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Everything posted by Shuno

  1. Boba definately managed to escape from the Sarlacc. he ignited his jeypack and killed it, he was found very mangled near the mouth by Dengar and they made an uneasy alliance together which last for around 5 years.
  2. i have always loved SWG in all it's forms.
  3. Exactly, if someone has very high damage and not many kills. Perhaps it because he has VERY GOOD target marking.. Shooting ball carriers with healers etc.
  4. If only the server rollback they did the other day wasn't fixed *dreams*
  5. Definitely a step in the wrong direction in many ways. The only things i can think of that was introduced in 1.2 that is of benefit to the game are guild banks and being able to change the colour of your armour to match with the chest. That's it.
  6. I say just get rid of having to actually win a pvp match and change the pvp quests to just "played in" Those that win get a lot more rewards anyway and those that don't at least get something
  7. Don't spend your 791 credits all at once!
  8. Personally i wish they never had any brand names, Sheldon for instance has been using the same alienware laptop for about 4 year, like that would play SWTOR any well.
  9. and there i was thinking that people actually pvped because it was fun
  10. They have an ability on a minute cooldown (i think) called Entrench which does the things you're saying.
  11. I want social points for chatting in fleet and in my guild too!
  12. Sheldon already stated in a previous episode that he prefers the Empire over the "rebels" so i assume he prolly likes the Sith Empire over the Republic as well.
  13. Just because someone has the money to buy something frivolous doesn't make them a moron.
  14. What i want to know is how they're going to do the voices for these new race/class combos. For instance if i make a twilek imperial agent will it have the stuffy accent?
  15. All abilities kind of stutter if you press the key a couple of times
  16. In regards to the Chiss, for much of their history they were neutral and a rather isolationist race. Having some of them in the Republic makes perfect sense. The OP claims he is some kind of lore guru but knows nothing
  17. Well, i would have thought as it was a legacy from the original character that gained it, when the character has "died" it would remove it... Hmm hang on when i was typing that i suddenly saw a flaw in my view..
  18. It's still better to move sideways and turn a bit, but yes i have been known to do it hehe
  19. Oh, i'm not sure.. i guess it would delete the entire legacy indeed
  20. Exactly what i was thinking, how does this new patch make it any different
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