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Everything posted by Phazonfreak

  1. I never said that you would get the same objective again. You could only get an objective from another week that cannot be completed during this week, because the required mission would not be active. This is the new design of curated weekly content and one of the reasons why the reroll option was removed in the first place. I also don't see "all the broken missions" that you see. Out of the three weeks of Galactic Seasons so far, I encountered the bug regarding some of the flashpoints not counting correctly, which could be remedied by queuing for a different one, and an objective showing the completion of two weeklies but you only needed to complete it one time. I know that there have been more bugs for example with GSF, but the best method of dealing with these bugs is to fix them, not to reintroduce an old mechanic that cannot work under the new system.
  2. Being forced to reroll from a random season objective that you didn't like into another random season objective that had a chance of being even worse was the complete opposite of great. There is also no other objective to reroll into, because weekly objectives are tied to the weekly missions that are available to you. You would basically lock yourself out of an entire objective by rerolling. The entire point behind the changes to GS2 is that you don't need a reroll option anymore, because all the objectives in a week are available to you for completion at your own pace. Even if you have a week like this one with some objectives that are not as easy to complete as some other week, you can always compensate by doing the daily Conquest objective and catch up during the other weeks.
  3. Thanks for letting me know, I just assumed by the wording of the dev post that the character had to have the appropriate alignment before 7.0. Nice to know that I can still reverse the alignment of some characters to get the swap option.
  4. I encountered a bug regarding all three character customizations for Master Ranos from the Galactic Seasons vendor Jaleit Nall. After unlocking them in my Collections, I cannot pay Cartel Coins to claim those customizations for my other characters. The window tells me that I have not enough Cartel Coins to purchase it, but I have more than enough on my account. Please fix.
  5. Incorrect. As stated in the dev post that I linked, you only needed to have the appropriate alignment before 7.0 went live in order to swap the primary Combat Style of an existing Force character to the opposite equivalent Combat Style. You also get another chance to do that when the character finishes the Origin Story with opposite alignment after the update. You didn't need the Legacy unlock for either of these options.
  6. Because they stumbled upon technical difficulties when they tried to allow us to change the primary Combat Style of existing characters. As a consolation they offered us the option to swap existing Force characters to the opposite equivalent if those characters had at least one point towards the opposite alignment before 7.0 went live: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9985619#edit9985619 Since your Jedi Guardian was Light V before 7.0 went live, and already finished the class story I assume, you have missed the chance to swap the primary Combat Style to Sith Juggernaut. Customer support cannot help you here, because it is working as intended.
  7. While I agree that the new endgame gearing is extremely flawed and not fun at all in its current iteration, I do not understand the point about ARM farming not being advantegeous for players with many alts. In my view the complete opposite is the case here and the game basically forces you to have many high-level alts that can farm those ARMs by finishing the small selection of weeklies that are available each week.
  8. It wasn't intentionally removed, it is simply bugged. Same with the option to unify your companion's colors. Both of those points are on the known issues list
  9. And I don't understand why you even included Galactic Seasons in your list of forced changes in the first place now that you acknowledge that it isn't even part of the real problem with 7.0. The main idea of your very reasonable argument is that BioWare introduced mechanics in 7.0 that are forcing players to do specific things to progress further and that it feels more like a second job than fun to some players. I agree with you. However, the changes to Galactic Season 2 are the complete opposite and undermine your argument by increasing the availability of activities that players can do to earn points. You keep arguing as if the activities for Galactic Seasons are somehow separate from the rest of the game and that you have to do additional work to progress in the Season next to earning the new currencies, running curated flashpoints and trying to involve players in PvP. This would have been the case under the old system where you had to complete randomly assigned objectives that you would have not done by choice. It is not the case anymore with GS2 where you earn those points alongside all the things that you normally do in the game anyway.
  10. What happened was that level scaling has been changed to include tertiary stats like Presence in the level cap and companions have become less effective in the process.
  11. And you are obviously conflating different points of criticism about 7.0 and are unable to step back and acknowledge that the changes to Galactic Seasons are exactly what the community asked for in order to balance the effort you have to put in and the rewards you get out. You even have another thread nearby where some players are seriously arguing about the fact that Galactic Seasons has become too easy now and there is not enough alternating stuff that is assigned to you each day. It was always supposed to be a "job" of having something to do in the game, but the crucial difference is that during the initial season you couldn't be sure what objectives were randomly assigned to you, which made it much more of a chore. Now you can pick the assignments yourself, which creates the balance you are talking about. I refer you back to the very first paragraph of your initial comment: The changes to Galactic Season 2 is literally the opposite of what you describe here for 7.0 as a whole.
  12. BioWare listened to the community here and changed Galactic Seasons exactly in the way that was suggested by players on the forums. The two crucial points were: 1. Tie the daily objective to Conquest points and let us decide for ourselves how to earn them - done 2. Don't force us to do random content that we don't like and give us a list of weekly objectives from which we can pick our desired activities - done And when there were even more complaints about the big discrepancy between solo and group activity points, they listened again and increased the points for solo content. It is simply amazing. Sometimes I really feel that regardless of what BioWare is doing here, this community is simply hellbent on hating everything they do, even if it is exactly what we asked them for.
  13. Which is completely valid, because the value of the Daily has been lowered accordingly and you only get 2 Season points out of it. It now works in tandem with the Login rewards as a means to entice you to log in regularly, but the actual work is done by completing the Weeklies. This is a much better approach considering the limited time that some players have within a week to play the game.
  14. I strongly and utterly disagree. GS2 is one of the few cases where they truly listened to player feedback and vastly improved upon the system. No more forced and random objectives with even more random rerolls to rifle through and instead giving the agency back to the player. You can go about your day and not care about this thing and still complete the daily objective in the meantime. Or you can simply pop one of the new reputation items from the Shadow Syndicate and be done with it in the time that it takes to open your inventory and click on it. For the Weeklies you have the full buffet of objectives at your disposal and can go about them however and whenever you like. If you are commited, you can finish the entire season in about two months. If not, you still get three more months to do so. No, what GS2 demonstrates to us is that BioWare is still capable of listening and making things better for this game in a time when some players have given up on it because of the rest of 7.0.
  15. Same for the old 3 second channeled Ravage animation on Juggernaut tanks. I propose to use the slot at lvl 27 with "Debilitating Slashes" that immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. When picking that talent, simply replace "Blade Barage" with the old ability that stuns standard and weak targets and keep the immobilizing effect on strong, elite and player targets over the duration of the channel. Reason being that you already did a similar thing with the old flamethrower ability on Powertech tanks as a choice in the ability tree and that many players have asked to get the old Master Strike and Ravage animations back. The new ability tree is a perfect opportunity, because it will be a conscious decision to spec into and you can always pick a different talent to adept to different situations.
  16. It's still there for all 3 disciplines, just moved to be a choice at lvl 35 in your ability tree.
  17. Only Depths of Manaan seems to consistently grant the 1 point for the fp and the 4 bonus points. If you run it twice, you are done with the Season objective.
  18. You don't even have to waste money and call them. Just create an ingame ticket asking for the missing CC and they will transfer them to your account.
  19. I'm certain that there are at least plans for new Combat Styles now that they don't have to worry about story considerations. They can always sell them for Cartel Coins and make money off of it. Chris Schmidt also hinted at the idea of a "Jedi with a blaster" during the Podcast interview. Whether it will really come to fruition is still anyone's guess, though. Especially now when it has become very clear that the crew is severely understaffed and cannot catch up with all the severe bugs that they have to squash.
  20. I know this is what they say, hence my comment that this incorrect description of the level range might be the actual bug.
  21. You have to be lvl 80 before the new endgame gear and currency for upgrading that gear will be available to you.
  22. This is most likely not a bug regarding the supposed 75-79 lvl range of the set bonuses, but a bug regarding the wording on the tooltip. There have been quite a few contradicting information about this and other features of 7.0 floating around since its announcement. Chris Schmidt said in the Podcast interview that set bonuses will be deactivated upon reaching lvl 76, which is exactly what we have right now. I think this is simply another example of the severe lack of communication not only between the devs and the customers, but also among the devs themselves.
  23. You can still mod gear up to iRating 306 including the Cartel Market items. The different level mod vendors and the Spoils of War gear and mod vendor are still in the game and you can also still craft them. This changes when you level up beyond 75 and earn the new endgame gear with higher iRating, but even then you can use the Outfitter to have the aesthetics of those Cartel Market items while wearing the unmoddable gear for stats. The only annoying part about this right now is that the weapon slot for the Outfitter has been delayed to 7.1, so until then you cannot use the aesthetics of a different weapon than the one you have equipped on your character.
  24. You can get your EA account permanently deleted without the possibility to restore it anymore under the "Right to be Forgotten" rule. While this rule is only legally binding in the EU, Argentina and the Phillipines, you can still call upon this rule regardless of your residency if you contact them.
  25. They removed it. You will only earn alignment points by selecting the appropriate dialogue choice and by sending your companions on Diplomacy missions.
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