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Everything posted by Aetou

  1. To get good gear at L50 you have to engage in the endgame content: Flashpoints, Operations and PVP. The best you can get from your class quest is L50 Blues. You can get L50/51 Purples from the daily quests. You can get upto L61 Purples from Endgame activities. 18k health just means that they have the gear from HM Flashpoints.
  2. Kolto Pack costs 20 energy. It isn't a bug - just absolutely terrible design.
  3. You shouldn't be getting interrupted because you shouldn't be using UWM (much.) Move almost constantly, rely on your HOTs and EMP to do most of the healing. Snare the guy chasing you, rely on your team to protect you (it is essential unfortunately, no protection = death), put your extra points into Scrapper for the speed boost. Cleanse yourself liberally. Don't neglect Med Screen - the 15% extra healing while being focused is a big boon. Use LOS to your advantage. Accept that until you're awesome and in very good gear you will die a far bit - I can go games without dying now but that has taken a lot of practice and usually only happens if I'm being guarded well.
  4. That big spike damage should be hitting your offtank. If they aren't maintaining threat and it's hitting your DPS then you'll keep having issues. If you have the second tank take all the big hits you'll have no problem with it. Just have your two tanks trade taunts on the boss so they are always #1 and #2 in the threat list.
  5. I've also cleared it as a Sawbones (Rakata/Aug. WH/Black Hole) with Bowdaar (Columi/Centurion/Champion.) It was... slow. Sneaking past the mobs was actually fine, I had no issues with waiting around for Blackout as Tranq let me past most groups. The final fight was very, very slow though - close to ten minutes I think although I didn't time it. Bowdaar did hardly any damage and I was spending 80% of my time healing him due to his mediocre gear instead of DPSing. I don't think I'll be doing it solo again though - it's so much quicker, easier and more fun doing it in a group.
  6. Juggernauts can't heal indefinitely. They have a weak self-heal on a 45s CD that costs so much focus he won't be hurting you while using it (4 inititally, then 1 more a second for a 3% heal.) They then have Enure which gives you extra health for 10-15s but which disappears at the end of that time (so it's not really a heal at all.) Then there is just the medpac that everyone else has access to and so probably shouldn't be counted. Now, if an Immortal (or Immortal Hybrid) pops all their defensive CDs in succession they will be capable of taking 3 people hitting them for a while but it is in no way sustainable - you just need to deal about 36k damage in total to bring them down (after mitigation.) Tough? Yes, but they just blew two 3 minute CDs to buy their team 20-30s at most (unless you're very bad.)
  7. Aetou

    The Bset DoT PvP Build

    DoT builds and Burst builds are basically opposites. I think currently the best DoT build (which retains decent burst) is Dirty Fighting Gunslingers although Balance Sages have very solid Dots too (but without any burst to compliment it.)
  8. Play a Scoundrel or a Sage. More helpfully, realise that your job isn't to chase and heal the ball carrier but is to help control mid. Stay there and keep people alive there and hope you have another healer on your team who can be the offensive healer.
  9. Although once you start filling it with 2-3 sets of gear (I switch between PVP and PVE enough that I need to carry both sets with me) plus the stacks from the gathering missions you need to be running and so got dumped straight into your bag plus the results of your crafting and suddenly that fully expanded bag doesn't feel so big. Crafting materials going straight into the bank would be a huge boon.
  10. I love Kolto Cloud (I'm a Sawbones) but maybe that is because I wear 2xWH, 3xRakata so that my KC is buffed by 15% and only costs 22 energy. I can usually place it to get at least 3 targets, it not the full 4, and that makes it very efficient at topping the melee contingent off while also not neglecting the tank. It effectively has a 20m radius of effect so you should normally be able to get enough people to make it very efficient. In Flashpoints you can often set up the group so that everyone benefits from the heal in which case you should probably be using it on-CD to keep everyone else topped up. One situation where it shines is for dealing with predictable burst damage (such as from Crusher) - apply it just at the start and it will make a difference. Another is, as others have pointed out, when you need to be on the move - it gives you a nice and efficient top-up heal to add to our other instants.
  11. A possibly easier option is to have them whisper you then type /r. That will put their name in your input bar, at which point you can change the /r to /addfriend. That's how I did all our guild invites with awkward names.
  12. If the DPS don't miss any interrupts then it should be a tiestalemate, if they do then the healers should win. 1 Healer being Interrupted should equal 1 DPS who is also being interrupted, if you aren't using all your abilities (i.e., interrupts) then you should lose. When healers hold off big groups it is normally because they aren't being interrupted and CCed properly.
  13. Don't DK at the start, save it for when it will be more useful - either to let you get a selfheal off or to get a second backblast off.
  14. Full BM gear is sufficient for pretty much all HM Ops and FPs. I mean, you wouldn't want your whole group to be wearing just BM but we've cleared HM LI with one of the dps in BM and we frequently take multiple people in full BM with us on HM Ops to gear them up (we're primarily a PVP guild.)
  15. What's better, +50% damage but only 35% of the time or +75% damage the 65% of the time you wouldn't normally have crit? Our automatic critical talents are actually better versions of the +Surge talents so I'm more than happy with them.
  16. Just for the record, the PVP on Progenitor since the merges is awesome - generally WZs pop in a few minutes, from early in the morning until well beyond midnight. The quality is also pretty good and you have the nice community that generally goes with RP servers. All that Lord Calypho players would lose by such a merge is the (basically) non-existent world PVP. That said, giving them the choice between ToFN and Progenitor can't be that hard to do can it?
  17. Silly question, but are you 100% sure they weren't Jugs/Guardians with Unremitting?
  18. Less than 75k Protection is pretty bad for somebody in tank stance. Heck, you should be doing about 20k protection just from taunts even if you are a full DPS build. The tanks on your server are clearly bad. My Guardian Alt still has pretty bad gear (BM except for 2xWH armour and WH weapon) but in his first game this morning (first with the new weapon) he did 409k damage and 209k protection (2nd damage, top was a Sentinel on 511k.) Now, I'm a PVP tank which means I'm in the correct gear and skilltree to tank in PVP (instead of PVE, where I offtank) but wow... the tanks on ToFN sound hideously bad. Good tanks are essential to keeping healers alive and in return get kept alive and so get to do solid damage compared to DPS who die a few times. Tanks who don't want to tank are a waste of space, good tanks are incredibly valuable.
  19. It should take an average of 2-4 hours per level if you have rested XP (noting, of course, that level 48 will take a lot longer than level 18.) So, given that, if you are doing 10 hours a week then it will take 3-6 months to get to 50.
  20. Scramble is pointless if you already have Sneaky - they don't stack. Psych Meds + Sneaky 3.
  21. I've always preferred Surrender > Dirty Kick to doing it the other way around. It just... seems more amusing that way.
  22. Patience, young padawan.
  23. Tranq Dart is single target and I can choose to use it or not. In a 1 on 1, or 1 on 2, situation you will generally want to use it if you have Sedatives. Now, personally I don't use Sedatives because of the impact on PVE but in 3 of the 4 maps there are multiple situations in a game where it would be useful to me as a healer - and back when I played DPS those chances were much more frequent. It isn't an amazing ability, but it is better than Scramble which is the only alternative in that build. As to the rest, as a Scoundrel you should almost always be in a Kiting situation - either as the Chaser or the Chased. If you aren't then it means that the opposing team rightly judge you not to be much of a threat. Speed is everything, which is why I personally always have Sneaky in my builds and would much rather hybrid with Scrapper because there is so much more utility in that tree and having Sucker Punch is very nice - don't underestimate the power of a Shoot First - Back Blast - Sab Charge - Sucker Punch - Blaster Whip - Sucker Punch chain. That said, I'd much rather keep Kolto Cloud and Med Screen. Even in a 31/8/2 build you can do very respectable damage (150-200k if you're only doing 400k healing, less if you spend more time healing obviously.)
  24. Some corrections to the above. Yes, Sneaky increases speed by 15% out of stealth as well as in stealth. No, in stealth you still have the penalty of 15% for being in stealth. Sprint is a larger bonus and so if you are eligible for Sprint (i.e., not in combat) you will not notice any benefit from Sneaky (which is probably why lots of people think it just doesn't work how it does.) The real benefit of Sneaky is that it makes you faster while in combat which is close to priceless in PVP when you are either kiting (as a Sawbones) or being kited (as a Scrapper.) Survivor's Scars benefits all healing you received, from all sources which would include Surprise Comeback.
  25. Definitely not the best Scoundrel Hybrid ever, although this sort of Hybrid is good if all you care about is putting big numbers on the scoreboard (in a ranked team one support character like this could work, but you need to be sure your other DPSers have some burst to break the targets you weaken.) Three main issues. (1) Your comments about Flashbang reveal a serious lack of understanding about PVP and the importance of managing the enemy team's Resolve. In short, you should always think twice about giving somebody Resolve because you then won't be able to CC them when you need it. Giving a whole group of enemies resolve for free (because you've dotted them so it gets broken instantly) is just terrible - the 20% accuracy debuff is not worth that. Flashbang is an excellent tool, but it needs to be used with care and consideration to avoid the downsides outweighing the strengths. (2) Feelin' Woozy. I have no idea how you could leave this out of your build. Snares are amazing, particularly for a build that relies on kiting. An AOE 6s snare is very nice indeed - much better than being able to use Defense Screen more (an ability that is only awesome if you have Med Screen, which this hybrid can't.) While the reduction on Escape is nice if we are talking about a pure PVP build the fact is the snare is just so much nicer. (3) Scramble v Sedatives. The reason not to take Sedatives is that it is a pest in PVE and makes Tranq Dart less useful there, for PVP itself it is awesome. You say you never use it but if you are attacking a node from stealth then you WILL be using this. Similarly if you are defending a node from stealth you'll also be using it. In both those situations the 50% damage reduction is massive, easily the difference between living and dying - between taking/holding and not. In contrast, Dodge gives you a 20% speed boost for 3 seconds every minute. That's close to worthless and you gain far more of an advantage taking feelin' woozy (30% reduction to your chaser for 6s every 12s.) So, this build is much better for PVP while remaining similar. I'm still not convinced that even that is the 'best' Scoundrel Hybrid build. WS+SRMP and EMP+SP Hybrids both have a lot of merit even if they won't put up as much total damage as a dot-like-crazy approach.
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