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Everything posted by Zabrak

  1. YES!!!! Specially noticed it getting really bad yesterday and it wasn't just the animation the glitchiness at 38% alacrity was making the ability completely misfire occasionally totally screwing up my rotations, hope they fix it... It was always iffy but it's making carnage almost unplayable for me atm
  2. lol im tried of the nerf cry. i have been playing this game since launch and imo it has never been as balanced as it is right now. sorcs... OP ... operative heals... op... PTs... op assassins are OP ... snipers OP dont even get me started on juggs. You see a trend? people call OP because they cant accept that they get beat. i play every single class, and the only one i feel is laggin a little more is mercs, but even on my merc on regs i can ruin enemy team. dont fall for this nerf crap its about as good as it can get in an mmo right now. obviously the 4v4 metagame favours certain team comps but that is even harder to balance that with 8v8 regs.
  3. I didn't understand this until I rolled a sorc. Can't heal2full or make them pay:(
  4. Where is the DoT protection in DF tree? Doesn't look like anything real vital is missing over full DF, not a full time slinger myself tho
  5. I've been trying to get a definitive answer for weeks. I don't think so, looking through my logs I usually only shield about 10-20% of attacks with 45% shield chance. But it shows shielded attacks for both white and yellow damage attacks. It could be that I can shield against all attacks and the lower effective % is just because of crits and autocrits. But I'm not sure as there are some attacks that I NEVER shield on the logs. I'll get some examples and edit, but I would like to know as well.
  6. i appreciate the answer, though i am looking for something a little more specific to the other replies i am well aware of the current state of pvp, and disagree on the balance. i have most classes to 55 and for 8v8s the class balance is ages better than it was when i left. cant comment on arenas yet really. although i would appreciate if someone who knows could answer some of my actual questions lol instead of telling me not to pvp. thanks
  7. Hey guys i just came back after being away for almost a year. (kovacc on bastion) Ive read as much as i could and gotten up to speed. doing alright in my wzs atm. all caught up on bolster(as much as anyone is lol) But there are a few things i just cant seem to get definitive answers on, and asking people In game just confuses me more because of dissenting opinions. 1. How do the tank stats work in game pvp now days? (Shield/Defense) back when i left they were considered mostly useless but i heard they were changed. 2. Do the Proc relics stick to the diminishing returns for that stat. AKA if i have a high crit rating getting a crit relic would net me negligible returns? 3. Is there a log parser, that will show tanking stats at work. ( i remember Askmrrobot used to show how much damage got mitigated by shield, but its down:( and all the other ones ive checked have no mitigation stats. THIS one more than any would help me by helping me come to my own conclusions:P 4. Some tips on how ranked arenas play, because i just seem to get steamrolled when i give it a shot would be awsome as well. Thanks for your time and responses. appreciate it
  8. well since all this comparing Assassins to ops id like to point out that assassins have 0 viable specs for arenas. (darkness/deception/lolmadness) while operatives have 1 thats BEST for arenas (healing) so concealment is broken? so is madness. anyway, yes operative DPS needs some kind of buff, but probably not it the way you guys would want, a nice defensive CD up in the concealment tree would probably be the best course of action. i just respecced my op to heals... cause why use anything else atm, it would be like me playing madness on my sin lol. not only frustration for me but for my team. neways my 2 cents.
  9. I don't really care too much about premades as I'll do both, but your argument comparing to sports teams doesn't make sense. American professional sports are all about balance, why? Because nobody wants to watch a league with no competition. Competition is profitable. How do they balance? Through salary caps, draft picks ect... Sure sometimes there are better teams anyway, but how often does a team win multiple super-bowls consecutively? And for that matters there are also leagues, even high school ha JV and varsity levels, same with college and any other level of sports. Without competition the game dies would u watch a league where teams were on such different levels that it wasn't even slightly a match all the time? Probably not so to male money the NFL balances.. I've seen this sport comparison b4 on here and it drives me crazy because it's the exact opposite. Good day
  10. Im getting some severe performance drops in this wz as well. not every time, but sometimes and when it happens i drop in FPS and lag to an unplayable level
  11. No, what classes do you consider OP? PTs? Maras? Snipers? Op Healers? Assassins? people dont seem to understand that a balanced game means your going to be angry. its not a balanced game but its getting there. everyone just thinks they should be able to faceroll everyone because they are simply that good. as the saying goes A good compromise leaves everyone angry. AP PTs are fine, its not a hybrid spec its a DPS in tank stance simple fix by linking PFT and Immolate to HGH. hybrid tanks in general are fine, sub par damage and sub par tanking. i only run Dark Maul when im PuGing reg wz. because although sub par, it allows me to guard and help dps. but when i run with premades or RWZ its a waste of a spot. the only issues are buffing a couple professions, not nerfing anyone we are finally getting to a semblance of balance. So many overpowered professions Bioware is finally doing something right, now just help merc and sorc, dps ops and were getting there.
  12. Hybrid tanks are not broken, While ap PT in ion stance needs a tweak. ITS not a hybrid spec ITS dps spec in tank stance. Dark maul for example is fine. meager damage compared to full decepcion And less survibabilty, it adds utility that may be good for PuG wzs. Which os what it should be. But is next to usless in a premade or rwz envirent. What needs a fix is the role hybrids get in ranked wz matchmaking
  13. while i agree that skank tank PTs are a bit over the top atm. i dont think hybrids should net that much of a loss so as to make the COMPLETELY nonviable. i mean i hate getting pushed into 1 of 2 cookie cutter builds for each class. balanced hybrids have their place, less damage than dps, less tanking than tank. 50% more utility. similar to dark maul now days, a balanced hybrid spec.
  14. Lol then so are all the other classes everyone needs a nerf. ( Main is a PT btw)
  15. too strong compared to who...? smashers, op healers, PTs, snipers? dont think so want to compare them to the current **** classes sorc and mercs, sure assassins are too strong lol
  16. I have 7 wives And make 350k a year... Everything on the internet is a lie :0 ITS A TRAP!!!
  17. Lol when i see people complaining about so many classes Being OP. Gets me feeling bioware is finally balancing more, PTs are OP assassin are OP maras are OP operative heals are OP snipers are OP, it looks like a couple classes need a little buff the. They Will ALL be OP!!! Lol
  18. I dont think you understand, the explosive probe deals the same damage no matter what ability triggers it. wether its your ambush or someone elses force leap explosive probe hits for the same amount
  19. Couple of things, i play on the imp side and sometimes it feels that exact same way, just depends on who is queing for each side. Also the stuns can get annoying but are working as intended, take some time to read some guides on resolve and how to use it, helped me a lot when i first started. and on the 49 thing, its bull if their quitting not to get xp, but i myself didnt do anything BUT pvp from 40-50 just to start 50 with capped RWZ comms and capped comms as well as a huge stock of stims, never quit a match not to get xp though.
  20. Zabrak

    Stun Locking

    Your using ur stun-breaker wrong man. and FYI all classes are mirrors from imp/pub. check out the sticky on resolve up top for more info.
  21. I agree with most of what you said. but often times, defenders get overwhelmed by a low number of enemies, while your busy fighting off the main bulk of their force. a call for help with number of baddies helps the team realize how many are needed to defend the other node against the smaller force. without this by the time you can do somthing about it, it might be too late. like i said often times your right, but incs help better determine how and how many of your team and theirsare to be spread across the map.
  22. lol this is long as hell, but i just had to chime in that if u think assassin tanks were better before, you obviously didnt know what you were doing, i have a tanksin and a jugg. Believe me there is a reason my juggernaut is the only one my guild wants for runs.
  23. didnt u read?? 50% self healing reduction and 9% dmg mitigation reduc for sins... not saying some of it isnt warranted just asking why somthing similar wasnt done to the mara/sents
  24. Not going to say darkness assassins didnt need an adjustment, but it looks like they hit them a little too hard
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