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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. From my angle my 50 Jedi Guardian (Vig) was an absolutely awesome story. I loved every second of it, even if it was completely unforgiving of 1 single screw up. However the gameplay is horrible. Even at 50 I'm working hard to DPS in the same general area as a Smuggler (GS) friend. He can blow out 7k crits like they're candy. I'm pushing my gear and proc limits to nab a 4.5k crit every so often. I have burst, dots, and minor CC, but I feel like a jack of all trades and master of nothing. I'd sell my T7 to a Jawa to feel like I'm half as heroic as my level 20 Trooper alt.
  2. There really isn't a balance issue with Knights having pull, to be honest. Vanguard has that grapple line, and a storm. And they're ranged (though most of their good abilities are melee) and yet they have it. I honest support the idea as it would seriously keep kiting down. Shadows can at least stealth to cover ground to start a nice opening rotation. Not to mention they have stuns and honest short-term CCs. Adding pull to the Knight's kit could do far FAR more for the kit for PvP, PvE and general fun than pushing-leap combos as melee needs things AT melee range. Push then leap is no net gain in up time all things considered.
  3. Rethinking when to get Doc? No thanks. But allowing us to "spec" out companions a little would be awesome. Just letting Kira have 1-2 heals would make her the absolute perfect companion. Even if she healed you every 5 seconds for moderate amounts via a spec (like the shared Consular talent tree to you both) it would make a world of difference. And some of those boss fights they're talking about nerfing soon wouldn't need to get slammed so hard.
  4. Vigilance Guardian, level 49 (finished the class story)


    As soon as I got Kira that little Roomba (T7) stayed on my ship to craft me stuff and do missions. I hung her up after I got Doc and even though I've gone back twice and updated Kira's gear to appropriate level I cannot make her work. I used Rusk for exactly 1 pull heading towards the mission where you get Scourge and then after finishing the fight with a sliver of health I sent him back to his room (my ship) and haven't brought him out except for a few conversations where I think I can nab some affection or to put gear on him.


    Scourge I've used to tank the Jedi Prisoner flashpoints (by micromanaging him like crazy) and maybe a half dozen fights while questing. Honestly none of the other companions are actually useable but Doc. I don't feel very heroic when I skim through trash with a small nudge of life left at the end and med after every pull. So for better or worse, he's the only companion worth keeping out. Though I do keep expecting him to bust into "Prince of Kings" at any moment given how much like Freddy Mercury he looks...

  5. soresu>Shein for questing and pvp as vigilance.


    Only true on packs higher than 4-5 (depending on your gear), more than 1 silver, or anything with a gold border. Then you Soresu and go. Unfortunately later in the game silvers come in 2s and sometimes 3s. So you'll spend the last 5-ish levels in Soresu more than Shien while soloing unless you've geared Doc out so much that your Smuggler friends hate you for being a ninja looter.

  6. your 31 point talent adds 3 stacks, seriously are you guys having that much trouble keeping sunder on, what else are you doing with your rotation that you cant keep it up?


    My 31 point talent adds a dot, not 3 sunder stacks. I also need those sunder stacks to do damage worth a crud even in flashpoints. But the raw damage increase once you move up to Sunder is absolutely great. It would make me feel less like I was tickling someone, that's for sure.

  7. There's also the god-awful class bosses who cast every 5th second when you have 8 seconds on your interrupt. Now granted this is a non-issue in groups or trash. But when you're in a fight longer than 30 seconds you BLOW through your abilities that can stop a cast. Heck, take Lord Argos for example. He does one move that blew off 60% of my health. So I had to stop it. Which mean just letting other attacks hit me. It was absolutely annoying to see my life bar zooming down at such a fast pace while in Soresu (know if I was in Shien I'd be dead in mere seconds) and I'm still not tickling him. Then to add insult to injury his thunder cast alternates with a heal.




    Just buff the class already, guys. This is like trying to fry chicken in a crock-pot at this point. And the effort is quickly not becoming worth the gains (despite an awesome story).

  8. If Bengal replaced Kira then who can you romance?


    Honestly, Doc wouldve been a better choice since Kira is YOUR padawan. He seems to be the ONLY person that just randomly joins your crew.


    You get rid of Doc and you pretty much neuter the class I hate to say. He's the only reason I've made it to 46. Now if Rusk or Scourge were viable I'd be much MUCH happier.

  9. For guardians it might be a different story though as they use heavy armor, But I bet you could find trooper chests to mod.


    I use a trooper chest piece currently, though I did just get a REALLY nice looking robe today. I keep wishing I could swish the hood back on it and wear it, but for now I stick to a trooper chest from Taral V. It doesn't look glamorous, but it gets the job done. The thing that kills me most is that I have gear that looks amazing until I see my Jedi bald and half covered in cutscenes.


    In fact I was willing to suffer out the indignity of the hood issue until the first time my character kissed Kira and the hood swallowed her head. After that I bought a modable chest and I've enjoyed the wind in my hair ever since. And it confuses the holy crap out of people at the fleet and in PvP. Which is just an added bonus.

  10. Why do I have to have seperate abilities that can only be used when an enemy is stunned, snared, slept, maimed, depressed, complacent, bipolar, or overly excited.


    This is the absolute truth. Pommel Strike and Opportunistic Blow are great abilities with some pretty nasty damage... but I can't use them on anything but easy mobs. Heck, I had to put freezing force back on my bar just to backhand a guy. How's about some talents in the Vig tree to let me use those at will? I mean... come on. It'd fill in gaps really well and the damage is respectable.

  11. First, before you waste credits (like me) putting on a helmet to remove the hood and then turning helmet off just makes the hood pop back up. Just saying.


    Second: It's not exactly Jedi-Like, but for 12-14 Tattooine commendations you can get a fully moddable Trooper chest. Move the mods around, and voila: Instant Jedi chest with no hood. Before that? Well unless you want to steal a few random Shadow chests (light armor) and just suffer a lack of armor for cool looks? Nothing.


    Sorry guys, but no hood toggle. And when you get your first kiss with Kira it looks completely silly. Just sayin...

  12. I've been trying to drop this guy for 20 minutes. He stomps me and Kira, or me and T-7. The first time I was able to get him to about 15%, after that it's just an all out death-to-me thing. I really hate this guy. Like a lot. And if you're wondering I'm a Guardian, not a Sentinel, and even my defensive cooldowns mean nothing without a healer. Guess I'll just have to park my character until my healer guildy shows up later tonight. Which is pretty sad that he's so blasted hard I gotta call in reinforcements.
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