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Everything posted by Sumire

  1. The problem is the lacking UI. I heal but it is annoying at the moment. I just wish you could have more customization.
  2. The community was better on SWG The gear was better on SWG There was more classes Player cities, houses, bases. No hand holding Space combat was better World PVP was better Crafting was better. and many more things. There was lots of naff things as well.... This game is still great though!
  3. Think I did it solo, but just ask a mate to help you if your finding it too hard.
  4. I really don't know what they can do to make the gear look better without looking ott. This is not WoW so I don't really want to see silly floating things over shoulders and glowy head bits, fine in WoW as it fits, but in this game, no! I think the gear in this game is always going to look boring.
  5. They are bound to bring this out as a payable feature, in fact it maybe even already there but not activated, same with the character customization.
  6. WoW is still much better than this game at the moment, but it is early days and it only needs a few tweaks to make it miles better.
  7. Not pvped in this game yet but I saw the thread title. All I can say is it reminds me of another very popular MMO ..made me lol.
  8. I've not heard one person say the game is bad, any "normal" people anyway. Of course you will get the losers that rushed to level 50, did everything and now have nothing to do except complain and compare it with another very popular MMO that has been out 6 years.
  9. Ah ok thanks, Its just that i have not been getting anymore darkside options recently so I thought it had run out or something. thanks.
  10. Ok, so I started playing the game, I make some choices early on and gain some lightside points, in this case 300. Later on I decide I want to go full darkside, I am now unable to go full darkside 5 just because early on in the game when I didn't really know much I made a few wrong choices or accidently clicked lightside options?
  11. I presume when you get max dark, then aquire more dark points, the light points go down? ..god knows...
  12. The game does seem too easy. There is the fact that you can kill a group of hard enemies one at a time, die, then go on to kill the other, but die too many times and I presume they respawn due to the wait timer increasing.
  13. The exhaustion boundry on tat is a complete joke. One of the first things you want to do on tat when you first go there is walk out into the vast desert from the starport and if you do, you die within seconds.
  14. I think most of my deaths while questing was due to that bug. I'd cc a mob then forget I had not turned the EMP thing off....again!
  15. I really don't like this design of having half the map not available, you always think you are missing a quest because you cannot go there. Tat seemed really small as well, a big dissapointment. Also, coming out the starport, go and explore and you die in seconds from fatigue.. I think a fair few cracks in this game are showing now I am higher level.
  16. He is great, I can solo most elites with him easily specced as healer.
  17. Its the same old thing isn't it, problems with maintaining force. If they made the fights more interesting and challenging, they wouldn't have to have stuff like running out of force to make healing hard.
  18. Things you do not mention in these forums; 1. WoW 2. The Star Wars Galaxies NGE 3. John Smedley.
  19. Urgh i thought there was base stats on damage/armour. I will have to look into this again...
  20. I had this when coming out of Flashpoints.
  21. It does it on my Radeon card, and the card and CPU are not hot. I get big blocks of green and some corruption, mainly seen this in Taris, but have just seen it on tat along with the sky becoming graphically corrupted for a short period of time.
  22. Yeah, why has he got aim when he doesn't use a gun. His agro "techs" would hardly need aim as they are mostly AOE and I can't think why you would need great aim when weilding a massive Techblade.
  23. Am I meant to be getting heavy armour with AIM on it? I am a little confused as to what stats he actually should have. I don't want to waste my credits. Thanks.
  24. There will be lots of nerd raging going on today me thinks!
  25. I was looking for a way to add /targetself macros, i presume this cannot be done? Also, not being able to move character portraits is a pain when healing.
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