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Everything posted by Nemmar

  1. If all you do are buffs you will increase burst even more and decrease survivability of everyone. The nerf to the set bonus was compemsated with increased damage on a couple of abilities. The nerf was to the pvp burst, wich was out of control and was deserved. In sustained the nerf was only 500dps. AKA it's nothing more than QQ. If people played every class and stoped the tribalism, they would see no soul is lost. It's better when all clases have a fair chance. You get to enjoy them all.
  2. Yeah skanks bring problems to the game. I think they should be broken, not supported. Tanks are for holding agro and mitigating damage, not deal copious amounts of damage.
  3. That is not an excuse to be OP now. They fixed the PvP burst, the nerf in PvE is minimal. The crying is overblown. The nerf was deserved. And to those that think i have a thing against them, i don't. I play every class. Have one of each on both factions. For me, overall balance increases my enjoyment as they all become viable. It is also the best thing for the game and for everyone that plays it. So... very sorry i dismiss personal wishes of overpoweredness from other posters. Maybe i should take a similar stance and say if the game isn't balanced for all classes i am canceling my sub! Pretty selfish eh?
  4. So... if you are only doing solo content, why do you care? It's not like you need them. Not that i don't wish it was less rng. Bit it just sounds odd that a player like you finds them a problem. Also, it is legacy wide you know? Might not be useful for one of your characters but it might be for others.
  5. Goodbye then. If your condition for staying is for your prefered specs to be OP, then i guess it's for the greater good that you're not.
  6. Yeah, it seems like it's only going to happen in the patch after this one. It's unfortunate. I'm curious to see what they will do.
  7. People underestimate pve space missions. They are much easier to get into than many other content types. I remember when i returned to the game more than a year ago that the space missions were a great way to ease back into the game when i was feeling overwhelmed with all the systems and class skills. They are also great for imersion. To feel the war in the galaxy. It's very evocative of the films. In our present storyline, all the space combat happens in cut-scenes. Would love to be part of it with new of these on rails missions. Galactic starfighter is way too daunting for most players, so don't even go there.
  8. I agree. Just wish it had better content support.
  9. So... the maps are bad cause they require you to care about objectives rather than deathmatch? Color me impressed. Probably the most ridiculous thread ive seen in this forum so far!
  10. Want to point out that they have more than that. The new skill and depending on the spec, other skills become defensives. But the defensives themselves are not insane. With that said, it's a dangerous line when making damage the defensive. The game isn't 1v1. What would be a balanced 1v1 can become a very one sided 4v4 when your damage is so high everyone melts in 4 seconds.
  11. It's called balance. If you want to go QQ but i'm pve, just in this same page you couldve seen that the damage was compensated elsewhere. I hope you feel ashamed, cause you should. Read the notes and inform yourself rather than making this kind of knee jerk thread that makes you look bad.
  12. Huh? I'm confused. All the quests on Dantooine are dailies or weeklies. How could you do them more than daily? Oh you mean in several toons in the same day? If that's the case, that sucks indeed.
  13. This doesn't sound like a bad change. Some people were complaining it was too hard. I don't mind, but some of the suggestions here like PvP objective incentives would be interesting experiments.
  14. Sounds like a you problem. If story is all you care about, i don't know why you play this game at all. There are plenty of story based experiences out there. RPG or action. I don't think it's a problem that you unsub for a while. I may do that at times when there is little content. That is perfectly normal. Yes, it would be good for EA to step up investment in this game, but they don't seem to care to do more than a minimal effort. At least we got a better organized dev team now. Small victories. IMO the game is in the best state it's ever been, despite that not being perfect. But don't expect this game to be story only. That is not the only reason why people play this game. It's important to focus on the multiplayer and outdoor aspect of an mmo. I mean what is arguably the biggest mmo ever, WoW, hardly has any story content at all. Most of it isn't even voiced and the storytelling is dumb. Story is flavor for an mmo, it's not the meat of it.
  15. It's so funny to see people who played the OP specs now crying foul when they knew full well they were OP and were gonna be nerfed. Get over it. Easy mode is gone, but you can survive. I actually played some of these specs, but not for long cause it was too easy mode. I welcome these changes, cause i play every class and i want to feel like i deserve my kills, not cause i exploited the system for easy mode. Indirectly, this makes more specs have a chance, wich is good for everyone.
  16. It quickly became apparant that such an endeavor wouldbe too costly for the players the game had. Story alone is not enough to keep people subbed. The problem was and has always been that this game doesnt put out enough content and EA is not the type of company that dedicates itself to their product until it turns around. Despite that being the best thing to do long term. But execs are too stuck on the short term.
  17. Aside from crafting, i disagree. The game is the best it ever was. There is a reason why the game back then lost a million players so quickly. A lot was broken. Now, it's less broken and classes are vastly superior. The game is a joy to play, aside from the crafting and performance issues. You just have to see how many more systems there are today. Guild progression systems, conquest, housing and ofc way more wz's, ops and fps.
  18. I am always surprised at how self centered some people can be. I don't like X, therefore it should be removed cause it's ME! Grab yourself a vaccine and the event is harmless.
  19. This looks like a good idea, but i too think that rewards need an update, but like every other weekly around. A purple crate is surely not much to ask.
  20. At least operative needs setup, it requires 3 buttons and is predictable, so you can time defensives to negate it. Deception just spammed one button... so, not sheding a tear. As far as operatives go, i would prefer to see roll's cd increased by one second and the healing on dps specs reduced.
  21. Well yeah... i think achievements are a dumb thing to begin with, so i cant relate. Like, what did you lose here? 10 achievement points or something? Yeah, you might need a break if that's what triggers you. If you had said lack of new content, i would be there with you, but a pointless old achievement? Who cares? Ah, well...
  22. Nemmar

    PvP is a mess (imo)

    Sure thing buddy. Hey, i confused you with the OP, at least you were right about that.
  23. Nothing. Cause all galaxies did was create misguided expectations of the old republic. Totally different kinds of mmo and it would be best to not try to turn swtor into something it's not, as galactic starfighter well shows us.
  24. Nemmar

    PvP is a mess (imo)

    I tried to tell you what to do. You continue being stubburn despite people here telling you you are wrong. The game doesnt get balanced with undeargeared people. It's balanced with the cutting edge and clearly you have not seen that aspect of the game yet. So, get gearing, get reading a guide and get playing. When the well geared sin or operative comes for you and kills you in an opener and a stun remember what happened here.
  25. I doubt it. In master mode the mobs do insane damage. Defensive immunities or heavy AoE are a must. You can try, but even as tank i think the damage taken will be insane and the dps too low. I have found marks sniper good for the AoE, the burst and cc immunity. Mercenaries/commandos are probably the best choice though.
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