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Everything posted by Kawiki

  1. Rail shot was an example of white damage not something that a Shadow may or may not be concerned with, but it is a valid point none the less. You know as well as I do that Force Shroud is only as good as the people you are playing against. Where as UR basically requires you to A. Run away or B. Use a long cool down to stun. In any event you will quite possibly be facing a Mara with a full health after it is over.
  2. Umm no its not. Several high damaging attacks from multiple classes are white damage or non force/tech damage. Rail shot for instance. UR blocks everything.
  3. Tankasins are the worst PvP "pure" tanks with 1.3. IMO you are better off going mostly stalker gear. Get the 2 piece set bonus from Survivor gear then the rest stalker. Whether you use a shield generator is personal preference/situational. Once you get full BM gear you want to mod it a bit as there is far too much accuracy on it. The eliminator cannon (if republic) has perfect enhancements for tankasin gear. The damage is moderate and surviabilty is good combined with your utility you will be a benefit to your team.
  4. For looks? Maras FAR > survivabilty then mercs
  5. While the thread was more "tongue in cheek" the OP has a point. The health cost is next to meaningless as they can just pop a medpack or get healed. It's bad design. They should be immune to healing while UR or invisibilty is active. Otherwise you just have to kill a mara/sent three times....
  6. Snipers are an awesome class.
  7. Well.. that should never happen unless your team carried you.
  8. Don't be surprised if teams that know how to get someone stuck uses this as a tactic to win. Especially those filthy imps.
  9. The extra shield chance only makes up for the far less armor mitigation. Assassins will have about 10% less armor mitigation then the other tanks after this nerf. Also the extra shield chance is not permanent. It needs to be activated and the charges are subject to running out before the cooldown is over. Though this rarely happens. The problem was/is resilience. Since there is more force/tech damage in end game which bypasses shields and it only subject to armor mitigation, bw felt/their metrics showed that the 5 seconds of immunity every 45 seconds (inaddition to the self healing) that assassins get makes them perform better. Assasins require the most skill to play of the tanks, will be the spikiest in terms of damage recieved and have the least PvP/PvE "natural" mitigation. Therefore, Their increased damage potential over the other tanks is quite justified.
  10. Wow thats bad. I've been on some bad teams before but I have never recieved this little since they made the change...
  11. If it hasn't been said already, UR should be on a 5 second cool down to buff this far underperforming class.
  12. Without reading the whole thread. Why? Anyone can own the 10-49 bracket just by keeping their equipment updated....
  13. Kawiki

    Bring LFG to PvP

    I think this is a great idea. Don't agree on all the details but a LFG tool for PvPers would be awesome.
  14. Agree. According to BW Assasins were performing about 10% better then other tanks in PvE. This nerf has nothing to do with PvP. However, Jugg/PT are clearly the best tank for PvP now. If anyone actually plays one. Assassins have the absolute worst mitigation in PvP of the tank classes now. Hell Maras make better tanks then they do now. The assasin role will be a moderate damage/high utilty pest.
  15. Maras/Sents = Punks Shadows/Assasins = Cool
  16. Kawiki

    Nerf this1

    Mercs/OPs truly need help right now. Nothing over the top but a slight buff is in order. The "over powered" classes slight tweaks are in order. Again, nothing over the top. Some I would even buff very slightly. For instance the Tankasin nerf is too much.
  17. Yes... but but.. What do we do when they use their AOE Mezz???????????? Or do you not use it? Hehehehe.
  18. Mara/Sents in a 1v1 are not super OP. They certainly have an advantage but its not a huge one. Where they become OP is in the team based warzones... oh wait.... Between their stealth and UR you have to kill them 3 times.
  19. This is the perfect time to purchase EA stock.
  20. Don't reroll as a sent! Sents are all punks. Shadows are Cool!
  21. lol, There is truth in this.
  22. LOL I never said I could spell. When people spout L2P it grates on my nerves. It's an attack with no basis. Clearly some classes are stronger then others and denying this is just sticking your head in the sand. I know Maras, I don't play one, but I do understand how the class works. I play a shadow (tankasin). Its a strong class, perhaps the strongest. My suggestion is simple (and don't edit it out this time. Get rid of their stealth (it JUST doesn't even come close to making sense for them to have) and make them immune to healing during UR. Otherwise its just simply a god mode. If you think its too much make them immune to stun during UR also. It's a far less nerf then what Tankasins are getting.
  23. Kawiki

    PvP nerf threads...

    I think it stems more from frustration then it does "I'm bad and don't know how to play". And some classes have really gotten the short end of the stick (OPs and Mercs). And some classes are just more suited for PvP PT - Extreme Burst. Tankasins - Jack of all trades. Maras - Great DPS/Surviability. It would go a long way to make all trees effective as any other tree but I think we all know that is probably not possible. I personally believe each class should have a shot against any other class (or at least a stalemate) but that is just not the way it is right now. For instance an OP has zero chance against my shadow if I'm at least above half health and have at least a few of my cooldowns available. And even if I don't I'll probably still win.
  24. I need to L2P?? I think you need to L2Editbeforeposting. Telling someone to L2P when you are not even on their server just because they disagree with you is childish and quite frankly shows a lack of intellegence. And I do fine against Maras, if they don't nerf them they don't, I really could care less. The defensive cooldowns seem a little over the top to me but it's nothing I can't deal with.
  25. ummmmm... you do know that a shadow is the mirror of an assasin, right????????? And we were talking about Tankasins/Maras. lololololol Proves my point thanks!
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