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Posts posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. Tanks, War Droids and other vehicle-centric missions in the KOTFE/KOTET chain are not giving the buffed HP, Damage Reduction or Armor bonuses the buffs suggest. Instead you retain your own HP, Armor and other stats. If you are doing the Voss mission a single patrol can cause 90% HP loss. You will have to die several times and slowly chip away at patrols to finish. However on Iokath the War Droid is unplayable completely. The first swarm will kill you before you can kill them, even with the shield/heal ability. Once you reach this you will have to exit the area and come back after a fix because you cannot complete the mission.
  2. All vehicle missions do not give required buffs. Tanks, War Droids ect. You retain your own HP and armor totals instead of having them replaced with the droid in question. If you go to do the Iokath mission where you escape in the War Droid it's unplayable currently because the droids can swarm you down faster than you can kill them yourself. Even using the shield/repair option only delays the inevitable. You will be dead before the ability comes back off cooldown.
  3. Honestly tanks do NOT need Unremitting. That's a skill for DPS so they can survive/keep in close. Tanks don't need the damage reduction, but I will admit they need a mobility bonus. Keeping sprint while in non-PvP combat would be more than fine. Just have to put it decently high in the tree.


    Still you cannot say Guard/Jugg tanks are not in the single best position they've been in since launch. They're more durable, have better synergy with their skills, and they're not behind the other two classes on anything BUT mobility, which in some fights is not even an issue. It's trash and the sometimes boss here and there, and if that makes that much of a difference then you were skimming the razor edge to begin with.


    But that's just one Guardian's opinion. Take that for what it's worth.

  4. Maybe they're trying to make hoods that work for Twi'leks as well?


    ._. They'll just chop off my lekku again.


    I could have had hours of laughs looking at the bunny ear lekku. They were already funny enough in beta, but seeing it more wouldn't hurt me at all. It's not great, mind you, but damn it would have been hilarious.

  5. Well there is one spot of bright news coming our way, Alec. A few more pages and we HAVE to get a yellow post on this thread. Ya know. Re-opening it so we can keep asking for a yellow post, but still. I'm looking forward to the irony.
  6. It just pulls you out of the scenes so much. Not to mention that when we asked for the hood-down armor from the splash screen we asked for the EXISTING robe to have the hood down, not some trench coat with body armor. Then factor in that they INTENTIONALLY put 2 hoods on Revan's chest piece (the hood down from Maelstrom and the hood up shoulder-wrap-towel-pool-noodle thing) just made it worse. Now for Marauders I KNOW I want a hood-up version of the Jedi Myrmidon robe. That would be amazing. Even a few of the Juggernaut ones. But neither side has been thrown a bone here.


    There's no winning. And honestly I'm contemplating waiting for Marvel Online just because I KNOW they wont screw up iconic looks.

  7. Lol? Force stasis/choke is fairly early (24 is it?). Guardians get push and Sentinels can cc droids. And who are they interrupting on the first leap anyway in PvE? Once you're in melee range you can make do with the standard interrupt like everyone else does.


    I'd not only remove the interrupt, but make leap 20m in wzs. It's waaaaay too easy for them to close gaps.


    Choke/Stasis is a Channel (unless you're a tank) so it's the same as melee casting Force Lightning. Only you're sort of standing there. The damage is so-so, and really one of the best reasons to use it is to hold someone in the fire or to let something cooldown that's ALMOST there so you can live/escape. That's really about it unless you're LoL-smash. CC droids I even forget about. I play a Guardian so my CC consists of blowing Awe and praying it's enough.


    But someone else had complained that Ranged can't Kite enough? Well I hate to say it, but it's fair to have both of you beating on each other and seeing who lives. If you break it down the that complaint is filed under "I can't kill him without him getting near me!" and no one likes drying while slowly trudging up hill to maybe tickle someone. The only fair way to settle that is to give ranged a few more defensive tools and passives to take a little beating in melee and have things be about even and just let it be a more even race to 0 HP. However the idea of "Ranged should be able to kite melee" is like asking for the other guy to be armed with a pool noodle because you want to pays ya monies but not takes ya chances.

  8. i always assumed that. I also figured almost all the devs must run solely maras/sents, since they only seem to get buffs every patch, aside from the few group heal nerfs lately.


    lolsmash & stunbubbles are the 2 things ruining pvp right now. Bioware already stated they'll fix the bubbles eventually, but lolsmash? There is absolutely no reason why a fully augged wh geared jugg tank with 8k armor should be taking 5k hits from any class. Was in a huttball match earlier, had 3 sents and 2 guards all lolsmash me at once, I couldn't even get to the acid pool after grabbing the ball before being lolsmashed to death. And that was with 22k hp and a healer on me.


    both of these need to go, need stunbubbles to counter lolsmash, but neither one have a place in pvp, hell even in pve, dunno if anyone actually uses lolsmash in ops.


    I play Vig and love it for OPs. Even with the new update to try and FORCE me to play the Smash spec I refuse. In PvP I will do Smash spec, but only because there is no viable PvP build where Vig can do anything worth-while (except kill IAs like a champ). This is a lack of options for Guardians. Sentinels are just bandwaggoning after their heal was nerfed. Of course if you could get the stinkin' tanks out of my Vig tree and make it worth-while I'd never play that dumb smash-spec again.

  9. I play a Guardian, and while I see this as being an issue for ranged (I have a Merc) I also understand that it's done this way for a reason. I wont say a good reason, but still a reason. Warrior/Knight game balance is tied to charge/leap to do everything and the kitchen sink. Because options to spread out those abilities they give or trigger don't exist. Consider all the abilities tied to a Merc's Tracer Missile. Armor reduction, possible Rapid Shot refresh (with more damage) it builds up shield, it makes your Rail Shot trigger and they take more umph from it, ect. Everything and the kitchen sink is thrown into that 1 ability, making you play around it, the same for the charge/leap.


    I will agree removing the interrupt may do some good for the ranged people, don't get me wrong, however Knights are balanced in PvE and PvP with no stun, no mez (until WAY late) and no CC. So if they didn't have a way to interrupt a mob more than usual they wouldn't last long (our last fight is the biggest culprit ever). So yeah, you could remove the interrupt, but just keep in mind the second you do Knights get another ability that may or may not make you even angrier. Like a base-line stun.

  10. The robe up for sale looks like trash. I admit that on my Consular I might enjoy it, but for my Knight it looks really bad. The saber hiding behind the robe is an issue I don't like about Consular. But I could embrace that to look like a trailer Jedi with a double blade. S'all I'm saying.
  11. I did dailies till I almost vomited. Well... I sorta did. In my mouth. But. I had a stack of good credits. AND I got lucky. Before the improved chance to get an augment in sabers I popped out an augmented tank's double blade. Sold that puppy for 3 mil. When the vendor showed up selling BOE crystals on the fleet I spent every dime I had on hawkeye purple crystals. Now I sell them for roughtly 1-2 mil a piece every few weeks to keep the market from getting too overloaded. I have about 20 left, but I can afford whatever I want in this game. Course... I'm a very cheap SOB.
  12. I was thinking the other day that Picture #6's armor would be great to use on my Sentinel. Or even the promo armor for FU2 with the shoulderpad. Those would be outstanding items to be able to get. The rest I'm not keen on, but it's certainly new and fresh to the game and couldn't hurt to have them introduced by any means. I support this.


    And I also support Ewok armor. Oh! And Jawa armor. If by Jawa armor you mean I can BE a Jawa Sorcerer then yes. Bring it. I want 50 levels of 3 foot lightning rail shooting. OOOTINI!

  13. Well if level 50 PvP didn't suck balls we wouldn't have this problem.


    This to some degree. The huge leap between pre-50 and 50 PvP discourages people. Mostly the casual PvPers who get disgusted at trying to grind out gear by attacking an army of (to them) unkillable monsters with various weapons forged by Gods. PvPing and having fun for the casual player not looking to grind-out their gear is almost entirely for pre-50. After that it's like running OPs with 2-3 naked people and praying the bosses drop things they need so you don't die every fight.


    Unfortunately that will not change. I don't like this method, and I don't support it. I am leveling a character from 46-50 entirely from PvP for coms so when I hit 50 I have some gear to start with. So I won't completely drag down my team. And that right there is the only reason I loath 50 PvP. You either have bleeding edge gear or you don't. The skill window is narrowed to so fine a space that certain skills/trees/ACs will kill you no matter what you do. It's something that needs an address for the casual PvP community, and then you'll stop seeing the weirdo-twinks.

  14. Same here. Vig spec has finally come into its own. Still needs a little work at the top end of the tree. Plasma Brand is still a little wimpy for a top-tier skill.


    Vig is never going to finally come into it's own entirely until they redo defense and find a way to penalize tanks in the DPS tree. And they will eventually. The only issue is if they'll just do the penalizing, or increase the defense tree.

  15. It doesnt color match... thats the end of the story. I cant tell you WHY they didnt enable that, maybe because its Nihilus's mask and he didnt wear any color other than black so they wanted to keep it true to character, who knows. Bottom line is you wont find anything to color match it with, because it doesnt color match.


    Sith Inquisitor quest reward on DK for doing the Revanite quest chain. It's the same shade of black as the mask and since the hood vanishes it blends in nicely. Other than that? MAYBE the Jedi Myrmidon hood for JG, but I'm sort of iffy on that one to be fair.

  16. There is a single hood-down Jedi robe coming in the cartel packs. prolly around Christmas... -_-


    Doesn't matter. I want hood-down on my Jedi Myrmidon robe. I paid for it, I augmented it, I want the hood down on it. New shiney cartel toys don't impress me and honestly I do not blame all the sith-robe wearing Jedi on fleet now. I just wish we had boycotted the robes and MADE them give us a hood toggle. But now EA has gotten money in their pocket and their CEO is probably pitching wood you can see from space.

  17. Who remembers when operatives could come out of stealth and do 6k damage with one ability? Who enjoyed getting hit for 6k with one attack? Who thought they needed a nerf?

    Well months later we have the same problem except with focus guads/sents. They leap to you and do 6k with the first attack. How is this not nerfed yet. If operatives aren't allowed to 6k in one ability certainly the much more tanky guards and sents shouldn't be able to either.


    and thats why focus guards and sents NEED A NERF (so do pyro-techs)


    Honestly Operatives needed an adjustment, not a nerf. The whole thing could have been solved with 1 simple change to game mechanics. No more tech damage. Done. If they had altered it to be like normal melee/ranged damage right out of the gate maybe MAYBE a small nerf after that if it didn't tone things down enough. Big maybe. But I believed that would have toned things down enough simply because they needed to adjust stats.


    With Smash-spec it's a cheap and short Overpowering that needs it's burst toned, and it's through-put increased. Getting pushed while smashing means the smash goes off... somewhere. In PvE and PvP it's got nice numbers, but overall Vig is the better spec by miles simply because of utility abilities (if they'd just get the damn tanks out of the tree we'd be even better).

  18. Then play on a Pvp server instead of a PvE one...See what I did there?


    Seriously though, this is one borked piece of bullcrap (to put it nicely) to force people who have made that choice to not PvP by choosing a PvE server to have to get flagged for PvP by going to that area. It is laughably inevitable that these people are going to get ganked (as I saw happen tonight to several friends) by Valor 100 people fully geared for PvP who are sitting around bored waiting for a queue to pop so they park their butts on top of the quest merchant for this stupid quest and gank pve geared people for giggles and harassment. And make no mistake about it, they are quite intentionally harassing other players.


    I come from a pvp background, and I'm one of the first to slap down PvE folks whining because PvP even exists, but this really was a stupid decision by developers that doesn't add anything to the game and only results in player harassment and even more acrimony between PvE and PvP players.


    Putting the vendor in a zone that is contested (and PvP flags you) on PvP servers would accomplish the same thing but let PvE players go about their way with no harassment. I had to wade into 3 Imps decked in super-duper whatsis Warhero with a team of other PVE players in prayer that we could take turns getting the parts before they killed too many of us. Yes PvP players: We're bad at PvP. Why? We don't do PvP. And I'll be the first to scream that PvP stats are crutches, but I don't care if that's what you guys want to do. You pay, you play your way, fine. But if I want a companion (someone who you can't use in regular PvP or PvP zones) why do I have to fight a bloody PvP war over it? It makes no sense. And to the poster above bless you for understanding that animosity between the two types is just going to get worse with things like this.

  19. Hi everyone! The most recent word on hood toggle is from Matt Boudreaux in this post in early October:


    "Hood up and hood down is still in the works. Unfortunately, it requires a few changes to our art pipeline and reprocessing those assets by the artists. The team has been hard at work on our upcoming content, and priorities put hood up/down on the back burner just a bit, but it's still on the To Do list and we are still very much aware of the demand - by developers and players alike!"


    The feature is still something we want to add, but we don't have a date at this time.


    We've seen it. We also saw the two posts in my sig. Considering there's an 80-something page thread in the JK forum about this that started during pre-release and the fact that alot of us are at wit's end especially after we were promised it during 1.3? If you're wanting to sell things in the cartel market to make us chase hood down then maybe the free option is better for us. We'll pay you again when you do the work we, essentially, hired you for.

  20. I admit I cheered like a small girl when I bought the CC hood-down robe on the PTR. I log into the PTR just to see my character as I want him to look. However after some thought I considered this. How about all of us that are still mad (myself included) just ignore the robes on the market until we get a toggle? I have a Jedi Myrmidon robe. I payed 30k for it (got a steal on it) and I'd like to use it hood-down. So how about we just suck it up and live with the hood up until they implement it?
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