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Everything posted by darthjerro

  1. Do you know the biggest let down for me? Ive been waiting years for TOR, and finally am playing it only to realise its actually a lot more casually easier then that other nerfed game i QUIT because it became to faceroll. So basically i quit 1 easy game to come and play an even easier game. Im nearly in tears BW, seriously, star wars means the world to me, why did you make it so god damn CASUAL!!!!! I wasnt that hyped for gw 2 really, i was going to play it , but star wars was always my first choice, this is coming from a casual mind you, but i think * cry * you may have lost me with this games simplicity...
  2. MOP, youve got to be kidding. Trust me, i ripped people heads of a while ago if they so much even dared hint that wow was a crap game. Then wrath came, then cata and , well, i adapted the dark side. Anger lead to hate. I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THAT OVERNERFED CRAPFEST they have going on over there, id rather quite mmos alltogether. After finding out tor is even more casual then wow, im so very upset right now, but im holding my breath for GW2 and diablo 3. NEver again will wow be installed on my computer, and i bet im not alone in this. SO if tor dies before my other games come out, im back to beating dark souls again.
  3. I suppose you just wanted to add your 2 cents worth here mate yea, because obviously you have no idea what your talking about. No one tanks adds on the cannons mkay. its a MINI game. And about my tanking abilites , i think after more then 10 years of tanking they are quite impressive to be frank... SO be fore you go spill youre drivel anywhere else , read my op where i said ON THE CANNONS.
  4. I blame no one but blizz with their faceroll game for the failings of this generations gamers. When it comes to spamming buttons, everones a champion. When the mechanics change and something different is involved, 80% of players fail. Colicoid for instance. Ive tried it 3 times, completed it once. The cannons. Im Always the last to die, with more then half health most times as everyone gets wiped out. 1 guy today said hes not doing the instance till it gets fixed, hes going to report it to a gm to fix it...lol the instance isnt broken, its whats behind the keyboard. Ive really given up hope for gamers of this generation, im surprised they know how to tie their own shoes. Its actually just wanting me to quit gaming altogether, its that sad. All my friends stayed in wow, my real life friends that are as gamer savvy ,5 of us, we ran everything together without failure ever... I wish they would come over to this game. I cannot stand pugging anymore, and the guild im in are most 50 doing HM. I dont really know any of them anyway. Why??What has led this generation to be horrible gamers? How cannot they understand simple mechanics of point and shoot, ranged > big > melee.. Is it the twitch gaming? hand eye co ordination? WTH is it. Even in heroics, i see ppl doing some silly stuff all the time... Finally , why, just once, pls o mighty god, cannot i have a group that can just blitz flashpoints. Im the tank ffs, all they have to do is spam their attacks.... Wanna know the worst thing... I have to go away for work till next friday and i wont have access to TOR, so i have to wait till next week AGAIN to try to beat colicoid....
  5. I work 50 hours a week and go to gym to. granted i dont live with my missus, but thats by choice ( so i can do what i want when i want ) . I honestly dont give 2 hoots you can dedicate 3 hours a week to mmo's , its your choice. I can dedicate 20+hours a week, its my choice. But dont worry kid, you win without a fight . Games developers these days CATER to your kind, that why mmo's are facroll aoe nerfests ( looking at you wow and tor ) because you cant play for 2 hours at a a time, so everything has to be doable in your time frame, 30 minutes.... Which in the end screws everybody as we all know easy = boring , and boring = looking for a new game.
  6. New to gaming? your just not very good . EVERY quest is easy, i soled a 4+ heroic last night.. Let me guess though, like everyone, you rolled a dps? im a tank, so i guess i got perks cause i have to put up with the below averages...
  7. Mate ,its like everything else im discovering in this game. 2 words.. TOO EASY. Everything is too easy. Credits fall from the sky, gear is basically handed in bulk to you everywhere you look. You dont need to buy gear because like i sad, its everywhere, dont need to buy mods, because they are given out at every vendor for some tokens for picking flowers.. Honestly i think bw shot themselves in the foot. If they dont bring out some challenging content and soon, alot of people will leave...
  8. With soo many enhanchment designs at lvl 43, the lack of hypertech fragments is absurd. I never have more then 10 at a time on me, theres never any on the trade market...fail. But then again since ive outleveled everything by 7 lvls, im way back on a lower planet, do these things actually have a node just for them?
  9. Your entertainment = my hobby. This isnt tv, you actually have to interact with ppl. Where theres people , theres competition, no matter what. My point, casuals play 1 hour a week, dont seek challenge therefore bw designed this game for them. When this gets released in oz, if the difficulty doesnt go up, then i bet you im not the only ozzie looking for a new game to play.... Its sad, because star wars is my favourite universe, and i feel attached to it because the first movie was made the year i was born.
  10. Im so sick of hearing these excuses all the time, work kids, my 10 wives, blah blah blah. Mate, i work 50 hours a week yet still find atleast 20 hours a week to play.
  11. The sad thing is any real aussie gamer is already playing it and by march if its still this faceroll, they wont be.......
  12. Just reading all these responses in all these threads speaks volumes about the people playing these games these days. Looks like BW got onto a winner becasue this crowd is exactly the type they aimed for. Probably aweful gamers, yet can justify it by having a job ( as do i ) so playing anymore then 5 minutes a week is a big NO GO.... When exactly did people stop wanting a challenge in their " hobby", cause thats what this is , a hobby.
  13. God i hate you wow noobs. Instant gratification is all you crowd want, and when do you want it, you want it NOW...
  14. No offense here to what im about to type to you but... You do realise real gamers dont really give 2 hoots about anything you say. Honestly , you play 1 hour a week. You are the epitome of the player that these mmos are catered to these days, and its like a poison, vile and ghastly. These mmo's that get released are so dumbed down to accomodate people like you, they are fun for 1-2 months , then everything is just so damn easy, it gets boring, and gamers like myself leave. But you win in the end, you get the game you want...While real gamers are left out in the cold " again " waiting, always waiting for their AAA challenging yet fun mmo to appear.... IMHO, leveling needs to be 2x as long, its WAAY to quick. Lvl 42, just finished taris ( lvl 36 planet ) my class quest is grey. Ill say what i always say. New game, why the hell would i want to skip content? Im a pve nut, tank. I flashpoint alot. i space battle alot. I dont pvp. I have so massivly outleved the content , its not funny.....
  15. First, i love star wars, been waiting 2 years to play it. Now its here, im a bit dissapointed at how casual it is. And second, mate if you could point me to the nearest AAA mmo that actually caters to people with 3 braincells, ill head there right now. By that i mean something challenging yet fun at the same time, something that requires you to have gaming skills to aquire nice items ,Quests that are actually challenging, not just faceroll through everything with 7 others at random ( pvp ) and win purples for nothing .
  16. Did you just say " NERF " mate. I swear you just said players like me are trying to nerf this game. What tor needs is a MASSIVE BUFF, not a nerf, it needs to be harder, gear needs to be harder to get, credits need to be harder to aquire, raiding ( from what i hear ) needs to be harder. Flashpoints need to be harder. EVERYTHING needs to be harder if it wants to keep the casuals like myself . By casual, i mean the guys that are on time constraints and can only raid 2 times a week and play 3-4 hours nightly. This demographic tor will lose, the other casuals ( baduals ) they will stay, but in all honesty, they can stay.
  17. Dark souls is great if your a gamer. Not for ppl like you though. People like you DONT BELONG playing mmo's . You have poisoned the genre and now look what we have, exactly what the op describes. Well done. I can see myself and alot of others hanging around here for a long time.......Not.
  18. You just killed a little bit of me on the inside. I knew it was going to be like this, i knew it, my beloved star wars is a hardcore casualfest. I didnt and still dont want to admit it, but the more i play and read, its true. At this point im going to have to say yea, this game was designed for ppl new to mmo's and the ultra casuals, not even the casual players that know how to play and raid twice a week, but casuals that log 5 hours a week. Im not at end game yet ( for that very reason, i am scared what im going to find ), but this post has confirmed my suspicions.. Damn it man, this was THE game i was going to play for years to replace that other game....What now. Im honestly hoping gw 2 wont be a faceroll through the park....
  19. Why is WOW losing subs as of late? The gamers that stuck around HOPING to get some of the old wow back ( by old wow , i mean bc ) are leaving in droves as they realise their cause is lost, wow belongs to the kids now. The good gamers are leaving that game in droves and coming here, and much like myself, as much as i like star wars, probably wont stay that long if all we do is faceroll through content.... Easy = boring, when people start realising this, then gaming will get better again. As of now, apart from a few select titles ( looking at you dark souls, what an awesome game ) gaming has become a joke.
  20. You know whats sad, these days i can only play around 20 hours a week , so pretty much considered casual. My toon is lvl 41. Im taking my time as i know il lbe dissapointed in end game. Every flashpoint so far has been tank and spank, literally no challenge. Im getting worried. What you fail to understand is that good players that have no choice but to be semi casual these days are not looking for this faceroll. I totally agree with every point the op has, and im not even at end game. Nothing has challenged me in this game so far. Last night , i soloed a 4 man heroic ( i am a few lvls higher then it , but still...).. Today we did colicoid and my god, its the first time i got angry in this game. A new mechanic ( cannons ) and EVERYONE fails. its like everyone is just used to spamming w/e attack button but add something like the cannons and people have no idea. Fail after fail. Yes i got angry and asked *** they where doing, my side was always clear, i always had more then half health when everyone else was dead. These types of players is what this game is catering to. As any mmo player of 10+ years will tell you, this game is too easy. i rolled a tank and it plays close to what my prot warrior did. Its very similiar.Therefore i knew exactly how to play it. No learning curve whatsoever.easy i tell ya. MMO games are dying because of this new breed of people that want to play these games, yet have no idea how. Then they want it nerfed cause they are clueless, it gets nerfed, and casual ppl like me lleave..... Tl;dr ...wall of text forcechokes baduals for 14593 hitpoints, baduals die....
  21. Nothing is too hard to understand. i know exactly where you are coming from.These types dont care about story, only end game. On topic, i agree with the op, im lvl 41 and still on alderaan. Doesnt take much ( im a flashpoint freak ), so run then alot, and do space combat, no pvp though. Is it me or does quest completion just give out way too much xp. Green space battles, 20k xp a pop. Normal quest up to 20k a pop, waaay to much.. I would use the turn of xp option, or why not make it if the quests are green , you get very little xp for it. Im happy for no xp myself and just credits till i get to yellow quests. ( i havnt done a yellow normal quest since i was lvl 10, all green ). No i will not skip content, its a brand new game, im a completionist, i want to see it ALL.
  22. Im a tank. WHich tank in their right mind is going to put on light armor and go questing in it. And about making yourself the best you can be in mmo's. Lol, just lol. So i should carry around 2 sets of armour and manually swap them every time i FP and do hard quests. I gear the best i can because my class calls for it in group play, not to gimp myself and make questing harder ( its already hard enough questing as a tank ) Heres a hint, i play on a pve server because i have no use for RP whatsoever. I NEVER collect pets or do any meaningless fluff activities in mmos that you dont get a cash, gear or title reward from. Does this tell you what kind of a player i am. I am not here to play dress up.
  23. Im a fan of LOTRO and aions crafting myself. Making something harder to aquire, ie ... " grind " as you so put it ,makes one value it better. If you value items better because they where harder to create( alot of different materials gathered from around the place , not just 1 click away and presto , in 20 minutes when ur crew get back, u can craft <-----The very definition of simplistic, my friend ) then in most cases they will be cherished amongst the community and sold at higher prices . Everyone is so spoiled these days. Does no one remeber having to craft the mages epic attire in wow in bc , spellweave or something , i cant remember. Farming fire motes and cloth and a heap of other stuff, that was what crafting should be. Then ofcoarse came wrath and nerfed ( killed ) crafting .
  24. Servers run great, few bugs need to be ironed out, but im sure us oceanics are more then ready for our own servers. Ive been spamming LF group for the last half hour, no one is doing flashpoints or heroic quests in our prime time on the U.S servers. We need some local servers so finding people to play with isnt like pulling teeth. Please.
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