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Everything posted by halcyon_havoc

  1. It would be nice if, once it's fixed, they gave us a clickable item in our ship to watch all of our cutscenes again.
  2. I have a few class/gender combos I haven't done yet. Male: Trooper (Vanguard) Female: Jedi Guardian I'm also considering a Female Sith Assassin.
  3. Well, you're lucky then. I'm always presumed male no matter what gender character I'm on. I don't even bother to correct anymore. I do get a weekly eyeroll when the person in Fleet chat inevitably says, "Girls don't play this game/videogames." Again, I don't bother to argue.
  4. My group wasn't able to get past Jos and Valk Beroya in HM Blood Hunt. What is the key to this fight?
  5. As I ran expensive mission after expensive mission tonight trying to get a lucky crit for my Grade 11 artifact mats, I had a sad moment of silence for what the slot machine *could* have been. Honestly, there aren't enough Grade 11 mats as it stands right now. Maybe the rates needed to be tweaked a bit after some research, but not as badly as they were. They were not "money printers" and I can't understand why people are saying that.
  6. She looks like she has the flu, or cries a lot. I never stopped to think maybe it is cosmetics covering DS corruption. Fair point. Anyway, I like the unique face art. And let's be real, not everyone can be supermodel hot, especially Dark Side force users. What I'd really like to know is, what's up with the wax hair in this game?
  7. I think it's adorably funny when my lekku fly up in an elevator. I know they aren't supposed to be light enough to do so, but darn it, it's cute. Capes are annoying all around, though. Mainly the way they sort of twist inside out and get stuck in your character's body.
  8. While you're leveling up, you can use your basic commendations to buy adaptive gear from the planetary vendors, credits to buy some from the GTN, or cartel coins to get some from the cartel market. If you find adaptive gear you like the look of, use your basic commendations at the modifications vendors to keep the armorings, modifications, and enhancements updated. Good news for your companions at 55-60: Yavin 4 has a weekly mission reward lockbox with a full set of 192 gear for a companion of your choice, which you can repeat every Tuesday. It isn't modifiable, but it all looks great imo. And you can't beat level 192 gear.
  9. I reported the Diabolist robes/bald head bug a loooooong time ago. Ticket closed, no response.
  10. I wouldn't mind this idea as long as it was for Cartel Market dyes only, not artificer made ones. Similar to how crystals work.
  11. I guess starting Sec X rep at 50 is your ticket, then. It's even adaptable for all armor wearers.
  12. The armor reminds me a lot of the Section X reputation armor. (will edit when I find a link) Edit: Republic Section Guardian's Armor: http://swtorista.com/outfit?id=442 I also see that there are other sets below it with the identical helmet to what you linked. I think those are a bit more challenging to get, though.
  13. THANK YOU for not giving us a broken patch and waiting until it's ready. I can wait a few days for it to be done right!
  14. I personally think it would be funny if the disappearing head bug came back for Togruta.
  15. No! Let us keep this one! We like him!
  16. If you say so. Having played both sides of SoR content now, I have to say the Pub side is so much better in content, dialogue, and cut scenes.
  17. YES companion gifts are a great idea for payouts.
  18. It's a bug with Firefox, not a typo.
  19. Anyone else have thoughts on this idea? Or am I the only silly person who wants a small plot of grass, sand, or snow as a floor covering (via floor cover hook) in my zoo room?
  20. I believe the message is given because there is supposed to be an intro cinematic for the new content that could possibly give away the ending to the old class stories (up through Corellia) if you haven't completed them.
  21. /signed As long as they actually have Cartel Market Certs dropping and maybe add a few more cool rare drops. I do like being able to get the old reputations.
  22. I hear ya, but they've said they can't do it on the ships for some reason.
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