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Everything posted by noctivagus

  1. There aint no such thing as a free lunch. Google it. Now. We are paying for the EGA. We are paying for that first month.
  2. A free bonus? How is it a bonus when the forums are all but ignored?
  3. A) I had two other options listed B) I have an opinion. "Deal with it."
  4. "I'm sorry I can't help with that" would have been shorter than his response that was dismissive and offensive to a large number of players.
  5. Wow, you so eloquently summed up every criticism of EGA. Except you didn't. We don't want to cut in line. We want the line to be shorter, or the line to be nonexistent, or the line to just be marked off so that we know where we are in line.
  6. There aint so such thing as a free lunch. We are all paying for it, one way or another.
  7. It's actually called hyperbole. And this is an instance of it being useless to the debate.
  8. The EGA is not free. It's not a gift. It was an incentive to pre-order.
  9. The actual release date was the 13th. Everyone else just gets in later.
  10. Stop throwing that word around like it actually means something. Maybe you're right though. Maybe we aren't entitled to something better than Comcastic marketing ploys.
  11. 90% is a cool percentage. Well done. Perhaps you should consider using less ellipses and also consider that it is possible for us to simultaneously comprehend and disagree with something.
  12. Real issues? Maybe it's not an issue he can help with, but it's not a REAL issue?
  13. Smartphone? What, nordic rotary phones not good enough for you?
  14. Man, the people who keep making new threads to call us babies are lame.
  15. Would be funny except that putting darth in your name is fail. Darth Darthsnooki? Come on.
  16. Because then they'd have to do math, and they're all out of abacuses.
  17. I love-hate you without the hate part. I think a big disconnect is the whole "if you don't like it, don't play it" argument. Just because we like something, because we're interested and invested in it, doesn't mean we can ignore what we see as flaws. If we just go away, then we won't get to enjoy the parts we do like, and we won't get to voice our opinion (while we optimistically hope it makes some difference).
  18. Except that its a 0 percent chance for 5 days after a certain point... I'm not sure how you might possible get "up to" 5 days when it's literally impossible to.
  19. It's not dishonest because there are less honest ads?
  20. "Why do I have less then 5 days early access? It says I will have 5 days! If you read it carefully, it says that you will have "Up to 5 days early access". If you were lucky enough to be one of the first to redeem a code you may have a full five days, or up to 7 as they brought the date forward to the 13th." Getting into EGA if you pre-order right now is extremely unlikely. It's deceptive.
  21. This answer is just as vague as it's always been...
  22. It's not a gift. We are paying for it. tanstaafl ^ Google it
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