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Everything posted by Stridentzephon

  1. As a DPS guardian, 2.7 boosted our ability to live. I love it. But i do agree with them either making soundering throw a passive ability or give a different stack on it. Since we no longer need to fully maintance armor reduction, its pointless to have it on throw because most of our rotations use soundering strike in opening rotation. So we are double stacking it within the first few milsecs of combat which is giving us a lessen effect.
  2. seriously, this is why I did not like the double xp idea. They have already had like 8. One month before makeb They allowed you to do it EACH weekend. Now we get threads asking for more. They have already do so much to make the leveling process so easy and pointless that almost 1/4 of the game pop has more then 8 toons, most up to 12. This game is so easy its starting to make me sick! If you plan to level then roll a toon while you level your maiin then put him in a resting zone til your ready to level it. Once you do it comes out of rested WITH double XP. Eric already stated you get the same exp that way as you do with double XP weekend.
  3. You missed that hes crawling without a hand and foot.....And wearing the glove like Anakin's
  4. They work for me but the target on ground does not move. It shows up where ever your mouse is but it will toss at you selected target.
  5. Yet you still do not understand BiS is still out there,,,,,, The 78 got knocked down. Their is still NiM drops that surpass 78..
  6. Make it that we can buy a unlock to use the abilities while weapons drawn instead of just without weapons.
  7. ALL ToAoE abilities I belive are being effected like this.
  8. Nope. SWTOR launch was great. It still had more subs at launch then any game. The reason it failed was die to lack of end-game which still plauges the game now. If BW opened more quest per planet that makes us go back it would do slighty better then it does now. Me as a ex-console player can not go back. The UI can not be adjusted and it over sized. The graphics are no where near what my pc can handle. On thing i do keep from console is controller. And if you do enough searching you will find that there is a way to play this game effectively with a controller. KoToR expanded the game with console and pc releases, SWTOR on the other hand has not lost players or subs because of console release. Its more so management and understanding what the engine can and can not do. When BW made the statements "Its not possible"on minor things, players themself showed it was more the possible. Players then brought to light that BW choice of using someones else engine in a alpha phase would be the downfall of the game. Two years now "we" are seeing the improvements slowly added to the game and is why the game is growing. Painfully slow but its growing.
  9. Of course we know its fake.... we are having fun with it..... Someone is a square.....
  10. So when you drop down on a ship do you get the achivement "Drop that ast down below"?
  11. The joke is already out. Check the forums.....
  12. Astroid, paper, scissor! I beat all! even your GSF ship! Good April fools joke!
  13. KoToR is over, but makeb and oricon are stories of The Old Republic. They are almost the same but different. KoToR was based of on perspective of the era, From a "Jedi knight" PoV. It ended with the launch of ToR but we saw the conclusion of it with the Reven storyline. If BW brings it back it would pick up where the sith storyline ended with, where they defend Reven but he disappears. Republic happens first I think because we free him then goes to fight the empire. If it was that way it would pick up after they stop him IMO.
  14. Some people do not remember launch...... Purple was intented NOT to be moddible. IT became moddible from players saying higher tier items should be modded because for EX. Most guardian items had usless stats AND the shield for non-dual wields was not on par with the second modded items. BW saw it easier to have all purple "gear" exceptions of Earring and implants to be modded. Is why we see a overlap of the same gear but its a different color.
  15. Wait. I think hes asking if he can spend his coms since NiM drops will be bumped down because Kell is only dropped. With 2.7 It will take place of the ultimate slot and elite will be the old ultimate. For set bonus items they will remain drops.
  16. Yes i remember someones post of the name. But its not the style that we are speaking of. Google the name of the person that wore it and it does not look anything like what we are asking for here. But i do have to say if it gets into the game ita a "step" in the right direction along with the temple guardian set.
  17. Hey yo, yup still here! You'll hear about those new jedi robes we been asking for being added to the game? Ah yea nope, :)still nothing! Still going to BUMP this!!! Need 30 moar pages!!!!
  18. For GSF and SSHP they have bumped up the advertisment. As for banners, been around since launch. Even pre-launch. But it became bigger with F2P, like WoW did.
  19. They already produce that scale of revene/ CM alone profited last year 135 million.
  20. I wouldn't been so pissed if they would have kept my nut cloth on it as the orginal one has on it. I wear both but would prefer this one over both.
  21. I love class stories but if they give us a bigger and better main storyline for factions, then I'm fine with that. Just Makeb story was kinda boring and could be cleared in a few hours.
  22. http://i.imgur.com/9ha8ELu.jpg Would like a word with relinex robes that is a Wal-mart knock off lol.
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