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Posts posted by KamujinKravshera

  1. ^this




    you're throwing the baby out with the bath-water here.


    require minimum expertise level - which should be the maximum, and the maximum should increase every tier update so that only the current 2 sets have it. unfortunately, you cannot enforce stims and medpacs/adrenals.


    as for the lottery thing, I don't think any but the most delusional fools think that solo rating can hold a candle to group rating. HOWEVER, solo rated does two very significant/constructive things:



    1. it provides a matchmaking system (poor as you may think it is) that reg queues do not have, based on role.
    2. it provides incentive for a significantly larger, less competitive, portion of the player population to queue because 4v4 team is no different from 8v8 team: you face the same teams over and over again. the number of teams in queue drops preciiptously. now when you want to queue, you always face the same dominant team, and eventually, the last 2-4 dominant teams have to make cyber-dates in order to compete at all. dead queue or lottery? lottery please.


    From what I've seen, the group game has 2 kinds of players.


    1) Exceptional players who are also exceptional in solo.

    2) Mediocre players who can maintain a "raid schedule" and who are complete garbage in solo.


    From what I've seen, the solo game has 3 kinds of players.


    1) Exceptional players who are also exceptional in group.

    2) Exceptional players who could not find team spots for group.

    3) Mediocre players.


    Solo has a LOT of issues, but fewer than the group game and it is still a better measure of skill.


    Lastly, the group game is just comps of broken classes fighting comps of the same broken classes.

  2. If there are enough people of varied classes in the yolo queue, it becomes very difficult to sync unless youre willing to bail on a couple games (and lose rating) to funnel it down a bit.



    However, solo ranked needs to not be a thing anymore. Its nothing more than a lottery in terms of actual competitive gameplay, and there is a large number of players just using it to grind out the higher tier of gear, and coasting/afking through games.


    I like solo better than group. Group is as much a measure of social networking skills as it is a measure of PvP skill. It's also stale and repetative.


    Solo queue is chaotic and forces you to deal with scenarios that you might not want to. This IMO makes you better.

  3. Except it wasn't. BW has clearly stated they don't plan on doing cross server. So please tell me how they would fix it with the current system because they are not going to change it.


    Except it was. You asked me a question. Which I answered. My answer did not request your opinions about the answers that I gave. I don't care what you think or why you think things can or can not happen.


    I was simply asking if something WAS going to happen that maybe I had missed during my time away from the game.


    It's really that simple.

  4. 1.) Not going to happen

    2.) Not going to happen

    3.) Already exists but definitely needs to be tweaked.

    4.)Not going to happen without cross server which is definitely not going to happen.


    1) Irrelevant, your question was answered.

    2) Irrelevant, your question was answered.

    3) Irrelevant, your question was answered.

    4) Irrelevant, your question was answered.

  5. Sorry, while it's fun to read hero stories from bad hero assassins, all you've done is give away the middle. When I see people doing this, I clap in glee. It takes half as much effort to get that left node back as it does to take middle, so all you've done is make my job easier. Delaying in 7 on 5 is actually the worst strategy I've ever heard of. I'm tempted to edit my original post just to include this new entry.


    First of all, they could send two people to the left node and then it would be 5 on 5 and you'd lose the node anyway. Too bad they won't give you medals for getting yourself killed more than anyone else. Secondly, 7 on 5 is not easy to maintain. Deaths in this situation will quickly result in a snowball effect. Once one person dies, the DPS players who killed him are going to move to someone else who will die even faster. The end result will be a wipe unless you were lucky enough to be PUG'd with significantly better players. Not to mention that the guard you kill at the right node will probably go to middle and make it 8 on 5 anyway. You clearly didn't think this one through at all. Basing your entire strategy on luck does not fill me with confidence in you.


    If you want to keep justifying your poor tactics with super hero stories about how your assassin escaped the planet Krypton so he could come to Alderaan and capture the grass node, by all means, I won't stop you. I just don't believe you for a second. Even if your stories were true and you are the chosen one, it's still a bad strategy because the vast majority of assassins are not capable of pulling this off with any reasonable margin of success. It would be like telling people to play a DPS operative over anything else because that one guy who plays a DPS operative did 800K damage in your war zone and finished ahead of everyone else. It's similar to claiming that Sentinels make the best hypergate guards because you played a Sentinel and you didn't lose the pylon.


    1) I am a healer.


    2) You're clearly bad. So, no point in arguing further.

  6. 1/7/0 for CW is stupid.


    You're giving them their node for free and they can slow yours to give you an immediately weaker position if mid isn't quickly capped.


    2/5/1 is much smarter. Just need a few competent people mid to stall, which VERY many classes can do almost single handedly.


    1) Quite often, you will end up with both sides.


    2) If you don't get both sides, you will get your side faster. Respawns return to mid after they've done their part.


    As I said before, if they sent 7 mid against your 5, you just have to delay them. Which is very easy to do 7v5. You are guaranteed to have 1 quick node, 1 reinforcement, and possibly 2 nodes.


    Group Ranked = running OP comps

    Solo Ranked = lottery queue


    Group requires constant communication and choreographed synchronization with your group.

    Solo requires the ability to strategize on the fly, communication and execution of said plans with complete strangers and no VoIP.


    Both require knowledge of your class, and your enemy's strength and weaknesses. Both have a bit of randomness in them. In the end, they both take skill, just like Warzones.


    I agree with this.


    I also think groups can optimize their strategy to the small subset of compositions being run. They play kind of like a raid as the strategies are pre-planned.


    Solo is about thinking in the moment.


    Both are measure of skill, but I think solo is more "pure" pvp.

  8. No one can refute what I'm saying point for point...because I am 100% right.


    I would like to respectfully offer a different opinion.


    First, it took me 60 "wins" to realize that my spec was just not viable for solo rated. Consider me a slow learner. My win loss ratio is improving now that I've adjusted my approach. Honestly, I see many other sorcs, adopting a similar strategy, ironically, doing exactly what the developers told us to do.


    Second, beyond the fact that I am a total jerk, I've never been able to get / hold a spot on a good rated team because... I simply don't play at the same time consistently. I play this game at totally random times and on random days. I go AFK a lot to interact with the human around me. There are others like me. For this reason, 4's will never be representative of the best players on the server.


    Lastly, everyone knows the classes aren't balanced. Your rank in your AC is meaningful though.

  9. I would sooner say that neither are any good indication of anything. You can judge people the old fashioned way, by playing with and against them and building an opinion on experience itself.


    I know it sounds hard. /sarcasm off


    That method is a much a measure of playtime, popularity, and pandering as it is skill. Which is why the leaderboards are computed using Elo and not player votes.

  10. definitely not a fact. there isn't enough population for solo elo to mean anything...on top of countless other threads showing the wrong rating being rewarded for win/loss, 2200 vs 1200, etc


    there's a reason why people are stuck in solo queues. it's because no one ever asks you bads to make a team.


    solo queue is retard roulette and nothing more. if you play a certain class, you up the chance of winning a little bit. time of day also affects who your teammates are. look at a lot of the highest rated solo queue...they have played A LOT of games and they know exactly when they can farm, queue sync, or whatever else.


    give me a break. 4s or ****


    I like and respect you Xeno, but 4's are a circle jerk club of mediocre high play time streamers. Solo is the best measure of skill right now. Yes, it's chaotic, but the best players find a way to rise to the top of that chaos.

  11. K. Do I have to spank you again?


    Solo queue ELO is a better reflection of individual performance than group rating, especially in this environment. That's not an opinion it's an ELO fact which you can google anywhere.


    There simply is not a large enough sample size for group ELO to work. It's meaningless.


    Correct. This is also pretty obvious for someone with a basic understanding of statiastics, so when someone repeatedly fails to understand this even after it's been explained to them, you have to just accept that they may not be capable of understanding.

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