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Posts posted by KamujinKravshera

  1. I can't fight while invisible. I can afk while invisible, but Scoundrel dps should be terrified of going into large conflicts just because they lack the general survivability that every other melee dps (save-ish Balance Shadow) has.


    Yes...yes they should. Stealth has value, and therefore, it needs a cost.


    Get over it.

  2. I think of healer's resource pool as a reserve battery of life. Resource management should matter for all healers and should be exhaustible in a longer fight.


    That said, I don't see why it's OK that some classes can be shut down with interrupts and others are instant everything.


    With all of the CC in this game, interrupts are like being double taxed. Take most of them out, or make them apply to all classes with things like silence or disarm mechanics.

  3. You...

    1) team stacked.

    2) queue dodged.

    3) were afraid to lose.

    4) wrote macros to click the hutball and respec.

    5) were sychophants to ego maniacs and cheaters.


    I get it, people want to win. That said true competitors crave competition. You didn't work to create a competitive environment, you tried to convince strangers on the Internet that you were better than them.


    We all know bioware failed, so did you.


    Flame on.

  4. Coming from you bro this is even funnier. Context ftw


    For the record, I do have a guardian and I do, in fact, heal to full as described quite often.


    That said, log in more. I want you on my arena team! You can blow up their op healer while I make feeble attempts to heal to full.

  5. You are right about a lot of what you say, but this really isn't true. Roll is really not very useful at all when you're slowed, and can't be used when rooted. Force Speed trumps every slow/root in the game, definitely a better ability in Arenas.


    It's debatable. If that's the biggest problem you have with what I've said in this threads, I can live with it.

  6. Sages have, force left, force speed, mind snap, force slow, force pull etc etc. I think you missed the point. Without their healing they are pretty squishy customers. I personally never lacked for putting down scoundrels. But that's just me.


    Force Lift = Interupted easily

    Force Speed = Very good but worse than roll

    Mind Snap = LOL, doesn't work against instants and long cooldown. At best buys you 1 GCD. Usually irrelevant.

    Force Slow = You're snared too and you're not kiting 3 people. Yes, force speed will open distance, but there are an endless number of ways this distance can be closed. Force speed is used to LoS people, not kite unless you are dueling.

    Force Pull = Most useful for saving others, not yourself. If you have to pull the tank to you, you have problems that this ability is not going to solve.


    Honestly, your list is the list someone would make if they were thinking about duels, not 4v4.


    I digress. It's more than relevant to know your force mitigation with respect to group size. The cost of force is ultimately the same whether you are healing a team of 4 or 8. The only thing greater with the sages AOE is the energy potential. In that sense Salvation has much greater potential than Rep Nanotech.



    So exactly that. A sage spends more force cost on bubble healz for a group of 8 than a group of 4. That's what.

    There are already other responses in this thread that detail why this is wrong. Suffice it to say, I agree with them.


    And the same goes for you. Accept I didn't offer opinions. I merely pointed out facts regarding force cost and group size. And you still didn't demonstrate how a sage is a worse healer for a group of 4 than with a group of 8?

    It's been demonstrated, you just either can't see it or are simply digging your heals in. Either way, there is no point repeating the arguments. They are there. Accept them or don't. You're the one making the exceptional claim. I am simply explaining something that is widely recognized.

  7. 1) Scoundrels healers are also squishy, and relay heavily on their healing for survivability. Sorcerers have bubble shield and can be guarded by a tank in Arena's. In fact it would be a liability to not bring a tank into an Arena match. IMHO of course.


    No, their instant no cooldown heals are icing on top of the cake. They have vanish, stealth, defensive cool downs, roll, AoE mez, a stun, and cover to aid their survival. Force Barrier is a 10 second self stun before you die.



    a) A group of players healed to force cost is better in a group of 8 than group of 4 over time. BUT if you look at the force cost to each individual player healed by the same AOE cast, each player will cost the same amount of force. Another words group size is an irrelevant factor when determining force mitigation.


    Irrelevant, Scoundrels heals do not get cheaper going from 4 to 8 players or more expensive going from 8 to 4. Sage heals do. Resources matter to a Sage, much more than they do for a scoundrel as well.


    b) Twice as useful but NOT twice as effective, because the cost of force is double for a group of 8 than it is for a group of 4. Each individual will be only getting the same amount of protection. Assuming you are the only sorcerer in the group that is.


    So what, Bubble is a super efficient heal, being able to use it more frequently is a benefit. It's really not complicated.


    C) I think the scoundrel has no clear advantage over the sorcerer. The truth is if any healing class get's singled out or separated from the group. They are going to die.


    d) If you want to say who has the strongest focus healing to survivability. Commandos/mercs do. It's interesting how people are writing them off.


    You are entitled to your opinion. You are also entitled to say the Mona Lisa is a bad painting. However, that doesn't make it so.

  8. neither.

    total number of deaths your team had is an indicator. overall and HPS is inflated by "AE"-heals 50-80% of your hps is generated by "ae" heals. they do not represent worthwhile healing but useless dmg of your opponents.


    Deaths is an important indicator too, but Deaths is a team metric that includes the other healer, the tank, and the target players ability to escape being focused.


    FWIW, Real AoE healing is only like 20-25% of total healing. Also, that "useless" dmg was only useless because the player didn't die from it. In other words, I healed it before it killed them. It's kind of a circular argument.

  9. This makes little sense to me how a sorc healer does less healing or is less efficient healing in 4v4 situation. How is 8 vs 8 any easier for the sorc?


    Care to elaborate?


    Sage healers in a 8v8 usually have cross heals and a tank to keep them alive. Their AoE heal and burst healing potential offset their squishyness.


    Sage healers have abilities that scale well to larger group sizes and conversely, not so well to small group sizes.


    2 examples...

    a) Salvation - Expensive AoE heal that contributes a lot of healing when it can affect many players. However, it's inefficient for 1 to 2 player heals.

    b) Force Armor - Efficient single target shield with a long lockout. In an 8v8, you can bubble 8 people every lockout period which is twice as useful than when you can only bubble 4 per lockout.


    Scoundrel healers have better survivability and their heals scale better to smaller group sizes.

  10. I am a level 54 sage who usually heals around 700-900k healing per war zone and gets 12 medals. I have crap gear with only 2 purple slots and the rest blue and orange. Some people in my war zones say I am a amazing healer and others say I am bad lol. Those people just confuse me and I am not sure wether I am a good healer or just suck. Do u think I am good or deserve to die for my healing embarrassment hehehe?


    It's a good start. Healing totals or HPS should not come at the cost of good objective play.


    Top healers participate in objectives and can push 1500-2000 HPS. This translates into 1.5-2.0 million heals in longer fight. Over 1 million in medium fights and almost never under 600k.

  11. Unless they are really doing something screwy, you should gravitate towards your correct ranking over the long run. However, the better the matchmaking, the faster that should occur.


    Thus far, I really like the access to unscheduled ranked that the solo queues provide. They have been fun so far as well.


    As well, you can't argue someone with a high solo rank is being carried either.

  12. In all PvP, once all other things are equal, the remaining factors determine the winner.


    In Swtor ranked pvp, these remaining factors are really not particularly thrilling and make it more like PvE raiding than competitive PvP.


    There are some great players in ranked PvP and they will be great players in arena too. Hopefully, the game play experience will improve, because actual ranked matches are quite boring right now.

  13. If you're serious about PvP, you should transfer to Pot5.


    There are many terrible players there too, but the server is a magnet for good players.


    Good damage in a WZ is 1000DPS+ or in a long warzone over 1 million. Good healing is 1500HPS+.

  14. I wish that a single player's skill could carry a warzone, through everything you suggested, but you just can't.


    It depends entirely on who is premade, how many healers are on your team, and the skill of your teammates.


    Correct. Anyone suggesting otherwise is living in their own fantasy land. I also guarantee you that the OP does not have a 90% win record.

  15. I'm not sure what your criteria for being the "best" is. For some it would be rank. For some it would be dueling skill. For others it would be notoriety. Whichever measure you use, I know it's not me.


    Personally, I enjoy the quality of the better players on this server. As far as I can tell, this server attracts the most talent, which is why I stay here. I'm not here because of the 10 best. I'm here because of all the good randoms.

  16. Your argument of "PvE Welfare" is a straw man argument. It holds not water. You have to quantifiable data to support your case. The truth of the matter is you are pissed off that people don't have to "gear" up to face you in PvP now. Probably because some PvE player wearing fully augmented Arkanian gear laid the smack-down and embarrassed the living crap out of you. This ultimately blew up your belief that you are a superior PvP player with l33t professional skillz and that has shattered your world damaged your epeen. I truly believe that is the case.


    I've been very consistent in explaining that I am actually pissed off because bolster, a feature that caters to PvE'rs, came at the expense of real needed pvp improvements.


    I've also asked several times for someone to point out a meaningful PvP feature in Patch 2.0. Obviously, as there are none, you revert to your straw man argument about the gear gap. Something that is really unimportant to me.


    But please do keep pretending you're keeping up with the conversation.

  17. Scoundrel/Ops are fine. Not any more difficult to counter than any other healer.




    What's really difficult, is not the healers, but breaking through the enemy team effort to guard their healer. You can't do that alone, nor only with just a few DPS classes. You need the whole team to break it, because the whole enemy team is protecting.


    Do you even PvP? The whole team is protecting? No, of course they are not. Some of the team is on defense and some is on offense trying to, you know, kill the other team, disrupt their healers, and maybe even capture objectives.

  18. Then why did the endless stream of "gear grind is too difficult" whines die down? :rolleyes: Because people suddenly changed minds?


    It morphed into "Healers are too powerful. Roll is OP." and other why do we still suck even with bolster complaints.


    While you keep pretending bolster is this great thing, people who actually PvP keep wondering why there have been no meaningful PvP enhancements since patch 1.6.

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