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Posts posted by KamujinKravshera

  1. My undergeared assassin that I rarely play now has a higher rating than my fully min/maxed healing sorc. A class/spec that I've played more than all others combined since launch.


    If you think I'm bad at my healing sorc. I promise you, I am far worse as an assassin!


    I did think about respecing DPS, but I am terrible at sorc DPS. Way worse than I am as an assassin.

  2. Maybe they don't hate you because you're good at PVP. Maybe they hate your Objectivist ideology that's devoid of empathy and understanding, or the obnoxious persecution complex that leads materially successful people to overestimate how much they do for society while ignoring what society has done for them on their road to success.


    Society made him good at PvP?


    I know the argument that you are trying to make here. Ironically, I think you do more to undermine it's validity in other contexts than to make the point you are intending to.

  3. Serious question. If you are good at PvP (Im talking top couple % here), why are you immediately labeled by spectators/opponents as a no-life, live in your parents basement kind of gamer? The stigma attached to having skill in a video game is so incredibly negative these days, its sometimes hard to actually believe it.


    Is it because the "casual gamer" has grown so widespread in many of the popular types of gaming? And why is the "casual gamer" widely considered someone with only average playing skill?


    Perhaps it is a reflection on society as a whole, where successful people are not only often ridiculed, but many less successful people demand their "fair share" of what those successful people have earned?



    Im genuinely curious as to what you all think on this issue. In my opinion, overall play time has little to do with actual skill or performance in end-game PvP. So why does being good at pressing buttons cause many to immediately identify someone as a "no life gamer"?


    I think there are a lot of people playing this game who have decided they are good at PvP without any real data to back it up. I'm really looking forward to the leader boards. IMO, a lot of the "cool kids" are going to find out how average they really are.


    To answer your question, when someone who believes they are better than they really are loses, they often look for an excuse that doesn't make them reconsider their inflated estimate of their own skill.

  4. Ranked WZs being removed killed Pot5's PVP. The Watchmen, Ubique, S Key, Clutch, and multiple other guilds queued every other night for ranked.


    There is not much of a business case for supporting game content in an MMO that only a handful of people consume.


    Personally, I like Arena much better. Particularly solo ranked. Even with it's obvious flaws, it's the most competitive and accessible rated PvP so far. Admittedly, there is a new group of people thriving in arena, but I think skill now dominates instead of high play time and social engineering.

  5. I play a Guardian and a Shadow alt.


    My quality of life has gone up, and the number of incoherent rage episodes has gone down, since I stopped PvPing.


    I have neither the temperament, patience, or desire for this.


    I don't PvE. My quality of life has gone up. I don't have to watch youtube videos of fights to participate. And I don't have to play the game according to a raid schedule to see the end game content.

  6. And a few months after release Wildstar will have "failed", with many players leaving and going onto wait for the next big thing that will never come.


    If I only had a nickle for every time I heard someone say that they were waiting for <insert game name> because <insert game name> was going to "get it right".

  7. Mudclot has like 180 solo wins and some 30ish losses and he has a 2700ish solo rating...


    FWIW, I am around the same games played with a 2850 rating as well. Still getting +11/12 per win against anyone regardless of their rank.

  8. I don't know why you people keep complaining about force management, in lightning spec you never have to worry about it, and the only thing I struggled with a bit is Madness, and even that isn't so bad once you get the hang of it.


    Because lightning is only spec that doesn't have force management issues in long fights.

  9. You people are so dense it's unbelievable.

    IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE PUSHES YOU INTO THE ACID OR NOT. he's going to do a small bit of damage to every enemy during his shroud via aoe and then phase walk behind Los and you wont know he's there. You will have likely done no damage to him at all via shroud and he won't be there long enough anyways. More importantly there will be at least one guy on your team (Mara, jugg, operative, cool downs not available etc) who can't avoid being knocked back.

    If anything bunching up in the middle just makes it easier to grenade and overload your entire team and the ones who aren't there die anyways.


    Keep thrashing, but I know you've lost. Later.

  10. I couldn't care less about your epeen rating where you fought the same team 400 times in a better group.

    I have never heard of force barrier preventing acid damage, and if that's the case then it just means 4 healer sorcs will win every arena instead of 4 sins


    NEWSFLASH doesn't change the issue at all


    You questioned my participation in ranked matched. Sorry if my answer is inconvenient for you.


    That said, it seems like it changes the issue quite a bit because 4 sorcs can't sit stealth the whole match.

  11. You can't heal through acid and bubble doesn't prevent acid damage learn how it works pls

    Also lol @ having sorcs in rated to begin with you aren't fooling anyone :D


    Regardless you won't do damage to him and he will do damage to you and you'll most likely be stunned with your barrier on cd

    Also, lol at beating 4 sins all doing this to your team


    STOP ACTING LIKE *******. You will lose to 4 sins every game and ill *********** laugh at how retarded you people are for thinking this is fine


    1) Bubble absorbs his feeble attempt at damage. Doesn't need to heal damage. Just means I go into barrier at full health. AoE heal adds to this. As does unnatural preservation.


    2) Barrier prevents the acid damage if you use it before the acid starts ticking on you.


    3) You don't ever see 4 sins in ranked. Because sins can't heal!


    4) My barrier can be used while stunned.


    5) My barrier is not on CD nor are any of my CD's because you ******* have been hiding in stealth! Remember the scenario?


    6) I have a 2800+ rating in ranked as a sorc healer.

  12. You people are so dense it's unbelievable.

    IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE PUSHES YOU INTO THE ACID OR NOT. he's going to do a small bit of damage to every enemy during his shroud via aoe and then phase walk behind Los and you wont know he's there. You will have likely done no damage to him at all via shroud and he won't be there long enough anyways. More importantly there will be at least one guy on your team (Mara, jugg, operative, cool downs not available etc) who can't avoid being knocked back.

    If anything bunching up in the middle just makes it easier to grenade and overload your entire team and the ones who aren't there die anyways.


    Shroud doesn't blocks white damage. You know this right?


    Also, the 4 man owns mid and can just AoE / stealth detect to prevent this. Ironically, when this does happen in the games I've been in, the sin is the one who gets pushed into the acid.


    Finally, I, sorc heals, will top my health off and force barrier before the acid lands. Bye bye.

  13. Assuming you hit your force barrier before the sin does damage (difficult), you'd still be at a 50/50 toss up on which team bioware chooses to win when you and the sin die at the same time and your 3 teammates are dead.


    Nah, I am healing specced, bubbled, and standing in a healing puddle. While in force barrier, I will recover whatever damage you managed to do in 1 GCD. You'd be raped by 3 DPS if you try for more. I have instant heals and 3 teammates who will be working to stop you. I know when you're coming because you have to move ahead of the acid.


    In the 300+ ranked matches I've played, I have yet to lose in this scenario. It's never even been close.


    You will die first.

  14. It's not a *********** l2p issue. You people need to pay attention.

    Sins have shroud and phase walk. One prevents cc and force damage and the other is useable during cc. If I hit shroud, overload, and grenade, then phase walk away you are going to lose. Period.


    Really? My force barrier begs to differ.

  15. I would agree we are stronger than Merc healers, but that isn't enough in this case. I'm assuming you are Kamujin from POT5 which means you are a very skillful Sorc. The problem is that Sorcs can do alright with good play in Solo Rateds, as you do. Once you get into Team Rateds though you run into fotm city. You WILL lose games just because your team has a Sorc over an Operative. You have less cc, less healing under pressure, less dispels, less utility, less longevity and I could go on,


    The only Team Rated comp I could justify a Healer Sorc would be a ranged dps team because, by team design, they have to push into your lines which allows you to play farther back. Even then you are putting your team at risk by requiring them to protect you more and the possibility for you to run oom. Also, if you wanted dps assist a Merc healer is actually even better than a Sorc because of Electronet alone. (In a ranged comp)


    In short- I have never even heard of a game where only one healer is so dominate that it's the choice in EVERY comp. I wish that we'd have some diversity that would be similar to WoW. Sorcs are better in comp A, Operatives in comp B and Mercs in comp C. Atm we have Operatives the best in comps A+B+C, Sorcs second best in A+B and Mercs second best in C.


    Admittedly, the classes are far too imbalanced for team arena to be viable. I really don't even pay any attention to team arena honestly.


    Solo ranked is the most fair and competitive PvP offered in the game currently. As such, I only play that format and I am viable.

  16. Depends on the definition of viable.


    If you mean, you can win with corruption- then yes. Under this definition of viable though, every class and spec in the game is viable.


    If you mean, corruption is ideal in some situations, then no. I'd argue that an operative healer is superior to a Sorc healer in every format of pvp currently, including all possible arena team setups. You always have to weight pros&cons but even with that the Operative beats out the Sorc every time. Provide any pvp example and I will provide arguments as to why an Operative is the more ideal choice than a Sorc.


    It's enough for me that I "can win" with a sorc.


    First, when I win with my sorc, no one can write it off as me playing the FOTY OP class. Winning with mediocre classes is the best test and proof of skill there is.


    Second, in most MMO's, maybe not this one, but most, classes go in and out of favor with the developers. If you plan to stick with a class for the long run, you have to be prepared to deal with being out of favor. True, we are not the beloved operative class, but hey, at least we're not mercs!

  17. I think the best way I can contribute to this thread is to give an "elevator" version of what's wrong with Sorc/Sage. There are many ways to fix Sorc/Sage, but I think you need to understand what is wrong first.


    Elevator version = Sorc/Sage are double, triple, or quadruple taxed for their abilities.



    Interuptability, push-back, force cost, cooldown time, cast time, GCD cost, ability effectiveness, light armor are all ways that the Sage/Sorc's abilities are "paid for". The problem is that for the bulk of our abilities we are being charged too much and in too many ways when compared to other classes.


    Example - Dark Heal

    This heal has an extremely high resource cost. Why is it also interuptable? Anyone spamming this will deplete their resource pool in seconds. Allowing it to be interrupted means that if they get interrupted, they lose their action for that GCD, if they are not interrupted, they pay an extreme resource cost. But there is more, Sorc/Sage have light armor and lesser defensive cooldowns because of their ability to self heal.


    If Dark Heal, an easily interrupted and resource expensive ability, is used to justify light armor and weak defensive cooldowns, then Sorc/Sage is paying too much for what they are getting.


    Example - Whirlwind

    Long cast time for a soft stun makes it trivial to interrupt even after being pushed back. 30 meter range is not helpful, you want to use this to open distance. At 30 meters you have already opened distance. After all this, the cooldown is very long, so even though you've already been taxed by resolve, interrupts, and ability effectiveness, you can't cast it again for much longer than other classes with better variants. Why? I dunno, are we paying for range we don't need?

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