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Everything posted by halcyon_havoc

  1. Some of us may have accepted the change and moved on, but our butts still hurt from the reaming they got. I'm not happy about the HUGE nerf to it for sure (even though it needed tweaking.) But the only thing I can do from now on is to choose not to spend more money on Cartel Coins to try to get an item I want from a pack.
  2. I hope they aren't too wary to make more for the other reps. For that at least, it's a good item (and I need more ways to get my rep up with the obsolete factions!) But it's mostly useless without a few (more) Cartel Certificates tossed in there to actually BUY something from those reps.
  3. Not silly, but has been suggested numerous times before, and they even tried to work on it for us. They ended up eventually telling us that there was no way to tailor companion conversation cutscenes to show the unique backgrounds. *shrug*
  4. Canon Revan is a he, but the people who refer to Revan as he/she are throwbacks to KOTOR where you could play Revan as either gender.
  5. Competition is fierce. In a round of dailies, slicing every node I get to first, I come out around 200k ahead. What really bothers me is the slicing nodes stuck in the freaking ground or on unreachable ledges!!
  6. /necro I was just thinking today that it would be really nice on my Consular to have Holiday standing on my ship like a proper companion. She certainly feels like a crew member to me.
  7. Have you gotten both of the mounts from Black Hole for all your toons yet? They used to be 200 basic apiece, not sure if they still are.
  8. At least the armor looks nice. I was very pleasantly surprised. I think it's very generous of them. And can I get an AMEN for the droid armor? They're so hard/expensive to outfit!
  9. I beat him by being a fool and yelling, "Dance off, bro!" while shaking my hips. J/K.
  10. OP was probably baiting, and my post was tongue-in-cheek, but in all seriousness: I think BW has done a great job with gender representation in this game. The only thing I slightly side-eye sometimes is the lessened (Flirt) options while leveling up for female characters. I've seen some say they have less Love Interest options, but when you look at all classes, I think that pretty much balances out overall. Anyway, on this particular issue, good job BioWare, seriously. When you look at the Star Wars movies and compare female representation THERE to this game? Eeeesh. SWTOR is more on par with the animated series The Clone Wars, which is excellent. (now players of color and lgbt players probably have a valid complaint in this department...)
  11. Forums are always full of naysayers, whiners, and malcontents. The reason is that people are more likely to take to the forums when they're unhappy about something than when they like something. A quick check of literally any other MMO forum will verify this as truth. Just the way it is.
  12. For once I'd love to see them fix old bugs before rolling out new content. You people that need brand new stuff every month can go play other games for a while.
  13. Have you even read these threads, bro? Everyone agrees they needed a nerf on the scraps - not the Certificates and returned chips rate, though!
  14. I did not use the exploit, but if the encounter was truly broken and they used a trick to get around the broken mechanic, I don't understand who was hurt by it. I suggest in the future that the devs disable broken content until they actually can fix it.
  15. I don't mind most of the bosses being male. After all, I am there to kill them. Down with the patriarchy.
  16. Ha! Except that they don't even let us vendor Cartel Market items. The joke is on us!
  17. No need to crucify the guy. He's just doing his job, which is listening to us, the annoying player base. He doesn't make the decisions.
  18. Exactly my point. I used the mats to make prefabs for decorating my stronghold and to donate decorations to my guild's.
  19. I don't know of anyone who bought a machine "to make money."
  20. Some of the gear and the stats are definitely questionable, BUT I'm happy that I can again use HK-51 as a viable DPS companion! So thanks for these! (But yes look at the mainhand/offhand/gearsets for other companions please because sometimes the stats are weird or they're just missing!)
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