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Everything posted by XplaguesX

  1. i think BW just needs to look at the op, and fix it. hell, put it back to what it was before they nerfed the crap out of it. My main, whos a jugg tank spec can kill most of the ops i see in the game.. and if i dont feel like a fight, i just force push them away and their gone for 30 secs.
  2. strongest debuff in the game. most useless talent in the game.
  3. 1-49 as an OP is awesome. 50 is go heal or go away.
  4. nothing really. It added story, and the convo system, but it dosnt really change much to the story. Other then that, the world sharding is a step backwards.
  5. this is just a "books on tape" version of patch notes... read by a 15 year old who ca.... can't read
  6. i can still do good damage in PVP on VS and alderan... but sadly i get 90% huttball.. and as much as i do like the mode, if i go anywhere near the catwalks its just " LOLBYE!" and i go flying out of the action for 20 secs till i run back. even trying to pick of stragglers, if a single ranged sees me, its pretty much over. put a dot on me. no more stealth (force dots).
  7. then again... its the PC top 100.... and i dont think amazon really sells that many PC games. most people would just use steam.
  8. i gotta say, i went from loving my OP to loathing it in a 24 hour span. 10-49 were awesome. hardly any trouble at all with PVE, destroyed in PVP. concealment was awesome and i never wanted to spec heals since thats all my BH does. Now i hit 50..... i got my weekly ilum done, aswell as the daily ilum/pvp. i also had 1000/1000 merc/wz coms. got lucky and got 2 tokens in the bags i got. champ chest and helm. used the coms for champ knife and relic, and bought a bunch of centurian gear. but now im useless. in PVE noone wants me. not even for HM BT runs... and PVP is a joke. huttball 90% of the time, and i just get tossed around and killed in seconds. even with the 500ish exp i have. i reeeeeeeeeally dont wana spec heals, but DPS ops are just laughable now.
  9. DPS bounty hunters are wanted in groups. DPS bounty hunters have utility. knockback, stuns, strong ranged attacks. good defence.
  10. pretty sure BW has said no already. besides, theyd need to actualy balance the classes then. it would just be sorc arenas anyways
  11. nope. welcome to Star wars. the old LOLEVERYONEGETSSOOOOOOMUCHCC! The ammount of CC in the game is nuts, just gotta learn to live with it although, as an OP, were one of the only classes without a knockback or gap closer. so if we get pushed back by a ranged, or off a ledge or somthing, and dont have stealth screen off CD, were pretty much dead. that skill we have "forget the name" that makes us dodge melee and ranged attacks should make us immune to knockbacks and stuns too
  12. i have to somewhat agree. im not a hardcore raider, and im not a hardcore PVPer.. and i find the endgame content a easy as pie. i did H EV, and parts of H palace as well as in full champ gear sitting at valor 58.
  13. debuff is removed with talent. And cloaking screen is fine. just make sure you dont have any DOTS on you, or else youl just be forced out of stealth when it ticks.
  14. nomatter what people say, i love my concealment IA. you just need to be smart. pick your battles. The #1 problem is that every single freaking class seems to have a knock back but us... and we have no gap closer.
  15. spatz... have my babies add a 10-30m execute and im set
  16. wait till the resets tomorrow morning, and grind out the ilum/WZ daily/weeklys. try to finish the WZ weekly or daily tonight before the reset. i wouldnt bother with ilum tonight then buy champ gear
  17. i personaly like the OP better. i have a 36 sniper, and then rolled an OP and got him to 50. i just find they are more fun to play. cooler skills, mobility, stealth exc. Sniper is just cover/shoot,shoot,shoot run. cover shoot/shoot/shoot exc.
  18. i kinda feel there needs to be DR on heals. like after the 4th in a row they get weaker. its the worst when one dude just has 2 healers casting over and over on him
  19. what do you mean ? its not like BW got lazy and gave all SI/JC ACs the same gear model for all specs.
  20. you need to go on tuesdays/wednesdays. the weekly resets on tuesdays and thats when most people go to get it done.
  21. exiting with 15-20% hp VS sprinting through unharmed to the goal line.
  22. needs to be instant death. the only way to stop ROFLsorcs from shield sprinting to the goal making every other class prettymuch useless in huttball. make it happen BW.
  23. i was just listing them as classes that had an AOE knockback on a short CD. IMO it should be a sorc/sage skill only
  24. one thing youl learn to hate as an op, is if you come out of stealth to attack someone, and theres more then 1-2 other enemys around, and your cloak screen is down, theres a 75% chance your dying. once were out of stealth, were sitting ducks to ranged. shield probe lasts maybe 1-2 tracer missles if were lucky.
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