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Everything posted by Piriste

  1. Piriste


    hahaha. thanks for this. I'll smile for a week.
  2. 6v8? think again. more like 6v5 or even less balanced, take a look at the score board.
  3. bads will be bads. voice or no voice. I don't care if there's a voice chat as long as i can turn it off.
  4. what!? for 2 weeks? ehhh.. It just might be that you're the problem, not the quitters.
  5. Really!? Sounds great, how do you have to type in the conditionals? nvm. Figured it out Either i was retarded previously or this was stealth patched in at some point.
  6. Ilum really is one of the worst PvP areas i've seen. If it ever was designed for anything other than fighting out in the middle it's really badly designed. I really hate to say this, but even WoW did their bigger BGs better. Even Warhammer made them better The PvP we have here is the same it was in EQ back in the 90s. GJ!
  7. Yeah but you have to spec deep in tank to get the charge. But yeah, might be that the 2 classes arent the purest form of melee, but they still can't be efficient without being in melee. They have more abilities ranged, but less abilities staying melee. So lets agree to this: Ranged: Sniper/Merc/Sorc "Hybrid": Powertech/Assassin Melee: Jugg/Marauder/Operative ... And yes i'm against FOTM also. There should be adjustments to encourage people to play the less played classes. (Operative/Sniper)
  8. The reason powertech/vanguard has a few ranged abilities is that they dont have a 15sec cd charge. Unless specced as tank, when they will loose their good ranged abilities.
  9. He shines more = Actually kills something. Also marauders and sentinels have ranged abilities so guess they're hybrid also. But yeah, agreed on that assassin / powertech has more ranged abilities than other melee classes, but they are also missing leaps. powertech gets leap only in tank spec.
  10. You do realise that powertechs and assassins are also melee? The FOTM wave will come and go. But juggs / guardians need a slight toning up, agreed.
  11. I agree. PvP should cater to people who don't know how to play. I think you should become the lead designer for Swtor.
  12. Go republic. I played republic - was sick of ilum grind - played empire - was still sick of ilum grind + on top of that bad players in warzones + huttball - rerolled on a heavy server on republic side. Now it's all great.
  13. 7 level 50 chars? I really doubt that.
  14. What about leveling up to 50 first. Also, you play a sniper. I already know you from all the QQ posts.
  15. The problem is you cant add 2 parameters to the search ("50" + "fleet") or "1-49" + Fleet, atleast AFAIK.
  16. It's just a shame hes data collection methods are gonna give inaccurate information. Using the "Who" tool limits you to first 100 players in zone/planet unless you're in the same zone/planet yourself. 50% of the data is invalid, he can only get statistics on low population servers that have less than 100 people on each planet.
  17. Muti-boxing. The rea problem in Mutipayer Games.
  18. Yes, and that is just visual. Go try it out, it's easy with a duel. Get your opponent low enough hp for him to be killed with a project. take some distance so you'll see the delay. tell him to be moving all the time (run in circles). What you will notice is that the instant you cast project the person moving will become immobile and just stand there waiting for the rock to hit him in the face.
  19. Project travel time doesnt matter, as the damage is done when the spell is succesfully cast (if the damage was even succesful then ie. not vanishing with dodge or something). The animation of project is only visual. The character killed with project cant move and is just waiting for the project animation to finish. The problem with Project is actually -minor-. ( And yes i've tested this )
  20. Ehh.... Why should people always mention both mirrors?
  21. You must be a sage/sorc. I don't mind snares not being counted for resolve. but roots should be, they're in many cases the same thing as a stun. And you can be pretty much chain rooted to place. Bad design on Resolve really ruins the pvp for me.
  22. No. Resolve bar full = not immune. Roots when immune Snares when immune 0 resolve from root 0 resolve from snare if the reason for snares / roots not being in resolve is that they can be dispelled, just remove the resolve if you dispel them.
  23. Hmmh. what is this, no-one insulting the commando for having only 9 abilities? I must be on the wrong forums
  24. I stopped reporting bugs and exploits when i noticed they just close the tickets without resolution. When reporting exploiters the CSR don't even ask for the details, as in other MMOs. Translation: They don't care.
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