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Everything posted by Piriste

  1. 1. sticky grenade / plasma grenade depends on who opens 2. grav round 3. high impact bolt 4. Demolition round 5. cryo grenade 6. full auto 7. stock strike 8. concussion grenade 9. field aid (dispel) not counting heals cause that's not the usual 1v1. gief more abilities.
  2. ehh.. and why does it need to be gabe? do you really think 1 man is running the show? Please. He's just a public figure. What you should ask for however is, that atleast SOMEONE would communicate with you. The lack of responses on the forum is the main thing why I've been thinking i should quit paying. Some days they answer plenty, and then remain quiet for a week.
  3. You have 100% droprate - for commendations. You get sick amount of commendations each bag, what more do you need?
  4. Hey all you swearing to kick 12k hp players.. I think it's time to separate the battlemaster queue. that'll keep both sides empty of 12k hp players. Oh right, forgot that you guys are so bad in pvp you want to overgear your opponents. I think you're the kind of people that'd pay real money to even get matched against lvl 30s.
  5. You do realise commando/merc is one of the easiest classes to win in 1v1?
  6. I like the videos more where you have commentary. Music ruins most pvp videos, i'd rather just take ingame sounds if nothing else.
  7. My experiences are totally different. Empire = People don't know how to pvp or how to complete objectives. Good players are really hard to come by. Republic = Alot of good pvpers & Good pvp community. People actually want to win matches every now and then. These all depend on server. But i couldnt stand being empire, pvp suddenly just felt horrible. /Signed - was republic but got tired of empty fleet -> rolled empire, leveled to 50, couldnt stand it -> rolled again republic on HEAVY server.
  8. Voidstar should end when it has determined which team will win.
  9. must be a troll. I have 4 lvl 50 chars and never had the ability to do the 40-49 daily on lvl 50.
  10. how about you chase them? dps heals are weak.
  11. Yes! Giving up is a nice solution! I don't really see why would any republic player play this game anymore if they are on a standard or light populated server... On the heavy ones it's still kind of "ok"
  12. You do realise finland lost that war?. Also.. balancing the factions is NOT A BAD THING. please try to play a republic char. being outnumbered 1:5 in ilum makes it a chore. There needs to be a reason for people to roll republic or this game will eventually die out.
  13. I'm sorry but i don't understand why you're reacting this way. Alot of games use different kinds of matchmaking systems, it might differ from your valor rank, your "skill rank" or just if you're playing with a guild. Now. having premades play against non-organized people just means it's free kills for them -> forcing anyone to play in the pvp to actually do premades. Why do we even allow people to solo queue anymore? The bads want to play faceroll matches, cause they couldn't handle the even ones.
  14. thank you for showing people that gunslingers / snipers are fun. I've planned to do a gunslinger alt for a long time, mostly because almost no-one is playing the class. Hopefully your pvp video makes them reroll Well done!
  15. I see them all the time. Also the reason i dont play my scoundrel is that it's boring, not because it would be somehow underpowered.
  16. I dont need to concentrate on marauders because people will always focus them when they get on their face. But glad to see someone's stupid enough to not understand that ranged are more likely to be left alone. EDIT: Also there's a 90% chance that a marauder cant play the class properly. I doubt you're part of the 10%.
  17. No, you are not supposed to be able to solo burst a healer. Also the interrupt resist on commando healers is 15 seconds on a low CD. And they do need that ability. They're the most immobile healer.
  18. My targeting priority actually is: Healer > Sorc (for bubbles) > Operative > Sniper > Mercenary > Rest
  19. Please! Levels are no problem in 10-49 bracket, player skill is. I see people do roughly 40-50k dmg constantly. Every warzone has 1 or 2 (dps classes with 0 protection and 0 healing). No bracket change can fix this. I have 4 lvl 50s and leveling up my 5th. mostly doing warzones and i love every bit of it. I can top the score charts easily on medals, damage while still doing the objectives. Biggest things missing are CONTROL skills ( Knockbacks, CC, Mezz ) and you wont have to level up too far to get them.
  20. Indeed. These should count for resolve. If not, they should just remove resolve.
  21. These classes are overpowered: Sentinel Guardian Sage Shadow Vanguard Commando Scoundrel Gunslinger Marauder Juggernaut Powertech Mercenary Sniper Operative Sorcerer Assassin I hope this helped! Oh sorry this was for PvP only, if you need a list for PvE i can provide that too.
  22. Premade warzones would be awesome. but they should be premade vs. premade instead of premade vs. PUG. I think that as a pvper you'd want a challenging fight instead of facerolling randoms anyways.
  23. It makes you feel to quit, but i'd suggest you try it for a few days and you start being useful. Then suddenly it's fun again. The contrast between being lvl 49 in lower bracket and being new 50 is too big because the lower bracket favors high levels too much. I have 4 lvl 50 toons, and i went through all the same steps as you numerous of times.
  24. Yes, this is what i'm missing. Back in Everquest the GMs made sure you wouldnt enter the same zone again for 1 hour when you were killed in PvP, you were only allowed to pick up your stuff and go somewhere else. If you couldnt level up elsewhere, you pretty much had to log off
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