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Everything posted by Shoogli

  1. If you have hit the unsub button maybe your 4th ticket will now go through in a more positive way for you am guessing... Do tell us if it happens, am curious about it...
  2. Daniel, It's not so much that the CM is bad. Many of us appreciate it because we know it made more money for BW. The problem is, that while a little CM over here and there is ok, now it has became CM CM CM CM CM at every turn... People who are annoyed and post negative posts or threads are not inherently against the CM, it's about the ever growing % of how the CM grows compared to the rest of the game. There's already been a really bad nickle and dime way of treating their customer during X-Mas : a LOT of us were angry at how it was handled, and now history repeats itself in an even uglyer way between 2.0 and 2.1 so people are really getting fed up and making it known and why would that be wrong ?
  3. You're still not aware we're not done paying for it ? RotHC has been cut and sliced in several chunks, for now we only have paid for the planet, then there was the second part : the Cathar, and then over the next 6 months will be part 3, 4, 5, etc... And when we're done paying with all what was the expansion, not only it will have cost more than an expansion in other MMOs but with less content when everything is totalled... It's trickled down... It's instead of buying a box of 32 chocolates for $20, BW opened the box first and is selling you chocolates one by one at $2 each... And after they sell half the box they'd eat the rest...
  4. Ok ok, I'll give you my secret : am doing it in the lava area on Hoth that is in the crystal place : it seems this place is harder to get to find the final treasure and is the place where I got most my vehicle parts... Or maybe I got a string of luck but I got 3/4th of my vehicle pieces there and that's while looking to complete the dreadseed and forager sets on 2 different toons so I was going to all the planets and treasure areas on those planets... Yes, and also on the blue quality cloth in crates that don't kill the area.
  5. Same. I have the exact same feeling. Very very very patient... Same feeling here. Exactly ! All those "walk your talk" / "go away" / "we won't miss you" / "can I haz ur stuff" / "if you're not happy then leave" should be VERY careful what they wish for... Don't worry there are people who have been seeing what was happening and who are extremely watchful, attentive. They've been analyzing what was going on and what people wanted. And those guys are no beginners at all, we're talking BIG guys of the industry, and old school ones at that. There *IS* going to be a big one soon that has plenty of sandbox elements, housing, etc... Indeed, and unfortunately what went down and then back up can certainly go down again... Not sure it can go back up a second time though... Don't bother, it's been months we've tried to explain this very thing, all their answers always are : "but you have you free CC each month to cover it ! What have you blown it on already ?" An extremely large number of people, and bumped by the white knights over and over. This at least proves they don't work for BW since it would be a really bad way of doing their job ! In fact the last times there were so many negative posts coming in so fast in the forum was for the X-Mas CM fiasco... This, couldn't have said it better ! Bravo Cleet_Xia !
  6. OMG I was so disapointed about that : I was so happy kinda to be about to fly around mesas and pillars and those sky islands... Very sad panda here as well... And then the fact there is no free zoom with the binoculars when using them in spots where there is not especially a droid to spot or an antennae or radar dish... Just a little zoom and a little FOV change would have been so awesome... This is THE side quest I played on several characters and NEVER space-barred !!!
  7. Well in the original complaint, if I remember it well he asks for the option to dye the 3rd channel. Not outright hide it. That's only my taste of course, but once you've found a dual-dye that works well by itself then the number of outfits where the 3rd channel appears significantly : you'll find more nice things than not nice ones. It's a lesser evil for me to be forced to see the 3rd than having it erased and not have the choice to have it appear, so to speak. It add more depths and volume to an outfit : generally, not always I agree. I'd find it a shame we'd loose this 3rd and sometimes even 4th channel. Now another problem I'd like to adress because I know the answer of it almost for sure : the fact that a colour, be it on the 1st or 2nd channel will not appear solid, either not totally or here but not there. It does sometimes happen and is "normal" so to speak. Why it does this is because the tinting mask isn't totally "opaque" in the area it "selects". It is done often to add volume on a surface, meaning the tint will apply full scale when the mask is totally opaque and will apply less if the mask isn't "totally" there. Think of the mask as a greyscale. Let's talk of the alpha one because it's a white mask. When totally white it tells the tint go full on that area, when gray it tells the tint "ok tint just tint but not full scale, just a tad" and so on and so forth. So let's say you have that alpha mask on an area and the chosen tint is hot chocolate brown. When the mask is white you'll have that hot chocolate brown there, then on the wrinkles (for example) the mask becomes a bit grayish, so then in that spot it will be less saturated and either a darker brown or less saturated and lighter brown depending on the underlying texture. Thus it adds volume. BUT and that's where some people are rightfully thrown of balance is when the colour doesn't look the same at all : say it looks solid on the chest, and either very darkened or the reverse on another piece of gear, it's because on the chest the mask is white (full scale / solid) and on the other piece most or all of the mask is gray. An example you can test as preview if you have if is choose a chestpiece that shows solid colours and try in preview with the CM covert pilot pants, you'll see what I mean on the primary colour I believe. I say it again : it's normal it does this.
  8. Actually it's the same as having many members of the jedi council running around, of the dark council, of havoc squad which is a little tight unit, etc...
  9. There is a wookiee Jedi in one of the clone wars episode (the one called "the gathering") and this is much much higher canon than any video-games about Star Wars, since it's only one tiny step under the movies... EDIT : on the source of controversy, from Wookieepedia
  10. What makes you think one is and not the other ? And on what level ?
  11. Rodian can speak Basic, they have several doing so in TCW which is higher canon than SWTOR. for example. And also in SWTOR they have :
  12. Sorry WHAT ???? SWG had a million active player accounts at any given time ????
  13. Yes yes and yes. Finishing the questline and choosing one chestpiece (star forager or dreadseed) will give *that* character the ability to dig an inifinite amount of pieces of the set *that* character chose the chestpiece of. It's a always a good idea to finish the questline twice on 2 different characters (well I mean once each of course), one of which will choose the LS option and be able to dig star forager while the other choose to be EBIIIIIL and get dreadseed. Trivia : irrelevant to the original question, but one game I played against myself was to outfit a single companion that was already in full empty orange gear (in that case it was Gus Tuno in Jolee Bindo outfit) with *only* armorings, mods and enhancements that would come from digging, so now I have a Gus Tuno in full "66", so to speak, that were not bought or crafted. Gus has to feel special !
  14. Technically that isn't true since all those points you/we got were for stuff that got actually retroactively calculated/added for the deeds we did since game launched in december 2011. And you know it !
  15. Hey now !!! I was winking on that last bit... Don't pretend you didn't see it... I was just remembering that past fluke on the aspiring knight set. Well hopefully it's as you say and everything that is orange is dyeable soon but if they set the limit at 15 I'll nevertheless tell you my opinion : in case it was to limit the stuff they'd need to work on, for the few sets that are 15 or below as orange : it's not *that* many (craftable, black talon and esseles included) and they'd have had a better way of doing it by getting those in and instead limiting greens and blues from say lvl 20 instead of 15... Much less work, noone would have argued am sure... I'm sure you think like us, not being able to dye : - Drelliad !!! (I see this one very often on raiders and lvl 55 pvpers) - Aspiring knight vest (see the riot here) - Agent... (them agent they NEEEEED to be able to change identity AND YOU KNOW IT !) - jedi initiate !!! (well yeah there are many other versions at lvl 47-50 BUT STILL !!! Think of all the poor level 15-47 that would luuuuuuv to dye it....) Ewwwwwww what was the left hand thinking AGAIN ???
  16. Speaking of the Aspiring knight vest : don't you all remember the time, and maybe it still does this, that depending on the character skin colour / race / sex combo it would turn to black instead of its original gray colour ? Am not even sure it's been fixed, but it may explain why it can't be dyed, even though it's a lvl 15...
  17. Yes but as you said for the Thana Vesh set it's nice. And frankly it's nice for many many chestpieces, especially when it's linings, some subtle patterns, etc... If the gear was only 2 colours it would really be bland on most and would loose a lot of volume, especially for people who want to dye black/black. If you have a chance, and if you like Jedi garbs, do try (in preview) the black/black or white/white on the higher level versions of the Jedi initiate vestments, for example you can try on lvl 47-50 orange versions of it that always are on sale at the GTN... primeval something I think's called as orange, or proto-artifact primeval as a purple, I don't remember exactly... You will see what I mean, and that it would be a shame that all those linings, all those patterns, would be lost, erased if the dye system would allow to overwrite them, so to speak.
  18. Amount of content is what am talking about... Whether it's class based or race based is irrelevant here since we're talking about the previous comparison of the other poster who says it's normal to charge here since they charge there. My point is here it's only a reskin whereas there it's much more work than a reskin... Same as above... You clearly don't understand what I said : they use different animations meaning different type of movement that characterize them. They don't swing a sword the same way, their body move differently, they are "characterized", for the same class and same spell for example they have totally different gestures, etc... etc... etc... Am talking about structure, not size... Good we agreed on one... We were talking about what other MMOs do when they create a new race.
  19. Perhaps but the other MMOs races are not just reskinned version, they also add : 1) starter zones 2) lore appropriate quests 3) specific animations for emotes, combat, spells, movement 4) different body structures 5) and more...
  20. Just a note, not taking sides, please don't shoot the messenger... About ternary *alterable* colours, I'm not sure the current shader system would allow it. That could be a technical limitation. I'm not entirely certain of this but I suspect the dye system is tied to the unify colour system in such a way that it will substitute to it but not "add" to it, so to speak. Unless am mistaken, and I could well be, the unify system only works for 2 colours. I don't remember, but do feel free to point me to a piece a gear that would, that there is any piece that would unify more than 2 colours at a time. Besides there already is a "bug" (something that got me angry a few days ago and had me call the system totally asinine, that is, until we dug a bit more and tried to understand how it could possibly work, but that's another story) that is currently "investigated" and we should have an answer about it I hope during the next week : The fact that single colour dyes break the unify chain/propagation of the other non dyed colour. There are two possible outcomes about this : 1) : "it's a bug, chance that we fix it today is 3,720 to 1 ! But for next week : promise !" 2) : "is feature, slightly used dye system is work perfectly, please come do business again" For more infos, that maybe are relevant, maybe not, am not sure, do check : http://wiki.heroengine.com/wiki/Character_Design_and_Development And ctrl-f this part : (note for above when you find and read the paragraph : there are up to 4 masks for tinting, but I believe SWTOR only has 2 that can be unified/dyed but that's my feeling, only a guess, I could be wrong) Or also : I'm still trying to figure it all out with my own knowledge of 3D... Hope it helps...
  21. If this was the case they're really doing a bad job. See when there is a negative post that is 10+ pages long, only very few forum readers will read past the OP and either answer or don't. What that means is the average forum reader will never see the answers of either the under-aliases or the stooges. On the other hand, in posting repeateadly, and dragging conversations over pages and pages, what they do (the ones you think they're under aliases or stooges) is bumping the OP and having the negative stay on page 1 of the forum for most to : - read the op - agree with it - add more rant So all in all what those you think are under-alias and stooges do is have all the negative stay in view much more than negate it. On top of that, they annoy so many people who actually like the game but see flaws here and there or are angry at the general direction the game is going (for example milking more and more) that those people are cancelling sooner because it adds up faster than if it was only for game problems... This is why I said they'd be doing a bad job at it, and thus why I think it's not the case... Any manager in his right mind using these kind of tactics would have seen by now that it only is making the problem worse and would have fired those people or at least told them to stop... I could be wrong of course, but that's what I think !
  22. I dunnow, I like the system as it is and I get a lot of fun with it. The only thing I'd change would be to not have blues drop from random non green pulse digs and having them only for the "you found something special" and then not have green drops on this message and on the contrary have them when you dig and find something without a pulse. But if I understand a answer that was given to a bug report once it seems it would affect the loot system tables or whatnot that was currently in place, but am not sure.
  23. No you can start those missions at 52.
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