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Everything posted by Shuno

  1. I have the "R" keymapped for select closest enemy that serves me well when tabbing isnt really viable
  2. I've had this as well, it started when someone was spamming some ability that i can only assume makes allies invisable, but when the effect wore off i was left running around as a pair of blasters lol. http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/Dekkameron/Star%20Wars%20The%20Old%20Republic/Screenshot_2012-03-03_12_23_06_657877.jpg
  3. Shuno

    RAGE quitting WZs

    I have never or will i ever quit a Warzone. So what if we lose, it's still pvp and we still get rewards.
  4. Everyone calls me a tracer spammer, but as you said, why not? it kills things and makes me harder to kill as well.. I do use other stuff obviously, but i do like a bit of the ol' tracer missile.
  5. I always give my MVP to anyone who bothered actually healing others
  6. He's not talking about a lag spike, he's on about a proper disconnect. Afaik you get about 20 seconds till the server drops you so that's more than a "spike" that a connection drop
  7. Vanguard/Powertech is awesome. Whilst it's damage might not be as easily applied as merc/mando it is a very versatile.
  8. Well, you did attempt to use a slightly obscure word and spelt is wrong. If he didn't correct you i would've. and about the idea.. Er... Nah
  9. I was fighting the Drommand Kass world boss solo at level 31. I liked how my companion was too scared to fight. Because i wasn't that high a level it tookk blooming ages and for about the last 30% of it health it was enraged. Dropped a purple hilt and some bracers. Wooohoo.
  10. NI like non voice games, you don't have to press space bar as many times to get on with the quest you have already done 10 times before.
  11. Ephant Mon was a Chevin on note from Jabbas palace who was best friends with Jabba (which is rare)
  12. Yer it doesn't really make a difference. Currently my monitor has a VGA connector (weird since its only 3 years old) with a HDMI adaptor and it displays things just as well as one that is purely HMDI.
  13. I like Huttball, but playing it 90% of the time gets a bit old
  14. Eh? Balmorra isn't a pvp planet Republic and EMpire go there at completely different levels and neither can access the other sides version of the planet. Unless you mean the base was just an NPC area
  15. On my first ever visit to Quesh i was greeted by a Republic assassin hiding at the top of the lift just after you land and fought with my coming off the winner (largely due to the fact i had my healing companion out)
  16. Cadimimu drops a full set of every set of armour i think, but belts/bracer i am not sure about
  17. I may not be the first person to say this but can we please have some sort of dueling area not too far away from the player skill arena (pvp vendors) Everyone likes a good rumble, either to test their mettle or combos,/damage etc. Perhaps you could make it an instanced area so it wouldn't lag everyone out.. Maybe like a mini coliseum withe fight area in the middle and viewing areas around it. Fankyoo P.S Make it play Duel of fates music when peeps are fighting
  18. Or in games like SWG, you could plant harvesters down and let them do all the work, but those needed a decent location to place for maximum yield and also you have to think about the quality of the materials. *Sigh* how games have (d)evolved
  19. Legions of Letlow does! Although only at peak times and on a Sunday usually.
  20. In Imperial fleet i see peeps leaping to their doom quite often
  21. Personally i think the OP is whomever was first picked in the queue on your side
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