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    Music, SWTOR
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    Makin money
  1. i am playing as a rage juggernaut. what do i need to know? please don't use confusing terms unless you don't mind defining them too. i am not yet an in-depth player but i would like to learn.
  2. i feel pretty lost playing this game. there's so much to do... but i don't know where to begin. My first goal is to reach max level. I can't figure out my second goal. I think i want to get into pvp but i don't know anything about pvp. i want to start my own guild but i can't figure out how to do conquests and so far i can' find a guild that i'm not always the only player logged in so i can never ask questions except on general chat. sort of defeats the purpose of being in a guild. that leaves me without knowledge and a good guild master should know the game, and one goal i have is to start a guild. what happens if i explore every place and unlock all the terminals? is there any point in maxing out creature kills (i.e. gang members killed: x/200) with one character or does the count accumulate bw all my toons? it would take forever to go around killing everything 100-250 times. and if i did what would i gain? i'm sort of a perfectionist and i want to invest time into this game, but can you see my confusion? i really just need some sort of book or manual on how stuff works so that i can set more goals, but i can't even find that.
  3. I want all of my companions to have their best possible gear but i can't choose to upgrade all of them when their new gear is offered at the end of missions. i can only choose for one. is there a way to get their best gear after the story is complete? if not, could we add to cartel? I want my characters to all look cool.
  4. just play the game and have fun and levels will come. there's tons of ways to get xp. if you get stuck on a class quest, go to pvp, fp's, and planetary quests. when you get bored with one go to the next. go back to class quest once you get the level needed or whatever. repeat.
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