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Everything posted by Kawiki

  1. lol, I've this is a lot lately too on The Harb. Just yesterday, 1 minute into NC I cap west go over to east and see a sorc with 20% life all by herself. 2 seconds later I was capping the node. Good times.
  2. Kawiki

    Sorcs in PvP....

    I love pancakes - I always think of pancakes when I'm on my sentinal because I'm steamrolling all around me... How was that?
  3. You forgot Pacify (Sent - forget the mirror name).
  4. Kawiki

    Sorcs in PvP....

    You are going to find out 2 things. That DPS Sorcs/Sages dominate in the 10-49 bracket. and that once you hit 50 Combat Sentinals and Kinetic Shadows (both late blooming classes) will melt you and for the most part laugh at your damage/cc/escape tricks.
  5. Kawiki


    There are more Sentinels then Guardians because the perception is that Sentinels are Over Powered specifically in PvP.
  6. Pretty much this. I did not go to that extreme but I did have 2 pieces of WH when I hit 50 on an alt with a third piece coming shortly. With the Comms you can save before hitting 50 there really is no excuse to not be close to 1100 expertise the moment you hit 50 (filling in with recruit). In short OP - you did it wrong.
  7. lol dude. I knew I'd get a response from the 101st don't nerf me bro brigade
  8. In no particular order. Force Camo GBTF Pacify Saber Ward Rebuke Dispatch
  9. Kawiki


    WTH is going on today? Did they introduce a new class?
  10. No just No. Recruit gear is FREE. You can get 5+ medals for doing nothing by just standing on a node or by the door or hiting the ball carrier a few times. There is absolutly no excuse to not get at least several medals let alone 1.
  11. Full Campaign gear is mathmatically better then the recruit set in PvP in 1v1 situation. As soon as it becomes 1v2 (or worse) Campaign starts to fall behind by rather large amount. As PvP is very rarely 1v1 you are almost always better off going with the recruit set. Caveat: Once you get to 1000 to 1100 expertise swapping out PvP gear for Campaign/BH gear is beneficial as long as your expertise stays above 1000. For Pve I use this: Campaing/Rakata/BH > War Hero > BattleMaster = Columi > Tionese > Recruit
  12. Kawiki

    please stop...

    A lot of people do not know what East and West are. Most people know what Snow and grass are. Snow/Grass is mostly idiot proof.
  13. Pro Tip: Don't play watchman in PvP - go combat. That way you just root that nasty sorc so he can't re-position himself.
  14. lol, this used to happen all the time. FYI - Blame your fellow players, the only reason this happens anymore is people not accepting the queue or people quiting the match before it even starts.
  15. Yes you were outplayed. Realizing you could be knocked off and positioning yourself = good. Positioning yourself so you could be knocked into fire = bad. He saw how he could use his skills to his advantage, you failed at it and died. I say well played to that sorc.
  16. Force Camo is a a bit buggy but are you sure he was hitting you or was it his dots were still running.
  17. Yes they will be undergeared. That is the business model, they will want to gear faster so they will purchase the "warzone pack" so they can play more warzones. Not rocket science guys.
  18. Combat is made for PvP. I leveled as Combat, the burst is amazing. The roots are awesome. For low levels put 3 point into the watchman tree skill that refunds focus (sorry forgot the name off the top of my head), then start working your way up the Combat tree. Skip accuracy for now - fill in a point or 2 if you need it at 50, practically every other skill is useful for PvP in the Combat tree. Just work on getting to blade rush as soon as you can, you really can't go wrong.
  19. Of course any company is setup to make money. I'm sure there are going to be convenience items in the store that we'll all want. If they make it so you NEED to buy something from the store to be competitive in PvP/PvE that's when the game will no longer be fun. Here is hoping they are smarter then that. If not, I'm sure a lot of people will move on. Really no sense in freaking out about it now however.
  20. Tank spec Shadows in DPS gear has all the tools to beat anyone 1v1. Though you will struggle against a good (or better) Combat/Carnage Mara/Sent. A Vig Guarding is also very strong but you'll lose v. a good Shadow/Assasin and Mara/Sent.
  21. Kinetic in DPS gear is optimal. Infil is more fun but but does not bring as much to the team as kinetic.
  22. Hacks happen now? If they get caught they get banned while there is no monetary loss there is a time loss, and why do people hack? To save time...
  23. It was an example. But what's to stop them from having multiple XP buffs? Why do you think they are giving subs in game currency? If they are smart they will have items that are not needed but still attractive to subs so they spend even more money. Just good business.
  24. If it is anything like DDO after it went free to play, subs will even spend more money on the in game currency to buy additional convenience items. For instance a popular one in DDO were Experience potion that gave 20% extra experience. Now imagine stacking this with the legacy buff... for super power leveling. FTP will bring in a lot of cash to TOR.
  25. Exactly, I've been sitting here wondering why everyone is freaking out about FTP when I think it is actually going to make the game more money which will hopefully translate into more resources, more content etc. My guess is you will have to buy Ilum/Black Hole among many other things if you want to do them. It was boon for DDO and I don't see why it won't be for TOR. FTP is a good thing IMO.
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