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Posts posted by KamujinKravshera

  1. I'm from EU server Red Eclipse and even this is PvE server I'm more of a PvP oriented player. I've never had any problems with PvP on my server etc. but recently I think it's becoming worst. For example, for last few weeks I'm constantly trowed into ridiculous arena teams of 2v4, I enter games that last for 10 seconds and they are already 3 caps, half of team goes node camp just to get "quick coms" (and they even write it proudly in chat) etc. I mean, this is not some "bad wz day" piss take, but something that pretty much destroys my fun playing wzs. I could also mention no ranked ques on RE... The only good thing are Oricon World PvP's every Sunday.


    From time to time people I've been playing wz's would left for PvP server. They were pissed with various stuff and just wanted to have better games. I've never heard if those servers actually had better PvP, but I know that one guy said that ToFN is the biggest **** ever and he stopped playing the game. Since I play mostly with my American friend I personally have one lvl 55 character on Prophecy of 5, but I haven't noticed that PvP there is any better. TBH, until I reached lvl 55 wz's I've noticed how people are more stupid when it comes to node guarding or calling or anything...


    So, after this little rant, I'd like to hear opinions about quality of PvP on PvP servers from people who play there.


    Yes, PvP servers are typically better servers to PvP on because players intentionally migrate there. It's not so much anything special about the server (except maybe ping time). It's simply that PvP'rs are working to concentrate their playersbase as much as possible to keep queue times low and the population as healthy as possible.


    The fringe servers are populated by people who are unaware of this, don't care, or are bad and want easier competition.

  2. When the developers seem apathetic to class problems that have widely been discussed the player base becomes apathetic, and thus they move on or stop really trying.


    It's that simple.


    I don't know you, so please don't take my comments as a personal attack. That said, there are a handful of really average players on Pot5 who think they are exceptional, popular, and special. Mostly, for exploiting the crap out of the terrible 8v8 system.


    I beat these players in ranked solo regularly with my broken sorc healer. For me, the game is more fun than it's ever been.


    Bioware has really messed a lot of things up, but all in all. I like the state of the game better now than 6 months ago.

  3. Oh it's fun - let's say loud and clear what's the most funny part of this wonderland called SWTOR PvP.


    The best part is the new part. Arenas. But from the beginning.

    They are great, especially this when you will end up 3vs4, this is just where you can show how "good" player you really are. Surely you can take them all, I mean if you are *really* a good player you should take them solo, by clicking, without the mouse. You can do it, every one can.

    But it's get better. Let's say everything is great, 4vs4 (whoa!) but you are one of 4 dps (2 are sorcs heheh) vs tank guardian 2 healers scoundrels and one sentinel dps - coz you know, matchmaking is working better then US gov during shut-down. Once again you can prevail against those terribads and carry your team to the speechless victory.

    Oh - you didn't, well I guess you are really, really bad and this is serious l2p issue.


    Well so maybe let's go into details (a little bit).

    Some folks here tried to educate me, but I'm really, really bad terribad sorc healer. Instead of healing that I thought I should, I am supposed to be a bait. You know, I should running like a rabbit around arenas. They said every second I'm on the run my team gets a profit, every second I try to do something stupid, aka stand still and heal (coz, I can't no stand still and heal), my team gets a loss. Class balance is great.


    But seriously. You are right. PvP is fun. PvP is fun when you will be constantly dodging Arenas, admit that sorcs/sages won't be fixed and you will run some FOTY class like mara, sniper and soon (but not soon™) also deception assassin (tho i must admit they are good now, but they will be great) :)


    I won a 3v4 the other day. It was quite fun.

  4. So recently I finally leveled my Sith Sorc to 55 and hes a healer im working on building gear and things to handle the warzones better. Does anyone have any suggestions on gear and rotations and builds that are best for a healer during WZs?


    Using sage ability names cause I can't remember the sorc versions.


    Bubble whenever lockout expires. This is your top priority.

    Keep Rejuv on CD.

    Keep Healing Trance on CD.

    Keep Salvation on CD.


    When not doing the above...

    Benevolence if target < 50% health.

    Deliverance if target > 50% health.

    Nobile Sacrifice if you have a proc and no one will die during the GCD.


    Lastly, if you don't need your knockback to stay alive, it's free AoE healing, keep it on CD.

  5. Thank you for the replies everyone! Not looking for the cosmetics, but thank you for the info. Anyone know why they changed it?


    Bad players performed poorly in PvP. They argued their losses were due to a gear disadvantage. Bolster was implemented to remedy this. Now, they still lose, but they can only make excuses about class imbalance and premades as gear no longer matters for PvP.


    Conveniently, Bolster also serves as a form of welfare to increase the utility of PvE gear for PvE players. IE, "We worked hard memorizing those boss fights on youtube. We should be able to PvP in our PvE gear!"


    Instead of PvP content and improvements, PvP'rs got Bolster, a feature that does nothing for them.

  6. It has come to my attention that warzone adrenals/medpacks are simply too expensive. I spent all of my cartel coins buying them and I still don't have enough. My friends tell me I should just L2P but how can I do that if I don't have enough medpacks to make it out of the spawn? :rak_02: I know there must be easier ways to purchase these pvp adrenals but I simply don't have the time to form a thinktank to figure out how to get more.


    I am currently trading 1.32% of my soul for every two medpacks. Willing to negotiate on price if need be.


    Please help a poor man out.


    Buying WZ Medpacks from the cartel market cost about 13 times as much as you would pay by selling packs on the GTN and using the credits to buy Medpacks from players.

  7. You fight a duel different than a 2v1. How do you know your sin didn't blow CD's assuming you would help him finish off the enemy so you both could recharge for the next wave?
  8. Not bugged. Either there is not enough people available in the queue, or people are queue syncing.


    Both issues that were pointed out as to why a Solo only queue is a bad idea..... :rolleyes:


    A fairly effective counter to queue syncing, in my experience, is to requeue every few minutes. I can make a few guesses why this works, but for whatever reason, it does seem to.


    Solo ranked queue is my personal favorite.

  9. Bringing back 8v8 RWZs would mean Bioware admitting that they made a pretty big mistake.


    So you won't see them returning any time soon unless some management gets fired.


    8v8 was a handful of queue dodging, team stacking, "meta gaming", circle jerks. I don't want it back until they seriously overhaul it.


    Arena is not perfect, but it is better than ranked 8v8 was. Personally, I am a huge fan of arena ranked solo queue. You are forced to overcome random compositions and imperfect teams without anyone to carry you in the long run. It's competitive and fun. After you grind out of the lowbie rank, the matchmaking gets decent.

  10. I've done it several times. It's very possible to do it....so no I'm not going to concede, I'm going to do what I need to do to win within the rules of the game. This is a legit strategy, get over it.


    No, you don't. I've never lost this way yet. It's just a douche move. Even if it works on terrible players, it won't work on even moderately good players. Thus, its not a valid tactic. So if you want to progress in rank, you will need to get better and stop pretending this is a good tactic.


    Here is how the 4v1 is going to go down against my group. We go to mid. Call you a douche. Wait out the time. You desperately try to cc 4 players with their cc breaks available. The same 4 players that just wasted your team. My 3 DPS/Tanks rape you while I drop about 3000 HPS of heals on everyone. BTW, anyone with a pushback is knocking you into the acid to kill you even faster. Finally. I force barrier when the acid hits me just to be 100% sure you lose.


    Lastly, its terrible sportsmanship and will earn you a bad reputation.

  11. It's a major douche move.


    Sure in regs you expect to see this kind of stuff, but also expect to get **** on when you do this as it's still a douche move.

    In rateds generally people expect to see some kind of sportsmanship and not wasting everyone's time and/or abusing broken mechanics to win.


    It's a douche move. You lost. You know you lost. You're not going to beat 4 people in the acid. No really, you're not. So stop being a baby and conceed the obvious.

  12. Assassin Changes


    Looks like Dark Maul will now destroy every single class in PvP. If you don't know what dark maul is, check out this link and abuse this spec in 2.5. I won't be here, so that doesn't affect me. Just thought you could all use a "Heads up".


    Thank you so much BioWare for this change that doesn't actually fix sawbones. Oh well, at least it hurts them a bit. Wait a second... don't scrappers also use cover for capping nodes, DPSing classes that could charge them, and healing themselves?


    At least vengeance got buffed. Have fun playing this game in 2.5 if you're an assassin.


    I've played your dark charge spec since 2.0 on PTS. It's not bad, but not better than full tank and way to dependent on the easily shut down maul.

  13. it's effect is minimal. honestly, I don't think it would look any different from an unbuffed crit (+225 aim). however, the 625 power proc is A LOT more pronounced when your pulse cannon ticks go up from 3.3k to 4.5k. just my two cents. I haven't parsed in a LONG time (pre 2.0). also, procing at the same time as power relic would be lethal, but how could you tell if it's a power proc + crit vs. a power proc + mainstat non-crit?


    It's pretty pronounced in arena when 3 DPS open up on my healer and since their procs are not on cooldown, all double proc at the nearly same time.

  14. Hmmm Best Sorcs I have seen are....


    Cilas for sure but don't see him around anymore


    Xial but i don't see him anymore either


    There was this beast one in Casual but i forget his name. I haven't seen many others who where any good


    I have not been able to get on and pvp since arenas so maybe my opinion doesn't matter.:p


    People like Cilas are well known decent players, but I don't think they are exceptional sorcs. Sorry bro.


    I think you mean Blackness. He is an exceptional sorc. He is only sorc that I even worry about facing in arena. Everyone else queuing, I can outheal / out survive and I am just another unknown random.

  15. jimv, you sound like a reasonable guy, so I'll take a shot at explaining how it's an exploit. first of all, when 2.0 dropped, the partisan and conqueror power relics stacked. BW was quick to note that that was a glitch, and they fixed it. up to that point, stacking the power relics was just using relics that were readily available. once BW made it clear that the ability to stack was unintended, however, it then becomes a known bug, and when the new obaron relics suffer from the same bug upon being introduced in 2.4, exploiting that bug to your advantage becomes an exploit.


    either you believe BW has changed their stance 180 degrees on the issue between 2.0 and 2.4, or it's a obvious bug and ppl who stack the relics are exploiting.




    Honestly, I wrote him off as ignorant for the same reasons you just politely explained. +1000 Internets for being civil.

  16. Or, proc the relic straight off the bat and then take your 30 second window to burn down **** while you hold the healer from healing. Won plenty this way.


    The hard truth here is that if you really play a game like this competitively, you will ALWAYS be dealing some issue. Class balance, bugs, and/or exploits. These are an ever present fact of life that good players simply move beyond and find a way to win in spite of.

  17. Statistically, what you are talking about is the central limit theorem, right? I can see where you are coming from, and I think I would generally agree that it should apply, but I can also see why it would have difficulties.


    Generally speaking, I think something like microsoft's trueskill rating tends to work better in group matchups.


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers pretty much sums it up. The issues that people are complaining about disappear with a sufficiently large sample size.


    Also, let's be honest, if you're good, you already know from experience that your rating trends upward. My best guess is that these complaints are from people stuck in the 1200's who can't figure out that they are less skilled than they thought.

  18. So you run concealment op and you don't have a problem opening up on a target from stealth with hidden strike and losing your advantage by having all your front loaded burst lost?


    It's pretty common knowledge at this point to just tap them to trigger the proc, then come back after the proc wears off.


    Yes, I get it stealth. Your teammates AoE has you covered.


    Broken? Yes.

    End of the world broken? No.

  19. You're dealing with theory. In reality it does not work that way.


    Even if that were true, then you would still lose a lot of rating for losses with bad teams. I'm just asking for them to not make me take the full loss penalty when I lose a match but play well, and when I under-perform but my team carries me to a win do not give me the full win rating.


    You do lose less rank for a loss with a bad team. Again, with all due respect, you really need to stop debating me and go learn how ELO works. It's not perfect, but it is a fair system. Play a lot of games and YOU will be correctly ranked.


    For further reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system

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