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Everything posted by Glzmo

  1. Do the PVP activities for Hexid also include Galactic Starfighter? I really hope so.
  2. Thanks. Would you be so kind and also pass on to fix the GSF SR-03 Republic Scout Paint Job (the one that plasters that awesome giant Republic Logo on your scout fighter's hull) so it can be selected for those that unlocked it before and unlocked/purchased again for those that don't have it? Right now purchasing it for cartel coins gives an error and using the deed from cartel packs just makes it go poof without unlocking it. This has been going on for a long time now.
  3. Glzmo

    Sparkly eyes

    I like these eyes, they feel more alive. Their moisture and glass body reflect light sources ike real eyes now. I remember them being like this quite some time ago, but for some reason they went away (can't remember why). Maybe you could add a toggle on/off option according to people's preference instead of doing away with them completely again.
  4. Alright, thanks for the clarification. So the double CXP is only applied to the base CXP and not any bonus not on the base CXP and the bonus. Kinda lame, but I guess it is what it is.
  5. Did you log in all your characters at 300? I think the counter they are currently using is tied to the achievements, and I had to log in each 300 to get those achievements. I did, yes. They all registered under Achievements, but the bonus is failing to apply correctly. Do you have only Republic characters at 300 like I do, or do you have a mix or just Imperials? I'm wondering whether only the Republic side could be bugged in this matter, as such things have happened before. I should probably also mention that I have a Guardian, a Sentinel, a Sage, a Shadow a Scoundrel and a Gunslinger at Command Rank 300, so 6 Characters, but only three unique classes (sadly haven't gotten to start the Troopers' CXP grind yet or Imperial Classes, for that matter - if I had known how the bonus for the expensive perk that broke my bank was calculated, I would have gone with Commando or Vanguard instead of one of the others). Perhaps they cancel each other out for some reason? Is the CXP bonus from the perk working fine for everyone else? Could you perhaps share whether it does or not and which classes you have at Command Rank 300 so we could perhaps find a common denominator?
  6. Thanks for this. The situation is simply inacceptable, and we're already loosing players due to this already! Considering of what you communicated before and how it really works, I propose the following changes to the perk in a hotfix (read within the next week, not in a month or two!): Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +100% Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +100% Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +100% Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +100% This will ensure that everyone gets their promised +100% and actually make the perk really useful by going up to a fun +400% CXP (let's face it, 100% is still peanuts with the low CXP payouts for quests, etc., and +400% isn't all that much either but it makes everything feel less like a grind and more fun, having which is the goal of playing a game after all) for those that invest the time to grind up all classes. Still not ideal, as ideally you would get the bonus per character, but I think it's a good compromise that would show goodwill on your part, make players happy,and encourage them to play more. PS.: Citing "technical reasons" is really BS, it can't be so hard to implement a counter on how many characters you got to 300 that gets incremented and applies the multiplier and putting a cap on there. Your coders could probably take the code for stronghold conquest bonus and it's cap to code something suitable in a couple of hours, if not minutes (if not, then you should clearly employ better coders). Or you could count Advanced Classes instead of classes and cap it at whatever the maximum is. PPS.: By the way, the perk seems to be bugged right now. I have Knight, Consular and Smuggler at 300. I have purchased the Commanding Legacy Perk (before 5.5). This means I should get a 75% Bonus to all CXP. With a below-300-Command-Rank-character (no CXP buffs, no light/dakr bonus, no "Improved Command Experience" perks), I'm getting 206 CXP for a daily quest (you said was now supposedly 75CXP without any buffs), including double CXP. This isn't right. You get 75 CXP for a daily quest now. From the perk, I should get an additional 75*0.75 = 56.25 CXP. Double that and it should be: [75 + (75*0.75)]*2 = 262.5 CXP Is: 206 CXP Should be with 3 classes at 300: 262.5 CXP It's missing 56.5 CXP, which is around the bonus the perk should give me with 3 classes at 300. So there is definitely something fishy going on here besides the fast one you guys pulled on us.
  7. I wish the new server names were more faction/side of the Force neutral. Way too many dark side names. I'd have liked to see something like Lightsaber, The Force, Beskar'gam, etc. instead of Sith/Jedi names. Or if it has to be names, things like Revan (without the Darth title), Meetra Surik or Jedi Exile, etc. that can be seen as neutral (depending on how you played the KOTORs) would have been better. I just hope the dark names won't inspire even more people to play the Empire on servers where player count is lopsided towards the Imperial side as it is (and also vice-versa for light names). I guess it is what it is, I just hope it doesn't affect things negatively.
  8. Awesome! Will the cap for guild strongholds also be increased? It would be nice if we could have at least a second guild stronghold if not a couple more.
  9. Hmmmm. I wonder if the "Quality of Life improvements" for the user interface mentioned in the Fall Roadmap 2017 include chat bubbles. I certainly hope so.
  10. Hopefully the long awaited option to enable chat bubblesfor /say, /yell and /emote player chat will be included in the roadmap for 2017 or at least the "glimpse of early 2018". Fingers crossed.
  11. Will you also give the utility some additional value? It doesn't seem like it's worth much after the change compared to other utilities.
  12. Any news on this, devs? Dark/Light alignment seems to reset in Section X all the time and customer support refuses to reimburse it as well.
  13. The thing is, CXP rates as they were were way, way, waaaaay too low (if the command rank was legacy wide, it would be okay, but since you need to grind it for every single character it's just way too low) and thus weren't fun and felt too much like a grind. Newsflash: Grinds aren't fun. It took me 6 months to get one character to Command Rank 300 (I only really played this one character all six months, which made me neglect my alts and the guilds they were in, which in turn made me loose contact with many players!) due to me loathing the grind that didn't show much reward and I couldn't motivate myself to play, seeing me log into the game less and less. After I finished that one character, I stopped grinding and giving up on the playing the gam and just roleplaying here and there. Most my friends had also quit way beforet playing due to the Command grind feeling way too hard and unrewarding during the time. Playing a game needs to be fun, first and foremost. Artificial gates, grinds, etc. aren't fun. That said, the way the "bugged" CXP of the dailies flows feels rewarding and fun. It brought back many players who had given up. It encouraged players to play their alts after not playing them for such a long time. They said they'd likely stop playing again once the CXP bug is fixed, too, unless they keep the advancement the same as it is somehow (many also mentioned that they can't believe we still don't have the long promised option to turn on chat bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat, but I digress). If I had a say, I'd adjust the CXP gain of all quests and activities in the game to mirror what the "bugged" Daily quests values are (with weeklies, etc. obviously giving even more) so people could play however they wish (and not being forced into content that has a "bonus" this day/week, since that is actually counter-productive as we've seen on some servers were for example GSF queues are dead and rarely popping on smaller servers unless the BONUS shows up on GSF - some also just play when there is a bonus for their preferred playstyle, which is bad!) and still advance without it feeling like a grind. That way people could have fun playing the gmae and gaining Command XP and Command Ranks and crates and gear, as they'd get a nice box reward almost every quest or two they finished. Warzone, (especially) Galactic Starfighter and other CXP rewards could use a boost to match as well. Also, it would be nice if you increased that measly joke of a 25% Legacy CXP reward to something like 200% instead so it actually truly makes it easier to level up alts to Command Rank 300.
  14. Why did you stealth-nerf shadow map resolution? 2048 is the maximum now, whereas before it was considerably higher. Shadows look worse now, even with the new "High Quality Shadows" checkbox. I suggest to increase the maximum value to 4096.
  15. Way to screw full time crafters, who typically don't care much about combat, even more. First force them to grind galactic command just to get competitive schematics - and not even the best ones - (and since command launched I rarely got those that I was looking for due to bad RNG - why can't we buy them from vendors for command tokens like you can buy armors at least?) and now put them into combat situations that are impossible for them and thus force them to purchase these things for higher prices, which inflates prices on items, which again screws players that aren't billionaires. I really miss Star Wars Galaxies where crafters, entertainers, roleplayers and socialites were actually valued.
  16. So now you are looking at other things than raw HPS/DPS all of a sudden? Why not when balancing DPS classes and also Sage/Sorcerer healing before? I hope you've finally learned that only bringing DPS/HPS to a level doesn't constitute balance and you have to take all kinds of things into account as well. Back to the drawing board, kids!
  17. It's a pity for the diehard XP and Vista users., but there's nothing that Bioware can do about it, so it's time to move on to a new OS for the people that still use older ones. No, it isn't. Especially for CPU intensive games like MMORPGs, Vulkan as well as DirectX 12 - if implemented properly (which certainly isn't easy!) - can lead to large performance improvements together with a native 64 bit client. So it isn't nonsense. Thus I'd like to see at least one of the two implemented as an option to supplement the current DirectX 9 render path. With Vulkan, you could even think about implementing a native Linux Client as an option going forward. Then again, more video cards may support DX12 than Vulkan (Nvidia Fermi-based cards now have driver support for DX12 while they still have no Vulkan support and it isn't likely to be added anytime soon, for example).
  18. That would be nice. Or at least make all companion customizations bind on legacy so people can move them to their characters on the other side.
  19. I'm sure selling games and other media that aren't translated into their language is perfectly legal in these countries. However, the French and German speaking population in the world (not just France and Germany!) are used to getting their entertainment delivered in their own languages, because the synchronization/dubbing industry there has been leaps and bounds ahead of those of many other languages and big emphasis has always been put on it. In most other languages, the best you get is sub-titles for foreign language films and entertainment like PC games, while they get fully synchronized/dubbed in German/French and the people that speak these languages have been used to it for many decades. Thus many people are used to and prefer games to play in their native language. Those will buy a fully translated and dubbed/synchronized game over one that's only available in a foreign language. I myself prefer to play my games (as well as watch movies and TV series) in their original language (I myself credit playing original English versions of games like X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Loom, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, etc. as a kid for speaking the English language as well as I do, so I can only recommend kids to play games in foreign languages and learn them - the more languages you understand or even speak, the better!). Coincidently, people speaking German and French are also among the largest gaming- and especially PC-Gaming- markets in the world, so it's a no-brainer for companies to translate their games into those languages to increase profit. Bioware/EA has been doing it in a rather unsatisfactory way, however, especially in recent years since they have abolished with the full German and French community forums and moderators as EA apparently cut down on the budget for German and French language versions. This leads to them often forgetting to translate new content (even bugging some new content and quests to be unplayable due to it unless you switched to the English client - sounds unbelievable but it has happened a lot) or making huge mistakes in translations in recent years where the translation sounds comical at best (which makes some people believe it was done with Babelfish or other auto translators). The game was originally advertised as fully supporting these languages, so it's understandable for those players to criticize the direction it's been going. Let's get back on topic here, though, there is no need to derail this discussion any further.
  20. Thank you Mr. Kanneg. Please don't forget about a big part of your player base, the social (role-)players, though. Speaking of which and about you and your team taking those chances you mentioned, how about taking a chance that no other producer took so far (even though they promised it...) and finally (re-)implement an option to enable chat bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat (check the link, there is lots of information you may need there) to improve social communication between players in the game so people can look at the beautiful characters in the 3D space instead of focusing the tiny chat window and try to figure out who the speech belongs to if they choose to do so? Be the producer that goes down in history that had the balls and finally got it done! Here is the post where SWTOR's then-GUI developer goes into detail a little bit and explains that you guys know how to fix and implement them and what's needed, it's up to you, Mr. Kanneg, to pull the trigger and slot it into one of the patches: I don't have much else to say on the topic than what was already said in that thread. I can get a bit more technical on the topic though. As it was said before chat bubbles were a huge performance hit on the game when we had initially implemented them in beta. We're talking upwards of 400Mbs of video memory used on chat bubbles alone. Nameplates had the same issue. We fixed nameplates but have not had time to do the same with chat bubbles. If you played in beta and saw our initial implementation of them they weren't very pretty or as fully featured as we'd like them to be. So, yes, we would like to implement them again, but when we do we want to do it right. You'll notice that 400Mbs of video memory is peanuts nowadays with even lowest-end video cards having access to 2GB of video memory. Back during beta it was a problem, since the standard video card had 256-768MB of memory (although there were high-end models with 1-3GB as well). So the memory/performance issue isn't really an issue anymore, especially if it's fixed correctly and a toggle on/off option so those that actually have performance issues with it can turn it off just like any other performance hungry option like anti-aliasing, shadows or nameplates. The last time we even heard anything official about it was back in August 2015 at a Cantina tour: It's about time words are followed up and promises kept. And please let us know what your plans for chat bubbles are and don't leave us in the dark for months and years again. Help us, @KeithKanneg, you're our only hope!
  21. Could the guild stronghold limit of 1 Guild Stronghold + Flaghsip please finally be lifted so each guild can get multiple guild strongholds? Does it only matter what the highest rated mod in the item is or do you calculate some sort of average per item from all mods inside? As for the gear check for the new flashpoint, how are augments factored in? Augments can make gear with lower ratings as good as higher rating ones that don't have augments. Since augments have a smaller rating than 242 (and there are people that use lower level augments than the ones available), I hope having an augment in the gear won't drag your "average gear rating" down either. Hopefully you've considered that. Will premade groups still be able to use the group finder to enter the flashpoint even if one of the members doesn't have average 242 gear? In general, I'm not the biggest fan of this change, as it will limit the ability to play such a flashpoint to a small number of people that have access to 242 and higher gear which is still way too hard to get due to stupid RNG.
  22. I certainly have to say that once you get into Tier 4, the crates seem to be way less rewarding than it already is (crates with random drops should have never been added, you should get tokens and be able to buy whatever you want and need with them) and it's even less motivating to continue the grind and remain subscribed. It's also incredibly frustrating that it seems some pieces have a much higher chance to drop than others. The chance should be the same. I was lucky to have gotten a 248 lightsaber in my first Tier 4 crate, but after that most crates didn't contain any 248 pieces, although I got 4 248 belts and 3 248 bracers and not anything else. These now clutter my cargo hold (which is expanded to the maximum and still has way too little room) in case you guys introduce some Tier 5 gear and we'll have to trade it up. There should at least be an option to trade them in for other pieces that you actually need/want for other pieces of the same rating. In addition, it's frustrating that you can only trade up 242 gear to 248, but once you reach Tier 4 you don't get 242s in crates anymore. You should be able to trade up 246 gear pieces to 248 with tokens as well. Also, what about the crafting schematics? I haven't had a single 246 hilt, barrel or Armoring schematic drop yet in Tier 4 crates (including PVP daily/weekly crates), but I had a bunch of doubles drop from all kind of other things I don't really want. What's up with that? By the way, it would be really nice if we could purchase all the schamatics from the tiers (including previous ones) for command tokens once we reach Tier 4. Then again, that whole RNG system just needs to be dropped again. It simply isn't fun. Go back to tokens/currency with which you can buy anything you want/need.
  23. Low-level APIs like DirectX 12 or Vulkan, if implemented correctly, would be ideal for an MMORPG, since it should reduce CPU overhead. In addition to that, an optimized 64 bit executable optimized for multi threading that can utilize more system and video RAM would be ideal as well.
  24. You could look into the "Kick the Hutball" animation change mechanic that already exists (when the "kick the hutball" buff is enabled, it plays the kick instead of the throw animation when you toss the hutball - you would just need to make it a toggle instead of a time-limited buff), it could perhaps be adapted for this with relative ease (assuming someone is a skilled enough coder). Maybe this could even allow you to re-implement Lightsaber stances the way the original devs envisioned them (since there are no stances anymore, you could re-implement them as cosmetic stances) where the animations would change depending on the stance used.
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