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Everything posted by LordBarok

  1. Not sure about that, never bothered finishing the quest line on other characters that I already purchased him on through legacy. It shouldn't overwrite, but to be safe you should unequip everything that is upgraded on him and save it all in your inventory or cargo hold, then finish the quest.
  2. Top 10 for your server for the planet that your flagship is committed to. The other server names you see on the Guild @ Server Name is a bug. Every guild you see on the list is from your server.
  3. I'd rather they make it count on a per stronghold basis. So you could use all 50 at one stronghold, then use it at another stronghold as well.
  4. 1 - Don't believe there is a way to see the full leaderboard yet. However, only guilds with the Flagship and have it committed to a conquest location will be listed. 2. To get the guild rewards, your guild must have a flagship committed to a conquest location, and finish the conquest week maintaining a position in the top 10. Then, each character of the guild that met their 35k guild conquest contribution will receive the guild rewards. (Note that personal and guild points earned may be different depending on if the character started conquesting before the flagship committed for the week.)
  5. Add it to your personal legacy decorations by right clicking it. Some items from your personal legacy decorations may be donated to the guild decorations at a credit cost. 1. Open Strongholds window (U). 2. Click the Personal decorations button on left side. 3. Navigate through list of decorations clicking on each one to see which have an option to donate to guild (window on right side of screen). 4. Click the button to purchase donation for guild (can be 10k, 25k, 50k, 100k, or even 1 mil, maybe more for some others?) 5. They are now added to the guild decorations list.
  6. Option A Acquire unclaimed decoration items to donate to guild bank. 1. Have decoration items in inventory, do not right click them to apply to personal legacy. If they have a bind timer, save them in your cargo hold til bind timer clears. 2. Go to guild bank, and drag items to the box at bottom left for decoration donations. 3. They are now added to the guild decorations list. Option B Some items from your personal legacy decorations may be donated to the guild decorations at a credit cost. 1. Open Strongholds window (U). 2. Click the Personal decorations button on left side. 3. Navigate through list of decorations clicking on each one to see which have an option to donate to guild (window on right side of screen). 4. Click the button to purchase donation for guild (can be 10k, 25k, 50k, 100k, or even 1 mil, maybe more for some others?) 5. They are now added to the guild decorations list. .
  7. Guilds can participate without either, but there is no chance of conquering the planet or winning guild reward for placement in the top 10 unless you have a Flagship to commit to one of the 3 locations. The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Apartments are very affordable for Guild Strongholds (50k), and you may have both a Flagship and a Stronghold within the same guild.
  8. It was fun fighting you guys off a few days ago at the world boss on Alderaan. We got the boss kill just before you overwhelmed us.
  9. Felusia sells the cheap basic decorations for credits. You're missing the 3rd Jawa I saw a functioning jukebox in someone's stronghold, not sure where they got it from.
  10. The CM purchase item is only for the flagship, to allow you to rename it again, you get the first rename free. There is currently no way to rename the Guild Stronghold/HQ.
  11. It isn't a bug, possibly just something they didn't take into consideration yet. It would be nice to have a refund timer for these purchases.
  12. Or just make it so only Preferred and Subscribers, or only Subscribers can upvote.
  13. We had posted a list of possible names to our forum and discussed it over voice yesterday... <Storm Squadron> Flagship: Abeloth's Vengeance
  14. Storm Squadron purchased ours on Tuesday morning. We have named it: Abeloth's Vengeance
  15. Collections (CM) once unlocked on a character, can be purchased from any other character on the same Account (cross-server as well). Once purchased, they can be claimed from any current or future character on the same account, on any server. Global Unlocks "Legacy" are unlocked for all current and future characters on the same Server (must be on same account). Character Perks are specific to the Character that unlocks them but some may have Legacy level requirements or purchase with cartel coins. Now when you take Server Transfers into consideration, whatever Global Unlocks "Legacy" including the legacy level, follows the copied character to the new server and merges with that server's legacy, taking the higher legacy level of the 2 and keeping all unlocked legacy features combined between them. Character Perks follow the specific character, and Collection Unlocks are already unlocked on the Account.
  16. As of right now, Storm Squadron is confirmed for purchase of the flagship at 50M. Saber Squadron is raising funds now.
  17. The heavy/medium/light gear type does not affect the armoring mod piece, only the slot matters (if it says bound to head, it must be put into a head piece). The other mods and enhancements do not have the slot restriction.
  18. They're not empty shells, but there are already some high rating legacy droid gear on CZ-198 at one of the rep vendors.
  19. Geographically, you're probably best with your home on Harbinger, or Begeren Colony.
  20. Hoping they lower the initial cost to 10 mil, but keep the costs of upgrades.
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