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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. I believe the damage aspect of the Guardian was only added later into development, the same as the tanking aspect to Consular/Inquisitor, so I believe tank talents were spread too far between the two trees. If you notice a LOT of Guardian tanks put more points into Vigilance than Defense for that reason. A little shuffling is definitely in order for this class.
  2. wait if I get a trooper Helmet and hide the head slot the hood will appear down?


    No. It'll show up again. There is no way to make the hood just vanish or go down without something on your face or head.

  3. I'm a little sketchy in the maths department.


    How does a +4% reduction from all sources 100% of the time stack up against


    A +20% damage reduction 24% of the time?


    4.25% damage reduction over all, however with 4% all the time you avoid spike damage. Also factor in the 4% endurance bonus (scales with gear) and it's pretty solid to think about. However it makes me insanely sad that Vigilance is obviously a better majority tanking spec than the defense tree.

  4. All unique DPS trees for Knights suffer from a really bad lack of streamlining. This doesn't include focus because it is very centric and while still sort of hard to play in it's own right, it doesn't require key-mapping on a wide scale as either a Sentinel or a Guardian. With things like Sages, Sorcerers, Mercs and Commandos it's obvious where your money is for damaging abilities. With the others it's an odd conglomerate of neat skills that you have to manipulate to use properly.


    Can it be done, and done well? Yes.


    But would the class be seriously buffed by tightening this odd spread? Definitely.

  5. PvPing on my Guardian I saw a smuggler named "Timetebo". He was the only person on the team I went out of my way not to taunt off of. With a name like that... you deserve to be brutalized.


    I also saw a Smuggler named Jayne'Cobb. And yes, the resemblance was striking.


    A guild that makes me laugh is one named <Your Companion>. Every single time I don't have one of my companions out on the fleet and one of them walks by I go "Wait.. which companion do I have out?!" It kills me.


    And of course there is a Sith Sorcerer named Bubbles. Darth Bubbles. I demand they get an inquisitive toddler as a special companion. They deserve a reward.

  6. What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


    The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


    BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.


    It may seem like a futile effort, but 5 level 50s will last exactly 2 minutes versus 30 level 23s. When I was on WoW 5 raid geared Alliance attacked Crossroads. Every. Single. Player. In. The. Zone. Showed up, and all 40 of us ran them over. To top it off we camped THEM for an hour. When they'd rez we'd swarm over them all over again like rats on free cheese.


    Sometimes it's not about the level, but the sheer raw numbers you muster to a fight. They do it again, get in general and promise cake. The fat Jedi will answer the call.

  7. The Miraluka homeworld has no visible light spectrum. So attacking it would be nearly impossible. Even automated weapons need to be directed somewhat, and a whole planet of force-aligned people (who most likely have training) that can see you while you're blind is a slaughter waiting to happen. I never saw an explanation, however I always assumed that they pulled to their home world and stayed there. Sort of a "Don't leave your room and you wont get a spanking" sort of thing.
  8. First of all it does fit the lore. George Lucas even said himself that Sith use Red and Red alone because it is a relious thing with them. I Dark aligned Sith with a Blue Lightsaber is just plain stupid. Lucas never intended it this way.


    Read up on the lore man


    Knights of the Old Republic (comics): Exar Kun was the first person to create a double bladed lightsaber. And the crystals were not red, but blue. Ulic Qel-Droma continued to use his blue lightsaber after he fell to the darkside.


    A'Sharrad Hett (comics): Used two red lightsabers long before his fall to the darkside. Only changed to green later because of pressure from Lucas to distinguish the Jedi and Sith.


    Mace Windu (movies): Used a purple lightsaber. In game only sith are (currently) able to obtain this color crystal. This may change later, but for now and for leveling, it's non-existant.


    Those are just ones off the top of my head that break game design ATM. I'm also not a fan that stats are assigned to the crystals in such a way that if you just want to have, say, a green saber and the best stats make you use a blue/black one it's really not all that fun. I'd rather have the ability as Artifice (at least) to alter those colors to my liking. Call it a profession perk.

  9. As a Guardian (Vig) I was 26 before I could stomp this guy, and even then by a shy margin. If I'd known better I'd have leveled as a tank. Still, give it a level or so and come back. Or, if you're impatient, bring a friend. A few heals and it goes from a pain in the butt to an easy kill.
  10. I dueled my gunslinger friend a hundred times to work this one out. Every move they have: The gunslingers have too. Every different scenario you know of, every possible ambush, run through it with a friend. Bout 2-3 hours of work and you'll have it all down pat. Everyone is a little different, though. So I can't give you a play-by-numbers, but give that a whirl.
  11. There was a chest piece I found on the Empire side that was PERFECT. Level 50 modable, heavy armor, the robe with the hood down, armored pieces on the cloak, the Battlelord-ish chest piece underneath... I bought it on my alt so fast there was a lack of hair in the Imperial Fleet from how quickly I displaced it. I ran to Nar Shadaa, had a guildie come over on his Republic character and linked the chest in say so I could be SURE it looked the same.


    Instead it's another hood-up chest piece. Nothing at all like what it shows on the Imperial side. So I've been wondering why not just re-color the stuff from the Empire's side (maybe 3-5 pieces) stuff it on special vendors across planets for various levels (moddable) and let people just buy the gear they want until there is a much later sweeping fix of the hood issue?


    Recoloring a piece and adding it into, say, the heavy armor merchants on various planets for Guardians and Medium for Sentinels, and voila: You have a temporary fix for those of us who are furious about the hood and the goggles, and you have time to release something much better than a quick fix to sate the upset masses, and you buy yourself time to work on more important updates since there is a valid work around. I mean... that makes sense to me.

  12. Perhaps a self-heal ability that can keep you afloat (but not change the whole class) like WoW's victory rush has become? And I'd say it wouldn't be that out of place to give Guardians and Sentinels both a CC ability (on something besides droids). Those two things right there could make the fights while leveling 10x easier simply from trickle heals as you kill packs and the ability to CC the strong mob until you can focus it down.


    Now this is not to say that for actual strong mobs (and elites) Knights couldn't use a little something extra, but those two thing take care of a large portion of later level issues. Now that is coming from a guy who leveled as Vigilance all the way, so maybe Defense spec is a whole new ballgame. But as stands I'm technically married to Kira, but I might as well have married Doc for all the time he and spend together.

  13. Several hood down armored robes exist. However they only appear that way on the Empire. We did learn that you can take items and transfer them to the other faction via the Hutt Cartel trade network. However when the same robe that looks like everything my Knight ever wanted turns out to be the same old generic crap I keep throwing away on the Republic side? THAT upsets me. Greatly. Even just enabling the Republic/Empire versions of armor on your character would make a lot of classes happier. Can you imagine how many Sith Juggernauts would gladly wear Trooper gear? It's a topic on the fleet once every other day.
  14. Every flashpoint I saw from the Esselles to Directive 7 and now the Left 4 Dead, er, Rakghoul instance, I've had to tank. The one or two times I've tried to DPS the tank was so horrible I just swapped stances, told them to sit down and shut up and proceeded to barrel rush the flashpoint like I'd get a timed reward.


    I've thought repeatedly about changing to the Defense tree, but I refuse. I WANT to DPS, and have since I saw the class. However it's looking less and less likely I will be able to as I keep seeing idiots trying to pretend they're a tank.

  15. We have 2 stuns both have a 1 minute CD and one of them goes away if I attack and of course we have things to keep melee away because if you constantly are hitting us we will die in like 30 seconds.


    Funny how when Melee cant get to you we die in the same time frame. But that's ok, right? Seriously, though, I don't smash the class for using it's tools, I just think the tools it has is perfectly balanced for PvE to allow a Sorcerer to level and not get offed by every other silver mob it sees. However in PvP some down-tuning to the control aspect is in order. Damage needs no change, just the raw amount of control capability that they have.


    However in PvP I will say unless I get focused I can knock a Sorcerer to their grave in about 4-5 hits as a Guardian. That is, of course, if they aren't a healer. In which case only ranged DPS can kill them and I'm just blowing focus for kicks.

  16. I like this idea. I think we should also be able to deflect force lightning as well.


    I suggest linking this ability to saber Ward for example. While saber ward is sctive, for those six seconds force-lighting and blaster bolts are deflected back at the caster who suffers the damage.


    I love this idea actually, and I don't think this will make us OP, as saber ward is effective for just six seconds, and is on a long cooldown.


    I love the idea of sith sorcerors getting a taste of their own medicine.


    Like I'd said, it need to be on a cooldown and not passive. Unless they want to add a stance that has a chance when deflecting to do it. Which would be a pretty nifty novelty, but it'd really only be for PvP. Considering that damage output by Guardians is low in PvP without lots and lots of gear it wouldn't be too much to tie into a cooldown. But as I said before, Sentinels have this ability (sort of) already. I just would like to see the Sentinels get Push back. I hate having the cool toys all to myself.

  17. I've thought for a while it would be a good idea to do this as a cooldown (though not passive) for Knights. It'd make more sense for Guardians to get it, but if we get another new toy I'd rather Sentinels get push (it's too much fun). Give it a cooldown of like a minute and say every blaster shot or force attack for 3 seconds is sent back to the attacker. Obviously the time on that would need an adjustment, and it may need a "doesn't work on Boss mobs" sort of thing, but it would seriously be useful for PvE and PvP.
  18. Sorry but what you just said is impossible, and it's detrimental to your arguments to lie to say game is broken. I fully agree that things are definitely not working as intended, but let me point out how your statement is utterly wrong. Operatives have Debilitate (a 4s stun), our Jarring Strike off Hidden Strike (if talented, 3s knockdown), Sleep Dart (8s incapacitate), and Flash Bang (8s incapacitate).


    If we use our Jarring Strike, the resolve bar is filled, so that would have been 3s of inactivity, or none of you used your CC break. If you were Sleep Darted, you would have also had a full resolve bar, and if you were attacked, you would have been broken free. If Debilitate is used, your resolve bar hits roughly 3 bars, 1 away from full, and the next CC used on you would grant a full resolve bar. Flash Bang again breaks on damage, so you won't be under attack while CCed from it. None of these situations coincide with your '16 seconds of inability to do anything WHILE being attacked' because frankly, it's impossible for an operative to do that.


    And to those that are going to cry and say I obviously play an operative, that's why I'm defending it, I suggest you go look at some of the other outrageous crits that other classes can attain, I'll give you an example that should hit home for this thread as a starter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWx_mcAQBY . Operatives fill their niche well, get in and get out fast. We have almost no sustained damage, and rely completely on our opening burst to kill a target. We also have very little survivability outside of our evasion or vanish, and while they're down, we have almost no chance of surviving if we're focused.


    Spreading lies about classes isn't going to get anything solved, and is more than likely going to make the game even more out of balance than it is now, remember that before you post something next time.


    I certainly can appreciate the fact that you need to dump your kit to win a fight. If you're incapable of surviving when focused then you do what you have to, however consider for a moment that you are simply enforcing his statement by saying as much. You have the tools to stretch your capabilities to the limits and kill another player. Lots of Sentinels or DPS Guardians don't have the ability to pick how the fight starts unless they catch someone napping, and even then there are classes with far more power. The fact we don't have a stun except for Awe (that breaks on damage) sort of keeps us from being able to go max uptime on an opening attack.


    This is prevalent in PvE and PvP and is emphasized a lot in these forums and in the game. I don't want tons of cloned abilities to make up for things, however when I play a DPS character I would like to play one that is capable of doing more damage single target than a guildie healer can do to a group (per enemy). These are the things that cause such large amounts of disquiet among our community and why there is such an issue at the moment. Sentinels need love too (flat damage increases to all skills would do), but Guardians need to not get out DPSed by their companions in lesser gear.


    So I'm sorry to disagree with the "they're fine" statement Bioware has put forth, but when you begin to see that Troopers FAR out damage you with half the melee range risk? It's time to demand a change to how things work, if for only the sake of things being fair.

  19. All I'm saying is that if they want things to be fair put a dead zone on all ranged. THEN we'll see how /rage these forums can get. But since that's not a viable option (and a dumb idea I'd say) then what's the difference of a Knight being unkiteable with high uptime (90% or so) vs say a Smuggler who has 100% uptime? Sorry, but when you actually think logically? Punishing only 1 playstyle is not a way to go if they want that playstyle to represent it's self properly. And if you need confirmation on that look at the amount of Sith Inquisitors in Warzones.
  20. You know this is pure and simple stupidity at it's finest. I'm level 50, have 2 artifact-quality items (bracers and legs) and I make an almost laughable profit from dailies because I die repeatedly. This class is, I hate to say, one of the best stories in this game. But it's "DPS" is too weak to be a real DPS class comparison. I say this knowing that my Trooper destroys groups with 1-2 global cooldowns well into his 30s. My Vig-Guardian only does that to grey mobs when I go help guildies.


    Tanks don't have this issue, they just kill slow. Which is pretty much how it should be. Max survival, lower output. However this minimal survival so-so output is hogwash. And yes, I said hogwash because even as mad as I am right now I don't want to say something offensive.

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