, War Hero having an even more ludicrous amount of expertise, and a healing nerf TTK went from a good solid fight that was fun, to "LoLstundie" for anyone not in full BM. The removal of biochem items and trinket procs from WZs is just a way to not have to back out on a previous choice, however with tank nerfs and the adrenals altered I give it to 1.5 before they cut expertise by about 1/3rd or more at the risk of the system tilting too far towards "gear is all" versus "skill is required".

  3. Pretty much this. As a 1v1 spec, I'd put Vig in between Watchman and Combat, with it closer towards Watchman. There isn't much that a well-played Vig Guardian should fear on the battlefield.


    AOEs. I'd honestly replace Narrowed Focus with an AOE damage reduction talent while in Shien form. That would give us more survivability for darn near every boss fight in the game. Other than that? Maybe adjust the dots a little. Push the top time limit on Plasma Brand to 9 seconds, increase the damage on the other dots base damage and length to 9 seconds and let us keep up 3 decently strong dots and that'd be perfection for Vig DPS. I could hope for other stuff, but that would make me incredibly happy.

  4. Can't wait to see the crying on the 8 man premades needed to do Ranked WZ's with...


    Can't wait for the Expertise alterations that will come after this. The QQ will be plentiful. Because adding dropping subs, server imbalances, and the need for 8-man premades with some servers who cant manage that at peak, much less them have anything above recruit gear? I give it to 1.5 tops before expertise gets neutered.

  5. With that said, I *would* like to see BioWare putting out content that is balanced more tightly with respect to tanking. I don't think they can do it now, because of the ongoing cross-balance issues with tanks, but I feel like they're getting closer. Despite (because of?) the nerfs to shadows, it looks to me like the three tank classes are closer together now than they ever have been before. Vanguards are ahead on the guaranteed mitigation, and guardians are still behind in statistical mitigation, but at least shadows are no longer ahead in *both* categories.


    Honestly I'll ride this out for now, but I really want to parse a fight before and after and see how large the hit is before I spout doom and gloom. I will go on record saying that I am worried about the armor reduction. Because in AOE situations when your ward falls you live on armor and defenses. And with armor nerfed decently, it's going to make me clench. I admit. Lord I hope they don't make me tank Sorno either. That rapid fire if no one can kick eats everything.

  6. Not only that, Tanking Guardians in low level PvP where expertise doesn't exist are monsters. They have the survivability and generally get support from healers because they know putting a pocket heal on a tank means they can wreak unholy havoc on the other side. However at your level you have some of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Force Camo and Guarded by the Force are amazing. If you're Watchman spec then combine Guarded by the Force when you're low, pop Zen, and dot up a target. You regain a lot of HP really fast. Also in Huttball that GbtF cooldown is great for that last stretch of carrying the ball to the goal line when a healer is having issues keeping you on your feet.


    Both are viable, both are fun (I have both) and all I can say is that once you read level 50 PvP Sentinel shines with less gear than a Guardian simply because of it's core abilities. However once fully and painfully geared a Guardian can wreck a whole team's plan with 1 DPS healing them and enough run room to get off a few leaps. So really it's a choice of flavor, but trying both doesn't hurt. I certainly don't regret it.

  7. To be blunt about it, there is no point trying to play a DPS guardian. Re-spec and learn to play a tank.


    Ah. So the fact I'm less than 200 DPS behind a Sentinel and can pull off an emergency tank for a battle rez on our of our ops tanks has no point? Sorry, pal. Vig is still good, Sentinel is still better in DPS, but Guardian is much better in PvP once geared and played well. Because you can get close to a Sentinel, and have enough protection just from taunts to make some Kinetic Shadows wonder what they did wrong.

  8. Right. And as I said: the addition of the interrupt just seems like an over-the-top gratuity.


    That's your issue. Balance. The interrupt on a charge 1 time out of 15 seconds (Non Watchmen) that only lasts the GCD is equal to the capacity of 1 stun per minute. A skill only the tanking trees have. In fact their force leap stuns, they don't channel choke, and they can stun AFTER leaping to, pushing, re-leaping to, and then doing about a damage rotation. If you removed the baseline interrupt Knights/Warriors would get a stun to compensate. Not for PvP, but for PvE, and this game doesn't separate it's skills.


    So the old adage of being careful what you wish for applies here.

  9. We were told we would get a hood toggle on the next update after 1.2. I HATE playing my Knight with the hood up. Love the character, but there is nothing iconic about an entire monastic order of sword slinging mystics who use a whole cup of starch just on their hood. Guess I'll just be switching to trooper armor again. I did, after all, actually pick hair in the character creation screen and I'd like to be able to see it.
  10. I'm pretty sure you're just bad.......


    And on top of that, after playing (and even losing) those 20 or so games you should have a couple of pieces of BM.


    When I was in full recruit on my reroll, I won more than I lost and it only took me 3 days to get full BM. Guard nodes and call out more effectively, spec yourself utility instead of focusing on kills and such....there are a ton of ways to become more effective at that level.




    All I do is guard nodes, but between all those games I've gotten BM bracers and an implant because I average 60-70 coms a game. If it's voidstar it's simply delay them touching the door. AOE taunts, of course, every cooldown and AWE if more than 3 people are around me. And sadly, PvP is fun before 50. At 50 it's all about getting more Expertise so you survive and possibly win... that's not fun. These are the same games I loved pre-50. The only thing that changed is 1 stat. And I don't even want expertise completely removed. I just want a non-expertise bracket so I can play for fun, not because I HAVE to have X gear just to have a good time.

  11. The really sad thing to this post, is that I loved PvP in this game up until 50. And by loved, I mean I was so happy with this game's PvP system I was gushing to my friends about how good it was. And I mean friends who don't play. So When the 1-50 were still in the same WZs I was cool, till Expertise raised it's ugly head. It wasn't about skill or teamwork, it was about "LoLzorz! I gotz majik stat!" and just like the depressingly dumb PvP from WoW. Once my main hit 50, I stopped playing.


    After I had such an awesome time with it on my alts for a while, I decided to give it a try on my main. The weekly quest requires you win 9 Warzones in a week. Which seems ok. But as a Republic character in full Recruit gear I litterally still die faster than mobs I fight in lower level flashpoints. After 3 days of doing my daily to do 6 (and most of the time I go to 10+) WZs a day I have won exactly 1 time. When I first got the quest 3 weeks ago I played about a dozen or so WZs then. I won none of them.


    So because of this I suggest that when you do PvP cross-server, you implement a no-expertise bracket. A "Your expertise is reduced to 0 no matter what" bracket. Then you may see more PvP from the casual friendlies. You can casually do Story Mode, but PvP is go hardcore or go home? No thanks.

  12. You stay within 10m of him until you kill him so that he cant use his leap anymore.


    That would put you inside the AOE slow ability. Which wouldn't let you kite. And most of the time I will guardian leap a friendly, then leap back on their head to start the rotation again. Of course bads will screw it up, so if it works then laugh, if not... well you were warned.

  13. I'd accept if the talent made them immune to KB / interrupt but not STUNS for christ.


    Well MS cant be interrupted now. The anti-stun is 4 seconds out of 15. And you have to be at least 15 meters away. The only time this talent is broken as all holy bullocks is when the entire team charges the bridge in voidstar, you leap into the middle, pop Awe to AOE stun everyone, push someone off the edge, and Guardian leap out. You're vulnerable to having something done to you for .5 seconds. But knee-jerk is to push off the bridge right at the get-go and no one has a counter after the Awe or the repeated leap out to the guy you missed with Awe.


    Other than that it just makes you play smarter as both a Guardian and another class. I know I'm god for 4 seconds, but is it worth leaping in? Baddies will leap in.

  14. Three second root starts from the leap. Meaning that it's a 1.5 second root because of the GCD. If he moves, it cancels. You just walk out of the way. You may eat 2, but to eat all three...only if you suck.


    Also, the same applies to Unremitting. It lasts 4 seconds from the leap. Meaning....meh, it's only really effective for 3 seconds.


    Sorry man, you are crying over your inability play.


    Cant walk out of the way fast enough without a speed/leap. The last tick will finish up to 10-15 meters if he's facing you or not. Well out of initial strike range. It was a nice little stealth buff to keep people from just side stepping the damage. With stagger on you will eat it all. And God help you if they hit you with an overhand slash or plasma brand afterwards and reset the cooldown on MS. Push, leap, repeat. So no, he's playing right. You're just a gear-dependent PvPer.

  15. I don't think stealth should be used to balance DPS, especially since moves like Wither catches stealth rather easily. Let's say Hidden Strike just becomes "Debiliate only usable in stelath", then you obviously would add a bit more DPS to the normal moves (probably tack them on to Backstab) to ensure the total burst DPS is still roughly the same. It won't be easy to balance but there's nothing inherently impossible about that. After all Assassins can burst fine and don't have any move that does more damage as a function of being in stealth.


    Of course, but they PvE damage output is very low-end. Because if they gave them more damage they'd burst someone's head off their shoulders. Too few strikes, too much damage to even out among them. I worry that IA would get that same kick in the shorts and pretty much wreck the whole class for both sides of the game. I think it was a small miracle that Guardians/Juggs were even remotely balanced and can do decent damage.

  16. I can't answer that without knowing your class, but I just Spike or Force Speed to get out of it.


    For most classes you'll end up slightly behind in CC/resolve (takes a pretty strong CC to get out of Master Strike with KB immunity) but it's still better than taking a full Master Strike.


    Unremitting makes you immune to everything for 4 seconds. No CCs, no Pushbacks, nothing. If they specced for stagger, you're going to stand there and pout for 3 whole seconds (enough time to eat the whole Master Strike) while they go to work. But considering that Guardians/Juggs have no stuns in that spec it's about the same as getting stunned and having a big opener dropped on you.

  17. I think it'd make more sense to make Hidden Strike a strong CC move instead of strong DPS move. It should behave like having an extra Debiliate to use while doing nominal damage.


    Entirely possible. I'm just worried about overall DPS if that move gets neutered. And then there's burst to consider because if you try to equal damage with less strikes it gets burstier, and burst is not BW's favorite thing. Or have you not noticed that Assassins keep getting the PvE shaft because they're right where BW wants them for PvP?

  18. Well isnt the point of pre 50 pvp to give you a taste of pvp and allow players to decide if they want to persue 50 pvp, or just do pve content?


    This game is either : 1. at 50 you Strickly pvp and run very few FP..



    2. at 50 you only run HM's and FP's and never pvp.


    Because rakata and columni gear has no expertise people that have that gear will get owned in WZ's..


    So if you are a "casual": pvper , dont expect to do well in PVE gear because you wont.. Period


    That's the thing, pre-50 PvP is insanely fun. I love it. But I barely stomach 50-PvP on my Shadow because of how incredibly imbalanced it is. As my alts level I get more and more depressed because I know that eventually I'll hit 50 and just have to shelve them. Before anyone says a thing, understand that 50-PvP is a completely time consuming thing. At least on my server the Reps get some PvP, but we may win 2-3 out of 15 or so. So it's slowly gearing while Empire plays 2-3x as often and get more gear faster.


    If I didn't have a stubborn streak I'd have quit after the first week. Reminds me way too much of WoW PvP once you throw Expertise into the pot. And I LOATHED WoW PvP.

  19. Concealement did do way too much damage from their opener even on appropriately geared enemies. The only class that can withstand it was Tankasin because of Force Shroud.


    But now they couldn't kill time with an infomercial spec. That's the problem. Somewhere in the middle there has to be a balancing point. Heck, I even think the resolve bar could fix some of these issues. Resolve bar full? Immune to CC and 20% damage reduction until it's done. It'd make those CC-heavy teams have to re-strategize and could make the Concealment and other stun-heavy specs have to play with more tact.

  20. lol no, not even close. I don't even break on their opener and let them take me down to 50% and I still burn them down from 100%-0% faster than they can get me just to 20% after letting them burn me down to 50%. Only the EXTREMELY good players can do any real damage to me and even then its an uphill fight. I feel bad for operatives, the class is gimped(dps wise) and I have mad respect for anyone who does well with them in concealment spec.


    The nerf's they got were ridiculous and they definitely need to get a bone thrown their way soon.


    Despite my signature, I agree Operatives were over-nerfed. They were a little too powerful before, now they need some love. Some of this came as other classes were buffed upwards recently beyond the old cap. Perhaps it was needed to ease the leveling and endgame, I won't disagree, but the PvP game needs to be rethought. Attempting to balance around Expertise seems to be as difficult as balancing the classes themselves. And considering the Operative's current woes balancing between them being too bursty or too sluggish to kill, I cant even guess how to fix it.

  21. He probably will start complaining that WH needs more expertise if he lost to anyone without more gear than him. It's sad that I love PvP in this game pre-50, and worse that 1 stat seems to consume brain cells.
  22. Pre-50 pretty much any class or spec is lots of fun for PvP. Some shine later, but honestly you'll enjoy any of them. Even if sages get targeted more than Sentinels because people think they're healers. Post 50 Sentinels have half a chance of surviving some until they get Battlemaster + gear. And by half a chance I mean a slim one.
  23. The gunslinger, Sentinel and my Vig guardian are all within 150 DPS of each other. This fluctuates with gear, of course. However despite this having those buffs the Sentinel brings is more useful. As they can do that damage AND throw out a buff to other people's damage. I'd like to see Vig get something along those lines in a way to make the playing field more even, and honestly Gunslingers could use a CC that works on human targets so we can stop looking at utility when forming Denova, and start looking at the best person for the slots available.
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