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Everything posted by asilos

  1. Ah, hadn't heard of that, did not play these games. What I remember reading here was someone reported this kill trades in a post a week or two ago, posted screen shots of what was going on and also posted a dev response in game saying the mods couldn't do anything about it.
  2. TL;DR There's nothing that can be done about people coordinating to gain desired rewards. It's disgusting behavior but really doesn't mean it's against any Terms of Use. (I know you didn't say it was, but for conversation purposes) In fact, there's no one way Bioware could put stop this, neither can any other company of any game. You can't stop players from being diplomatic and arranging/playing by their own rules. These players can only be ostracized by you and yours. (An example comes to mind from another completely different genre game with a similar problem: Starcraft 2, Blizzard PORTRAIT FARMERS would be Players of the same rank could click Search on Match Making at the same time and meet up in a game, letting each other take wins/losses... because they would win and then lose games their win/loss stays at 50%, so they never leave that rank and can do this forever until they get their desired effect.)
  3. Even a communication barrier would not stop people. There are internet forums, you can create characters on the other faction and even join the guild you like to mutually trade kills with. This isn't exploiting either, if you report it to BioWare they will say "There's nothing we can do about that." This is simply because there's nothing in the Terms of Use that says you can't be diplomatic and coordinate with other players.
  4. I may not have a Sorc or a Sage or know exactly how to tweak them to be "just right for everybody" ... I DO KNOW that as a BM whirling dervish guardian I still cannot miss any interrupts or I'll most likely lose to a sorc I need to have 2 other CC's ready for 1 person, not including kicks 8sec cool down. A typical Sorc fight looks like this with all Guardian CC's: (Sorc Resolve not included) Kick,stasis, kick, push, leap interrupt if need, kick, awe That's the bread and butter for the fight. Now try to add in your low range attacks on a speeding/bubbling sorc? leap is only reliable here. I'm not saying they're godmodelol or they need a nerf. This is just a random players experience on what it normally takes to kill ANY sorc.
  5. In his idea, the faction change would only be doable after main quests were completed and level 50 achieved, maybe some other requirementa like light or dark V and maybe a commendations requirement, it's all doable if you think about it like this. There would be less voice acting required if it was an endgame timing switch.
  6. I must be a troll as well. I'm a level 50 rep. and strictly out of revenge I'll take time to slow the over populated imperial questers down. I get into the Imps main cantina on Tatooine often. I prefer to do my companion quests, get those out of the way before I... PvP. If you changed your attitude and found like 3 other people to attack him you could: take him down, feel good, and save yourself the time it took to post it all here... The Imperials seem to like it, because they get to fight a level 50 and group together to succeed (which rarely happens but it does) and it shows Imps on Black Vulkars that we don't just roll over and take it.
  7. Your statistics stink of swamp a.s.s... Did you find them there?
  8. Don't trip... Some of us remembered this happening to us, even during pre-launch. I didn't forget.At 50 and almost full champ gear Guardian, I make a point to go to every place I remember the worst ganks (Geothermal on Hoth, Dune Sea on Tat, anywhere on Alderaan) and I got back and I make that **** terrible for an hour. Sometimes i'll even do it until more republic players come in and start questing there again. I'll help the republics in the area that need help with quests, ask them to do the same thing when they hit 50... Then move on. I suggest you do the same... It ends up curing you of any bitter tastes you probably have now.
  9. A smart player will gear up for every spec his class can offer. Always comes down to what you like to do when playing: PvP or PvE both play style have great gear. If you like PvP you should get PvP DPS gear first to help you get all your gear this way, or just get the defense stuff and go raid! any duplicates you get should be used on the other items and save it in your storage for when you want. Can be done with PvE Raids as well... Get 2 columi bracers in two runs? get one for DPS and one for Defense, etc. Careful for MEDIUM ARMOR and OFFHAND SABERS! Once you have full sets of both you can mix and match stats for high endurance implants with defense and rest DPS, etc. It's worth noting that you can also Soresu stance with DPS spec, with a shield generator/implants (if you want) as increased defense.. Rest of your gear could be DPS.
  10. Wrong, and you know it. 1) I don't recall anyone having to win warzones to receive warzone comms/merc comms for PvP centurion commendations and for PvP gear... Which is completely viable in PvE! Champion isn't too much better and is a luxury people think they are entitled to at 50. 2) Corellia has commendations vendors you can get really nice rare items from the black market/ancient comm boxes. They say CLASS on them for a reason. They aren't just a decent random item, they are a decent random item for YOUR CLASS. Level 49 gear wouldn't fly by anyone whose serious about completing any level 50 content, and it shouldn't be taken lightly by you, who knows the Sentinel class. You don't want to put in that kind of effort? You probably already knew about these options and everything about your class. You just didn't apply yourself.
  11. Maybe you really aren't as good as you think you are if you had to go to a friends toon to play a geared character.
  12. At 30% HP do this: Enure > Guardian leap to far healer/dpser > saber ward/relics > tear up anyone stupid enough to follow you over. This order can be changed up, but the guardian leap is key at about 30% health + using set items bonus + talent perk, allowing its benefits of guard leap to work on you. then you can pop enure/ward in that order, and DPS your opponent(s) down. It takes coordination and thought into your actions but our survivability becomes pretty good in mere seconds, but it lasts just long enough to do something about it. It may take a few precious seconds to pick who to leap to, but it can really increase your survivability, followed by your choice of defense. It's all theory crafting but in the right cases (which every warzone has: a group of enemies and a group of friends nearby) this will save your life. It has the same range as leap, but also has no minimum range cap. It's worth mentioning that if you're Focus dps spec'd the talent that allows resolute to heal you for 10% hp which can critically heal you! you crit/surge rate will be high already! Defense spec is full of stuns and survivabilty in forms of procs... We're set dude. We will soon have people switching to our class, if they aren't already....
  13. ...When you're on Alderaan and can't see the speeder to the ground, resulting in war zone drop while everyone reports you for AFK'ing... ****... i'm on vacation no where near the game and this still bugs me.
  14. No one with 22k hp is critting force sweeps and blade storms for that much. High hp = defense/endurance stats... Not surge/crits. They didn't invent armors that have high end/str high crit/surge ...Defense stats = defense spec...If it says defense you can bet it has alot of health with it too. Again... no 6k criticals here. Quit combining every jugg/guard that you've ever seen. It's worth noting that the juggs/guards with 20k+ hps ARE the ones who are stun locking you and your whole team to ****, though. Force choke/stasis with proper spec become instant cast, 2 additional stuns are added in the defense trees, if classes truly mirror. 1 stun from force leap, with proper spec, and hilt strike, if proper spec. You can increase the duration of the force leap stun by 1 second, in the focus tree of guardian/jugg. These all take precious points and your damage output is laughable. Highest crit while defense spec rare gets over 3.5k, and if you'd been reading thus far... thats needing yet another 3-5 stacks of another skill (sunder armor) to even do that!
  15. Replying to thank you and also to mark this post into my account post history!
  16. Soresu is just a stance and the guard ability comes with it, no matter what spec you are. The 6% damage loss is minor in the stance change.
  17. I picture a wise owl saying this because it rings so true.
  18. The republic speeders should go right to the imperial ship for spawn camping action, in my humble opinion.
  19. On Black Vulkars us repubs roll face in war zones... maybe 10 losses I've had since 1.1 50 brackets. i've pvp'd a lot since.
  20. "Most pvpers don't give a crap about the stats on the armor... or armor at all... they just want to be able to be on a level playing field in PvP. Bioware chose to put mega stats on the high-end PvP armor, along with a COMPLETELY ARBITRARY stat that gives you a huge advantage if you have it. We just want that, the playing field leveled, and to not have to get our boottocks kicked repeatedly by those who got there first and grinded their way first, and in some case exploited their way first, just so they can defeat others repeatedly because of the gear differential. Personally, I think each class should find themselve magically teleported into a suit of armor suitable for their class/spec when they zone into a warzone/open PvP zone.... no choice thats what you wear (maybe have a vanity tab for appearance). At least then stat based imbalances can be easily fixed. PvP for awards, medals, titles, appearance items, special vehicles, spaceship mods, etc (and OMG maybe for the fun of it?!?!?!) ...... forget about PvPing for equipment." What a god awful terrible idea. Please stop. To say most pvpers "dont care about crap stats on gear" implies players don't care about their earned advantage over other players, through the use of the SAME SYSTEM of gearing, is straight up ridiculous. If they don't care about their advantage they simply do not like the game and what it has to offer. that's a completely different from someone who happens to like pvp and has been lucky with the RNG system. Everyone has the same chances at the same gear, how dedicated you are to that system is up to you. Some are lucky, some are not. Take a step back and literally shut your narrow minded point of view off. The bigger picture is some jedi and some sith were ultimately stronger than others. This follows story line very well and thats pretty damn amazing for PVP TO FOLLOW STORYLINE. That's unheard of. Maybe you should appreciate it, you might have better luck getting geared. In SWTOR's case some players were luckier and got geared before you. Tough ****. It shows fairly well, just as it should. You should adapt and find someone on your team to roll with. You won'y get creamed and you can make a decent amount of commendations/wins for dailies/weeklies, to continue the lottery. Or you could just quit.
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