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Everything posted by Setta

  1. 12 weeks I believe it was, OP said 12 weeks as well.
  2. No this is not for the seasonal track, this is for the pvp achievements for season 1. Seasonal track requires around 600 points a week on average I believe it was, which with 300 to 400 of that coming from objectives, it's not overly hard to reach.
  3. This right here is one of my bigger annoyances. Best case scenario of 25 weeklies is 4 matches for WZ and 8 for arena per weekly done. At worst 12 & 24 matches. On an average of a 50% win rate that's 6 matches for WZ (3 won 3 lost for a total of 12 points) and 12 Arena matches (6 won 6 lost). Let's say an average WZ takes 15 min, and an average arena of about 10 min. I think it's honestly more than this, especially when you're doing 3 five min matches and have stealthers who will purposely run out the clock and then some, but let's just pretend 10 min on average, if you just happen to win 2 straight, or do a 1 loss & 2 wins, but not have run out the clock on all counts. That's 1 & 1/2 hours for a WZ weekly, and 2 hours for Arena weeklies. So 3 & 1/2 hours, x 25 Weeklies needed is 87 and 1/2 hours. That's not counting waiting on ques, or doing anything else in the game. Just 87 - 88 hours devoted to pvp over the course of 12 weeks. That's a little over 7 hours a week devoted to just pvp alone if you want to get the extra tokens and title. No Ops, no socializing, no story, GSF, helping guildies, rampage, roleplaying or w/e else people do. Just pvp. I'm under the impression that Bioware believes we do this as a fulltime job, and not as something for fun on the side. They clearly believe we have no lives, and no other commitments. Anyways, I completely agree with the rest of your posts too, especially the rewards. Removing decos from achievements and putting them up as a single item up for a whole seasons worth of tokens is some sort of a sick joke. Bioware really needs to get their act together, cause so far this whole expansion has been the one of the biggest disappointments yet. They should just allow the old decos to be bought with credits for an extra credit sink. It won't save the economy, but it can't hurt either.
  4. Very possible there is a bug wouldn't be surprised. However by any chance have you transferred a character from server 1 to server 2? The track will stay the same but the legacy stuff will transfer over (including number of missions done) and that could have screwed with the numbers somehow.
  5. Literally have asked people over months now since the first week of GS3 across 3 different servers, dozens of guilds, and I don't even know how many people at this point on their view on Phalanx, and GS3 in general. Sure what I have is still anecdotal, but by the same token what exactly do you have to say otherwise? I know, I know it'll be some bs about how I have to back up my claim since I made it, but let's be real. We both know there's no actual tracker for which companions are used the most, used the least and what not. I suppose we can throw out a poll, but I'm sure you wouldn't be satisfied with that either so /shrug, this "egregious" claim is what you're going to get.
  6. Ding ding ding. Melee spec needs gap closers. Vanguards literally have to spec into it. That's why their Hold the Line (which they also have to spec into) is better. As someone who plays both vanguard and commando regularly this is fine. You get 2 propulsion rounds on 17s cds each for the cost of one 2 min defensive cd. If you know you're in a heavy movement fight, it's worth it. If not take the defensive cd. It's not overly complicated. If you can quickly rotate your camera position to launch yourself backwards in the direction that you want, it's fairly strong movement utility. Ok this one I will admit is my bad, I apologies. For some reason when I read your suggestion, my mind went straight to a raid wide buff of 60% aoe damage reduction. Not personal AoE dmg reduction. Which is why I brought up Ballistic Shield / Scrambling Field (bubble). It's also why I brought up Celertity as I was thinking that we already have a raid buff, even if it's hardly ever used. I'm not arguing that it's garbage I was just thinking that we don't need a second raid wide buff. But again this one is all on me, that's my F up. So on that note, I'm not against an AoE damage reduction. I think we do have a lot of mitigation as is, but at least now this makes a lot more sense to me than originally. Sorry but energy management is just not that hard. Is it possible to screw up? Sure. But if you need a get out of jail card more than once every 80 seconds or so, you're just doing it wrong. As far as Virulence / Dirty Fighting doing more dmg the damage is very similar between both specs, on dummies and ops bosses. Some bosses favor one class over another depending on mechanics, but overall they're both performing close enough to each other. As someone who plays a lot of Madness in pvp I'm going to say they're in a good place right now. Not unbeatable, but no push over either if played right. That said in the times I actually get a 1 on 1 with them, I can burst one down and out sustain them as a merc / mando, force their bubble, or watch them scurry off with their tele. Sometimes they beat me though, if I don't have enough of my cds up it is what it is. You shouldn't try to theorycraft balance based off pvp, unless you're a top tier player, going up against other top tier players. Because while everyone thinks they're good the reality is no they're not, and you have no idea just how good your opponent is either. Because most people think oh I crushed them I'm a god tier player. But when they lose, it's oh that class is broken nerf them. Cause of course there's no way that you could be the issue (not you specifically in this case a general you. Comprehension is not your strong point my man. What I said is given the amount of things I disagreed with you on so far, if I had played the spec which I didn't comment on, I would most likely have disagreed with you again, given how many things I think you've been wrong on so far. Now at this point I already admitted that one of your points I screwed up myself, and again my bad, I'm sorry. But overall aside from that one thing, I stand by what I said. I don't agree with many of your points, and it's highly likely I would not have agreed with the other ones too given the current trajectory of your requested buffs.
  7. That's actually a good one, and for some reason it jogged my memory about Falleen, which is another species I would also love to have. +1 for sure. And to answer Blue's question, it's a reptilian species with a very dinosaur looking head. https://bloggathehutt.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/vurk.png
  8. Cause I need people like you to suggest things like that =D There's far to many unique races that could (should) be put in, instead of something like another droid, or another human, or w/e else we have an over abundance of.
  9. This was something on my mind since the start of GS3, and really not liking Phalanx (PH4-LNX) as a companion. It's just now that I'm getting around to talking about it. I'm sure there are some people that might like her, but overall the majority of people I've talked to over this long stretch of time had a meh to negative reaction to her as a companion. Where as many people have used Fen or Altur during season, almost no one uses PH4-LNX. She's just very blend. So instead I'd like to suggest some more unique companions rather than another droid or another w/e that we already have. I know some of these might be a bit lore inappropriate but honestly, I feel like lore went out the window a long time ago, and even more now with 7.0 when your game has Jedi Padawans running around shooting force lightning at people and everything is hunky dory. 1) Rakata. I know most are supposed to be dead. Heck they're not even supposed to be force sensitive going by the lore anymore. Yet the game has Rakata mystics and many others still around in Legacy of the Rakata FP. I would much rather have a Rakata Mystic companion than some generic Scorpio wanna be in the future. Please do this instead if you're not sure on what your options are. 2) Massassi. Similar to Rakata most are supposed to be dead. Yet Yavin 4 proves otherwise. Same as the Rakata I'll take this over generic droid, #6 or w/e. 3) Bothan. Here's a more realistic companion. Bothans are alive and well, they usually make good spies, and someone that would probably fit well into our Alliance roster. 4) Voss. We have Rokuss the Gormak, why not a Voss? I know we technically have Sana-Rae and Bey'Wan as both a Voss & a Bothan in the alliance but they don't count as you can't actually use them. 5) Selkath. Feel like Manaan was a missed opportunity for this. The Republic got to team up with one, which was nice, but we don't get an actual Selkath companion. Again something I wouldn't mind rather than a of something we already have. 6) Rishii. Another more unique companion. The bird people could be interesting, if nothing else at least unique compared to what we have. 7) Sand Person. Honestly back when book of Boba was starting up, I thought there would be some new sand people armor or a companion with how the first few episodes were going. Then after a few more episodes I realized why none of that came to be... Now I get that sand people are tribal, but so are Mandalorians. Yet we have people like Akavi, or Torian who are some of the only members of their tribe, and they decide to join you. I don't see why this couldn't be similar. A Sand Person similar to the Matriarch from The Book of Fett who's a survivor that wants your help avenging her tribe would have been awesome in my opinion. Honestly felt like that was the best part of that show anyways. I know there are a lot more options for companions too, and anyone who made it this far can feel free to add their own. I just think this would be a good start going forward in the future.
  10. I'm going to disagree with most things you said. The reason I say most and not all, is because I really don't play Gunnery / Arsenal, so I don't really know enough about it to make that judgement call. However going by what you wrote, I would reckon that if I did play that spec, I would disagree with you about it too. 1) Stealth Scan as default. Well, I will say I 100% disagree with Bioware's "ability pruning" and removing a number of baseline abilities just to put them in skill trees as an option for all classes. That is another one of the thousand plus moronic decisions Bioware has done. That said, since we can't change that, and everyone suffers due to these changes it is what it is. I don't feel that the options stealth scan is competing against are so good, that you can't take stealth scan if you actually want it. Basically a slow, or a small amount of dmg reduction (that you may or may not even have during the fight). If you really want stealth scan, taking it over other options won't make or break you. Throwing out a random hail of bolts for a fraction of a second can also unstealth people without being a detriment to your cells / heat, so honestly meh. There are better things for the developers to do with their time. 2) Vanguards don't even get Hold the Line as a base, we have to spec for it, so I don't want to hear it. Our movement speed is faster, with a 10s lower cd I admit. Making this move superior if you spec for it. However as melee with this being our only movement ability I feel like that's a fine trade off, considering you can just burst people down from range. Even our gap closer Storm is something we have to spec for. Assault Specialist gets Hold the line for free, and if you spec into Tenacious Defense you get a faster knockback cd, a faster stun break, and the extra 4 seconds on Hold the Line making it 10s like the Vanguard version, minus the much faster movement speed. You can also spec into the situational propulsion round / rocket out, and get another movement ability, and if you're good at moving the character around, you can quickly turn your character around to launch yourself forward in the direction you want, and then face the character back to where you need to go. It's actually a very useful tool. It's just competing against some really good talents in that category. 3) No just no. We already have a raid buff that increases alacrity by 10% for 10 seconds, you want to add an ability that has a 50 to 60% aoe dmg reduction for 10 to 15 seconds on a 1 or a 1 & 1/2 min cd are you insane? The Gunslinger's / Sniper's bubble is a 20% dmg reduction on a 3 min cd. Way to completely destroy that ability with the introduction of this monstrosity. 4) So you don't want to have any energy management is what I'm hearing. Also energy management isn't really a problem if you know how to play the spec. There's a very basic rotation that if you follow it, you won't have a problem. Even if you screw up which I have before cause I got greedy trying to fluff my parse against some people, it's still not overly difficult to get back into the rotation, just takes a little bit of adjusting, and if you really screw up your energy management, you can purge your heat or recharge your cells on a min & 20 some second cd. If that's still a problem there are 2 abilities you can still spec in to help with resource management. They're basically training wheels but some people need em I guess. 5) There are tacticals that refresh the duration of one of your dots on a target that other classes have, but not all of them (at least none that come to mind), which is what you're asking for. I don't mind if we get a tactical to refresh / tick a dot. I don't think it would be useful because it would screw up the rotation but I suppose I'm not against the idea of a single dot being refreshed if it's done right. However I'm completely against the idea of having a tactical reapply all dots after the start. 6) We already have a pretty good burst rotation in pve / pvp. Honestly I don't even know what you're going on about. I would spend more time learning the class properly than asking for it to be completely broken.
  11. It's funny to me that there's a lot of you who say "You don't pay my sub, I play how I want!". You're right I don't pay your sub, yet Bioware still gave us the power to kick you from FPs, and OPs group formed by group finder / match maker regardless if you're subbed or not. If you're not doing what the group needs you to do they seem to be fine with you being kicked, and not ruining the experience for the other players who may also be subbed. Doing objectives in 8v8 is how you win, thus that's what's required of you to do so. if you don't like those, there's 4v4, you can show off your leet skills and kill others before they kill you. Good luck have fun.
  12. They said they wanted to overhaul the event, sadly about a full year since removing it and no word on this yet. One thing that might help some people, is the armor is bind to legacy. So if you have any tokens on some characters, you might be able to buy a piece here, a piece there and maybe have enough to get a full set or close to it for your characters. Hope that helps cause unfortunately the alternative is just to continue waiting for Bioware to get around to it one of these days....
  13. I was in the same boat once, till someone enlightened me. I know it says to use group finder for it, but you can walk in, solo it with your comp get credit for the mission. Have fun.
  14. Honestly should just be a CM unlock like many things are. Not sure what the price should be, but don't see any reason it shouldn't be an authorization unlock from the CM.
  15. There's a few, but the one that stood out to me since the first time I played it, was the Trooper Storyline Chapter 2 the gauntlet mission. It felt like it all came together with the entire Havoc Squad assaulting an enemy ship. The mission gave you an actual black ops feel of few vs many, rather than being a Goku destroying everyone by yourself like most class stories seem to do (I mean you still do that, no getting away from it, but there's more team cohesion than anywhere else). Your companion even gets injured during the mission and out of action for a little bit, showing that you guys are not invincible. It's the most grounded SW mission to date. No silly emperor ghost healing you, as you take a lightsaber through the torso, no wiping out a whole army by your lonesome, but an actual mission for your whole black ops team. I know there are some missions in the later expansion, like Kofte for instance where you swap between various companions throughout the same chapter, all working towards the same goal, but it's not the same as having your whole team roll out at the start. Other notable mentions : The Sith Warrior story on DK that MaximusNaughtius mentioned. Punching a Nobleman on Alderaan as the BH, Waving your hand against a Sith on Tatooine as a smuggler when her mind control powers fail, and some others.
  16. Storymode lockouts are 1 day. VM & Nim are a week. If you're locked out of SM you can enter VM op, or vis versa. Or you can Just wait a day if you did SM, ask a friend or a guildy, or maybe even just someone on the fleet for a min of their time. Make an ops group, go in, and then go watch your story mode cutscene. Not all of the cutscenes are inside an OP, in fact off the top of my head, only EC & KP are, and the rest can be watched on your own time. Why did they do it this way? Idk 10 years ago was a different time, period and it never changed (nor will it most likely)
  17. You can still learn speeder training from them, but that's about it now. I do agree that I prefer the old method of seeing a trainer to get skills. I know it's less convenient but I'm old school I guess.
  18. I know, but they might think that since it's ship vs. ship, instead of class vs. class it shouldn't be on the track. Which would be wrong. I was just trying to stress that point (maybe badly?)
  19. Hey look I like the new PvP track step in the right direction (IMO) but needs more token rewards (again just my opinion), and while I don't mind pvping, it is a grind that takes up a lot of my playtime, that I'd prefer to be doing something else with. For instance Ops, or GSF, and some other things. Now GSF is still technically a form of player vs player combat, just in ships. Could we please add that to the track please? For instance 8 GSF matches played for a 100 points. 4 GSF Matches won for a 100 points, and idk x medals earned for a 100 points. I'm sure a lot of us would be pretty happy with this change.
  20. Sorry Steve not 100% sure on what you're trying to say there, but also
  21. So very much this. For dark sided characters that kill people on a whim, Shae is definitely on that list. She's not the only one on the list, but easily up there. A few other things that come to mind.
  22. Well I'm glad at least one more person was helped by this thread, hopefully others in the same boat see this as well
  23. Well I'm glad you realized it, cause no one else that I've talked too did. so /cheers mate.
  24. 3 Things Steve. 1) I didn't realize there was even a terminal there. Apparently neither did the whole fleet, on the couple of occasions that I asked in hopes that someone would know if I'm missing something, or guild members, or even a customer support person when I asked if this was intended or something that they just overlooked and they recommended I come here. 2) You are F***ing awesome!! It worked like a charm. Thank you Steve! 3) Hoping that others who transferred see this and it helps them too, cause I can't be the only one. Oh and did I mention you're awesome?
  25. Could we please put the Fleet Stronghold into Collection unlocks? I recently server transferred, and realized that I can't use those strongholds. Seeing as they each require 8 tokens that is a pretty substantial chunk of the galactic season token rewards. I unlocked them on my former server, my legacy even shows me that I have it unlocked for all my characters, but of course I can't actually get in there anymore, because there's no way to activate it, without buying another stronghold unlock for 8 more tokens. Since you're able to unlock cheaper items in Collections, I'd appreciate if this more expensive unlock was available as well. And upside, more CC wasted means more $$ for you =D
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