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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. that's nice ,but i want to see more Scrapper/Concealment tweaks in dps ,etc .


    The only reason the DPS is not getting increased, I honestly believe, is because of the type of most of the damage. Tech. Ignores armor, dodge, shields ect... they hard capped the damage with an iron fist for a reason. PvP being that reason. If they'd move the damage to another type I'm more than sure DPS would increase. I know it sounds weird, but with the damage being tech I'm sure they're hard-capping how much damage they allow, not how much damage gear grants.

  2. Vig tank. We have 2 in the guild. One of them could headbutt Malgus into the Legacy of the Jedi era and maybe take 1/4th of his HP in damage. The other is almost as squishy as I am. I know he's Defense, I've seen his abilities, but he just can't take a hit even in his gear. So I dunno if he's just not taking the right points, and God forbid you ask him because he gets really defensive about it. I have a shadow tank who has tanked SM Denova and the difficulty for me caps and not snoring audibly on vent until you get past the tanks.
  3. A ranged used fraps on our last attempt and cut out the fights where I was there and sent it to me. He told me to look it over and see if I was missing something. God bless him for it. It seems that despite our best efforts, and after much pausing, I was eating fearful because of the calls. To avoid the stomps I got moved to the other boss, which worked out fine for the most part. But the Sentinel in charge of calling out HP would call out and I'd leap the ranged. So I was technically 40 yards out from the boss at this point. But I was still getting fearful. Because until I was done with that landing animation, if the boss landed I still counted as getting it. Not just the leap, the animation. And sometimes it insta-killed me because of burns (that's a bug I'd read about that happens 1/20 times)


    I did try again on stompy, and watched the hp bars. One of our tanks, despite being in more black hole than rakata, takes every hit to the kidneys somehow and he was getting healed like a champ. I'd go 2-3 stomps without a heal that wasn't from a golden doughnut or a medpack. So as it seems I've just not getting healed because one of the tanks is paper, and the caller is... well he's an idiot. When I approached him about it he gave me some flippant attitude about how if I can't survive in Denova I shouldn't go.


    So yeah. Problem found, but not resolved.

  4. Of all the things to complain about... and you are complaining about the damn hood? I got the Sand PPl uni at the last event... I have no hood...


    And I leveled in custom commando gear because of the hood. But I'd still like to look like a traditional Jedi with the hood down. And that's absolutely not an option for Knights unless you wear 1 medium armor chest, or you play a Twilek.

  5. 1. Character customization. This includes a "barbershop" feature to change hair, haircolor, facial hair, complexion and makeup for the female characters. Also a hood toggle for Jedi/Sith that makes them look more like their archetype. Ability to color clothing individually and not just match to chest as often times the best look for boots or gloves ect don't match right and look way off from what you would think is how it should match. This would also include the hood/helmet and color matching options to our companions. They are a huge part of our gameplay and story, it's sad they look like skittles unless you buy them end-game gear. Oh... give Miralukas more masks. That plain white strip of cloth on the icon for the species? PLEASE?! Maybe even let them have a little facial hair if it doesn't clash with the mask, cause I think that would really make me play one dead-on.


    2. Class adjustments. I play a Guardian, however I'm not happy with the hoods or the fact I'm so squishy in AOE damage all the time. I'd like to not take so much AOE damage I need more heals than a tank in some fights. I'm sure other classes could use a quality of life increase in those small degrees. Like Shadows/Assassins needing a little more survivability solo if they're not a tank. And I think all classes need some way to soak tech/force damage passively because it seems to be the reason Shadow tanks are great at almost everything.


    3. More races. Jawas I'd litterally pay for the game again for a jawa. Even if it's not the traditional class story and I have a jawa-only story, I'd accept only having droids as companions for the cop-out. Just because of how awesome it would be to have a jawa sage. Togruta, Wookie, Rodian.... all of those and more. Course with that we need more character slots and at least 4 would be awesome.

  6. This.


    You or your healers are doing something wrong, this is not a Vigilance Guardian issue. Also, are you even bothering to use Focused Defense on this fight? It definitely makes a difference.


    If I pop it it only stays active long enough to eat 1 stomp. The frequency between stomps is JUST enough that if I pop it to soak on it falls off before the next one. I think I popped it perfectly one time and it got to the second one, but it's not an actual damage reducer until I get low. The amount it heals to what I eat just makes it useful for the extra % DR

  7. I did check to see if he had a wonky hit-box. At first that was my concern. I'd stand back as far as I could at his heels and swing from there and make sure he was facing the tank. I've eaten a few cleaves when he'd get jostled, but that's not the issue in HM. The basic stomps are just pounding me so hard I can't live through it. I've lived to about 30% one time, but I had to vacate the area at 30% of my own HP and stand off to wait for healing before going in.


    And don't get me started about trying to DPS the other guy. Fearful is fine in SM, but in HM I'm dead. I can never get out of the way even with a guardian leap to clear and 3% warning. I'll have fearful and my dots will kill me. It's just plain wrong.

  8. I'm really kind of sick and tired of the lack of AOE damage reduction Vig Guardians have. So much so I've considered giving up the character I love (despite the stupid hood) just because I can't live through AOE fights that aren't build around 1 big hit every so often. Regular heavy AOE (EC Zorn and Toth most specifically) kills me. No matter how many times I've seen them die I never live longer than the first 20% of their life bars. I'm a liability. My guild likes me, but after some serious tries into doing EC HM (and I die almost exactly at 91% every time) they're pretty much held the flag up that once it's on farm I can come back. Not because I can't do damage, but because I die.


    I'm sorry, but I'm upset and if I seem mean spirited, then so be it. But when I can't live through the opening 10% of a boss consistantly with Rakatta/Black Hole gear all over me with augments, and even trying everything I know how to survive from changing priority to cooldown cycling to rotating my spec, then it's a fault I can't seem to fix. I've got the Sage shielding me every time they can, healing me MORE than the tank, leaving hots on me and even then I die from the stomping damage. I checked the combat log and it's hitting me for 7k a hit. And it's so speratic I can't pop a cooldown to really even the edges since Focus defense wont eat more than 1 hit before it fades, saber ward eats 1, and doesn't seem to be able to soak the next, Enure just tricks the healer into thinking they got time for another heal on the tank...


    I even went so far as to track down some advice. No advice has surfaced worth a darn. I had one Guardian tank tell me that I had a 20% DR I could use every time. Force Leap. Which I have to run away to use, but God help me I've tried. I've guardian leaped the healer and charged back in, I've run away and waited for heals, I've tried everything I can try. I just keep dying. So unless there's some sort of item I should be wearing to give me DR, reduce their damage, or a place to stand to reduce my inbound: I call foul on class mechanics. I'm to the point I'm considering not playing this character anymore. The problem is I love this character and it's combat style, but it doesn't matter if I can't survive to do my job.

  9. And now we just need to work on them changing the big butt in robes!


    Well considering this was an acknowledged "fix" in the works 6 months ago, and we still have no ETA on it, seeing as how BW is just now trying to gather info on the big butts for you body type 1 and 2 people, I dunno how long that might take. Honestly I believe the butt thing is a render issue with the engine, not a graphics misplacement because of how the preview window looks.

  10. We're going F2P, this game lost sales and subs, and they keep pumping new content without fixing old issues. I see a link there somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but there are so many bugs that I'd honestly like BW to stop making new content for 2 months, all departments, and fix the bugs before moving forward. Big butts, hoods, companion weapons, dialog mix-ups, all of it is stuff we as a player base know about and report, but it's not as important as new stuff. Well why would you play new content when current content is infuriating? Knights are suppose to be an iconic Jedi, but Jedi made a point of putting their hoods down to fight. Simple isn't it?
  11. Yes, shame on you for not wanting to be forced to raid!! Raiding is the ultimate test of leetness and e-peen measurement! Why else would developers waste so much time on it?


    Despite the sarcasm I spent a lot of time in OPs and haven't gotten a single armoring my Knight can use. My shadow has one that I've lovingly jammed into his belt, but my Knight is still waiting. Recently I gave up and bought the Black Hole belt.


    To a previous poster: I know we shouldn't farm 1 piece and just put it where we want, but making, say, hand-slots able to go into wrists and belt as sort of a combo platter would go a long way to helping everyone out. Synthweavers/Armormech probably don't care for their PVE belts and bracers as much until later, but the rest of us could use the ability to move it around. Call it a quality of life alteration.

  12. I bet if ewoks ever make an appearance in SWTOR, they'll ALL be hoodless. Just sayin'..


    Also going on SEVEN months and this feature isn't in the game yet? I'm a patient person and all, but damn!


    *Wags finger*


    That's a lot of my issue. I knew going in I'd have to be patient, which is ok. Patience is something people need. However after 7 months this is an issue that has gone on WAY too long. Especially since we got promised a fix in the next patch after 1.2. I have sated myself on that fact alone, and now it's "soon" rather than telling us when. If I didn't love my chest piece other than the hood, I'd have moved back to Trooper gear like I leveled in. As stands I just make my guild-mates sick of my tyrades about it.

  13. I did this at 29 as a Marauder. I used Vette and let her blow him in half while I basically used Heroic Moment and dotted him. Every chance I got I'd use cooldowns. However at this point I had Legacy of Unity and a very long heal-time on Heroic Moment. If you don't have that I suggest kiting him around, popping med packs, and setting Vette to single-target damage versus the AOE setting. That means you have to keep his interest solidly, though. If you're a Jugg sunder him up, saber ward, ravage, slow and kite. If he gets in close force choke him and at 50% pop Heroic Moment. Again if Marauder dot him up first, then follow the rest. Between the 'rounds' and get ready for the next go. Usually the last round is the one where you want to use Heroic Moment because THEN he's dangerous. Also if you are a Marauder do NOT forget Obfuscate if he's using melee moves. It'll buy you a few seconds and in that fight a few seconds may be all you need.
  14. A simple leg shot would clean things up. Slow them, dash away, if they leap you knock them back again, it's really a very simple skill for kiting. As it stands either Mercs need to be so dangerous you have to kill them (and they get no kite abilities save the current) or they do the damage they're putting out now and can kit you. Either way is balance, but for the sake of sanity I recommend a ranged slow. It'd be meh for PvE, but it'd solve a LOT of PvP problems.
  15. For PvP Focus Defense is awesome. Leveling, even heavy AOE moments you can count on. However for general purposes of AOE fights where the AOE comes all the time (Toth and Zorn being a hug offender) Focus Defense can't do much of anything except eat focus for little return. The AOE spikes 10-ish second apart, meaning you get healed for a few hundred for spending 5 total Focus, but still eat 3-4k. And since these types of AOE mechanics seem to be BW's go-to that's why I put it much MUCH higher than run speed.


    Also by moving a few of the PvP talents you can free up space for talents that work to give Vig 'meat' as I said before. Such as moving stagger to the low-focus tree, and giving us the ability to force-leap point blank like a Watchman. Or much higher in the tree to keep balance, but you see my intent. The lower part of the Vig tree is too full of "semi-good" talents that may or may not get used half the time. Perhaps shuffling those to Focus to roll into a few of their skills (which has more synergy to me, not just that Focus is the PvP tree) you can get abilities that add something.


    Defiance: Not a great ability for a tree that has an inherent resistance to this mechanic after a force leap. It would make more sense in Focus as they are vulnerable to it.


    Effluence: I like the skill while leveling, but I rarely force sweep anymore. It's really just a filler ability from time to time, and honestly it would be a grand ability for Focus.


    Burning Blade: Totally not needed. The damage is horrible, so removing it for your run speed increase, or actually beefing it out would be the way to go.


    Accuracy: Really for low gear levels this is a good talent, but it really could go away without much issues to the spec. After you get a certain level of gear it becomes useless, and while having that 3% may be crucial to tanks, folding it into something else or moving it is really the way to go.


    Second Wind: With Focused Defense now a skill, do we really even need this anymore? It could honestly make room for Stagger or even Momentum which makes way more sense in the Focus tree.


    And there are other skills Focus needs more. Removing Pulse to give Stasis Mastery, or giving Through Peace a work-around to not drop threat in Soresu along with it's current implementation for the Defense spec. I'd even like to be able to get Zealous Leap as a Vig guardian. I love the ability. Perhaps make it baseline to Guardians? I dunno, but Plasma brand is awesome and not worth trading unless you PvP a lot. Then you should because burns get cleansed left and right, and without the burn Plasma brand is a slash crit for more focus cost.

  16. Kinetic Combat


    1. How do you think your Shadow spec is perceived by other classes?


    OP as heck in PvP while wearing DPS gear. Great for PvE tanking, but after the nerf the trust is sort of shallow.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Great for PvE. The nerf sort of killed me a little. Hitting every major survival option at once is a lot to adapt to. However I like it just fine, and honestly I can still laugh my way through certain bosses just because of Resilience. Why don't other tanks get a skill like that since every other boss hits hard with something like that?




    1. How do you think your Shadow spec is perceived by other classes?


    100%, complete and total crud (crud used for safety of TOS forum agreement). No survivability, no consistent damage, easily targeted and killed.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Too weak in sustained DPS. In fact a recent Q&A really made me shake my head that Shadow/Assassin DPS needs a partner and should be a glass cannon. I refuse to PvP as this spec not because tank is OP, but because this spec can't kill time without a pocket healer. Maybe it's a viable spec in rateds with good coordination, but the other 99% of us that want to PvP need to do it solo, and this spec is HORRIBLE at it.

  17. Narrowed Focus: Increases movement speed by 15% while in Shien stance.

    This is a talent that no one ever specs into. Vigilance is already swimming in Focus, and doesn't need a talent that grants one focus on a very inconsistent basis for standing in something that a Guardian shouldn't.


    Vigilance is all about getting in an opponent's face and applying constant single target damage and pressure. 15% run speed would complement that role perfectly. Besides, Guardian is the only melee class that doesn't have an option to have extra run speed. This would alleviate that.


    If you want run speed go Focus. They do, in fact, get a run speed increase when they use an ability. 40% for 5 seconds. Vig needs an AOE damage reducer far more. Removing narrowed focus and adding an AOE damage reducer is, solidly, the way to go. In fact I always thought a lot of the PvP talents should be shoved into the Focus tree. Vig lacks some serious meat, which may be why it's the tank spec right now.

  18. Vigilance Spec


    1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes?


    I'm more valued for being able to Guardian Leap a target than for my damage. My Guardian Leap is planned on Sentinels and Gunslingers so they don't pull aggro in certain OPs. I don't bring any utility beyond that, so while the group knows it needs Inspiration or maybe Defense Screen, they can live without my Guardian Leap and if a DPS has to die because there's not enough heals to go around then it will be me.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    I take far too much AOE damage without a reducer in my tree, I see far too many tanks using my skills to tank with so I feel like I'm a DPS-geared tank, and honestly with my burns tickling bosses rather than actually hurting them I feel like I'm holding my OPs team back. Even at my gear level Burning Blade only does 600-ish damage over 6 seconds. I have a Sentinel who's dots tick for about 600 a pop. Not to mention Plasma Brand's dot clips and doesn't get the damage it should.


    Suggestion: Move Unremitting lower in the tree. This is a big thing for tanks, and I love having it as a Vig, why not share? Fix the dot damages. They should last until the ability that put them on can cooldown, and obviously in the case of overhead and bladestorm hit much harder. And remove Narrowed Focus. It's worthless. Give Shien-Form only an AOE damage reducer. Also Sundering Throw should let you hurl your saber at point-blank as well.


    Defense Spec


    1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes?


    Sub par damage, sub par mitigation, and horrible HP. No Endurance increase, no good resistance to non-shieldable abilities (this is why Shadows are popular), and Guardian Slash is complete trash.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    I agree. I stopped trying to tank when it became clear that daily modded Vanguards and Shadows were out-performing me in Columni gear. Guardian Slash use to be ok. The damage was good, the cooldown wasn't. But I was ok with it for the most part. Now that it doesn't do any damage to speak of, has no utility on a boss, and is at the top of a tree that is less useful for tanking than Vig? Forget it. Enure is almost as bad. It shouldn't go off raw HP, when it ends it should leave you at the same %. That way you don't have it end with 1 HP and immediately die from a bug-bite.


    Suggestions: Make Guardian Slash a baseline ability. Put something far better at the top of the tank tree. An anti-force/tech cooldown? Rework Courage so you gain 1 focus every time you deflect, parry or dodge an attack. Solves the entire Soresu issue. Giving Defense a damage reducer (not just accuracy) would be nice, or even a +endurance talent. How about moving Stasis Mastery far lower in the tree? Tanks want Unremitting, I'm sure Vig and Focus want Stasis Mastery.

  19. Are they pyrotech or are they Tactics/Whatever? Because Hold the Line will make them immune to all physics, knock backs, stuns, everything and give them 30% movement speed once every 30 seconds. It last 1 second, but if they time it they can beat your pulse or aimed shot knock backs. That's the only thing I can think of except a full resolve bar.
  20. If both the Mara and GS are equally skilled/geared, I'd give it to the GS. It's going to be close, but GS should come out on top. Kiting and cover will win the day.


    Rage is easy to beat, thanks to 60% AoE dmg reduction.


    Carnge isn't too bad, your CDs will stop most of his attacks.


    Annihilation is the hardest, thanks to the burns.


    Depends on who has what cooldowns with Annihilation. Dodge is great to not eat one, so is distract. However nothing sucks more than eating an Obfuscate and spending the next few seconds watching them deflect everything you throw. It's how my Marauder kills GS. I get to them, put my butt next to something solid and start hitting. If I can't get something solid I open with Obfuscate so they cant hit me after the pulse detonator. By then I'd be getting close, so it's just about force choking them enough that they either blow their CD or let my burns tick. Nothing is solid, nothing is set, but a fight between a skilled GS and skilled Marauder? It get's nasty and the first AOE from whoever that clips you pretty much is the deciding factor since it's just so close.

  21. I get issues in PvP where I die. Pre-50, but when I hit cover, go to hit pulse detonator... I come out of stealth. Ok, it's a bug, right? Cover again. Hit it. Out of cover. Not stuns, not snares, just cannot do anything. I've been mauled to death by this and I never figured out what the heck causes it.
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