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  1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/957500523374854204/1089380056654155796/Screenshot_2023-03-25_22_41_44_812078.jpg Good Evening, Not sure if this is a quick one or not since it seems it could be in the shared environment, but you guys have multiple stacked player ships on Odessan. While the Republic can access the ramp on the front of the ship to leave, the Empire ship prevents entry from the rear of the ship. Thank you for your time. v/r, Nostroma
  2. I completely agree. Everything has become very homogenized. Now for some numbers... MMO Server Population & Player Count - MMO Populations (mmo-population.com) World of Warcraft as of today has 2.37 million players. "Active" players.... 1st place of MMO's. Classic World of Warcraft which is looked at differently, has 524.94 thousand. 7th place. The Old Republic has 217.61 thousand. 19th place. That's not great.... 19?!? Even Star Citizen which isn't even out yet and only a playable Alpha testing has 529.19 thousand, in 9th place! That game, as I've played it, is going to be wicked time consuming, needing to learn skills by actually doing them like a medic needs to know what drugs do what and maybe needing to medevac a person based off their wounds as perma-death concerns are a thing. Yes, regeneration is there but due to DNA degradation, your character will eventually "die" with many respawns and limb replacements. And don't get me started on refueling, repairing, rearming ships and the costs associated with. Needing to eat and shower. Yes...shower... Those are all in the plans. You do have to eat/drink now. Anyways.... This all falls back onto the Trainers post above. While The Old Republic keeps expanding the Universe, it tackles things that a vocal minority complain about...or maybe it's the other way around...I don't know. Even though they continually expand the game, they seem to have lost something. Certainly the Outlander didn't help...but when a Space Station feels empty, you need to fix it. And perhaps, the time to do things...the immersion it brings, is a good thing....
  3. So, for quite some time now, people haven't had to use trainers to upgrade powers as we level up. Yet you keep them in-game where they serve no purpose. I for one, wouldn't mind having them be reactivated. Many already have holographic ability trainers in their inventory which have no purpose either now, for instance the Dr. Oggurobb Hutt Holo statue. So they're currently in storage, or deleted by the user from their inventory. With all these patches for this or that, you leave these areas with NPC trainers with nothing to do or a reason for a player to stop there. That makes this part of the station feel very odd especially to a new player, if your intent is to get new people to stay.
  4. While I agree the companion bloat and the grind that comes with it is unnecessary. The whole Outlander Alliance thing just threw a grenade into a fish tank. I just want a way to skip that whole story line for the sole reason of needing to get character Alliance redone each and every time. No thanks...there is life outside my house. It is one of the reasons if not the reason I stopped playing TOR up until this holiday after I heard they're starting to move to 64-bit and I decided to check out my characters after a very long break. In terms of having more than 2 people at any given time. I don't know... I guess it aligns with the Original Knights of the Old Republic so it would make sense. Perhaps the 32-bit servers prevented that and they may be able to do 3 after a bit of time. I can only imagine the clutter of bodies on the Space Stations.
  5. Good Evening, My guild members are worried that Bioware is handicapping the entire gearing of the game. Of course this information is from data mining that someone told someone about and then got to us and so on or whatever... I read along in a FP from GF actually... Gear What the material was stating was that there will only be mods and armor, etc for tanks...and then, for those who aren't... with this Mastery system. Meaning just really two systems of gearing our stuff. Those that need endurance and those that don't. I don't get it? I left WoW for a system of play that made me have to think...and you're dumbing it down. { I am not playing this game to play a game designed for 10 year olds } Bioware!!! Make me use my mind!! Create more systems, not less. How much I have loved this game I have been playing this game since day 1 and have been a sub since day 1. I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game. Over $700.00 actually. But, I already am having reservations of this new game-play. Have you considered the implications of the new system on the GTN? It sounds like the Market will just flood with the same end game Item modifications...minus Cartel items and decorations of course... But I mean my IQ is only 140, so what would i know? Btw...Have you thought about re-leasing Kotor 1 with better graphics..same audio.. OMG! Almost forgot.... Companions Certainly this new system has made worthless any effort that people have put into getting 192 Yavin and Rishi gear or spent hours upon hours for 198 gearing for their companions...and thus, making it difficult to care what happens to whatever companion(s) they want to introduce...since any hard work can be tossed aside. And for your information, real affection is meaningless since you can GTN the gifts for greater affection whether you used the companion ever or not. As I have a sensible mind, I feel this might get deleted...but even if it does, please pass this along into your little circles. Because people are worrying more than getting excited. I for one, would love more Story because that's how I fell in love with Bioware. With Kotor 1. With Mass Effect....and with ToR. But you don't have to sacrifice what's good about it, because some people don't care to read about what does what and how. The idea is to hold onto people who have money. To those that work and to those that may have a degree or two. People who don't want a game that continuously gets less intelligent. I want to stay with a game that challenges me and if it doesn't...it just doesn't... Thank you for your time, J.D. P.S. Still looking forward to what you're presenting, but cautiously optimistic.
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