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Everything posted by noctivagus

  1. But... but... George Lucas totally had this whole story worked out in his head and stuff...
  2. This is all a test for when they announce Gungans as the next race.
  3. You left out the part where you risk your money on a game that isn't out yet. The absolute monetary cost is only half of the story.
  4. Shadowbane wasn't a bad launch, it was just... bad. So much wasted potential
  5. Thanks for calling us irrational. I like being dismissed off hand.
  6. Or maybe doing it by region would mean the waves would be more consistent throughout the day. It makes sense.
  7. No, you aren't paying per se, but you are risking your capital in hopes that the game will be good with the added incentive of playing earlier. Plus we're all paying for the game. Nothing is free.
  8. Don't mistake my strong feelings as pessimism.
  9. It's not free. It's part of the cost of the game. tanstaafl
  10. Did they say "if you wait too long you will only get one day of early access"? The point is their tentativeness. Everything is wrapped up in maybes and up tos. BTW, if they give anyone who pre-ordered in December less than 5 days, the "up to 5 days" would be a lie, since no one who sees it now could possibly get up to 5 days, right? I guess that's what the asterisk is for.
  11. You can't QQ because there's an asterisk. I heard there's a book full of natural cures THEY don't want you to know about. You should check it out.
  12. Maybe some people have to take days off because they couldn't play otherwise? Kinda strange for you to be telling them to get a life.
  13. It wasn't marketed as a lottery, it was marketed as an incentive to pre-order.
  14. Works fine on my Phenom II x2 with 4 gigs of ram and a Radeon 4750. Cost about 500 two years ago, so you ought to be able to get something much better for the same price.
  15. Disagreeing with you isn't proof that I'm 13. And even a 13 year old could understand deceptive marketing.
  16. You weren't promised a place in line for paying part of the cost ahead of time. Metaphor falls apart. If BioWare wants people to pre-order stuff, they shouldn't give extremely tentative promises.
  17. BioWare's intention was to lead everyone who pre-ordered to believe they would get 5 early. No, they didn't break any laws. But yes, we will complain. We will complain a lot.
  18. But it has an asterisk so it's legally okay!!!!
  19. Right, the "up to" clause totally makes it not lame that they aren't letting a large number of people actually get any real "early" access.
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