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Everything posted by Amiracle

  1. Please provide proof that the majority of idiots do not use the LFD tool. I can say I met more friendlier people outside of the LFD tool only because I spent more time not looking for group. Strange how that works. Different realities for different people and all.
  2. Actually it wont. The issue of not alot of groups doesn't soley rest with no LFG tool. There is also the issue that there is absolutely no reason to do any group content till you hit 50. And even then you can skip groups and go into raids if you do dailies and get orange gear and or pvp.
  3. Provide this proof. If lfg spam bugs people so much then the issue is with them. I do not see how someone posting lfg would illicit any emotion from anyone other then "yay, there is a group getting together for what I want to do."
  4. Then why not play a single player RPG that doesn't have a sub? I do not understand why someone would choose to play a game with other people around just to ignore them. And on top of that pay a monthly sub just to play the single player game.
  5. My experience with the LFG tool always ends up joining a group where you are lucky if anyone even says hello back. May as well just let us run with companions and go the Guild Wars route.
  6. Which class is ranged + lots of health + heavy armour? Seems they will benefit the most.
  7. Other games have lots of players in the same area with no issues. Go go Hero engine.
  8. If you want a LFG tool and this game didn't and doesn't have one.... then why are you here? If you wanted a game with a LFG tool then why do you spend money on one that doesn't have one? You can go ahead and leave now, unless your real point is "I want others playing the same way I do.
  9. Conclusion: Crafting seems to be based on a game with a longer leveling experience.
  10. And once they have the orange gear put synth back on the shelf. Uses 1) Make one set of orange gear per alt 2) 2 pieces of Rakata at 50.
  11. So, how does self healing and them getting medals affect you? I can only conclude that you believe that they only heal before the game and not while the game is on. Could it be that healers have alot of self heals is because healers get focus fired more than anyone else in a WF? Nah, that couldn't be it. Could it be that most people will do nothing to protect the person healing them thus forcing healers to heal each other and themselves? Nah that couldn't be. I ask again, how does self healing and them getting medals affect you?
  12. I read a few posts by this mord kid, its obvious he is trying to pick a fight.
  13. So, you spent 2 hours spamming LFG every minute and no one responded? But put in a tool somehow will make people want to do the instances? There is nothing in group content that cannot be obtained through solo play. But yeah, that couldn't be the reason. I wasn't looking for a group yesterday but somehow I did 4 heroics and was asked to join a guild.
  14. Great post, but you forgot one thing. Most people playing aren't playing for lore, they want to look cool and different. Most MMOs these days have become fashion shows. (clothes, titles......)
  15. I always thought they were the good guys. But not so sure based on this game. They talk about balance all the time which means there has to be both good and evil. If the Sith are evil who are the good? Early on the Jedi Consular runs a quest where you are told that Jedi are not allowed to love?????? At this point I don't really understand what the Jedi stand for. A nd maybe thats why the Sith chose this time to make their move. The Republic has become bloated and ineffective like Roma and the Jedi have turned into Monks.
  16. lol......its obvious the OP wants others to see his leet video game skills.
  17. I find it interesting that all these people cannot find a group but they are all looking for group. Something doesn't add up if everyone is looking for group but everyone cannot find one. I just wonder how many of these people have even made an effort to get into a guild. But yeah, somehow having a real life prevents them from finding a group. Not sure how real life and finding a group in a game relate to each other. Basicly what these people want is a queue system where they will be thrown into a group with people and then proceed to say nothing and you will feel like they are your companion and not a real player. Or maybe its just that everyone is playing this game a single player RPG because grouping is not required to enjoy the main story which is the selling point.
  18. You haven't missed anything. Endgame Repeat dailies Repeat raids Repeat instances Repeat quests If you get bored with that.... Story quests for the ones you haven't. PvP to level/gear up because outside of the story everything else will be the exact some thing. These are your options.
  19. This pretty much shows that you do not understand what it means to be lucky.....rofl. The fact that the success is based on the RNG and you don't think its luck.....rofl
  20. First Post by Bio. 01.20.2012 , 12:55 AM Report Post The rates associated with reverse engineering these items should be the same as it was before the patch, and it should be possible to learn the blue to purple recipes. Second post by Bio. Quote: Originally Posted by PatrickMalott The reverse engineering return rate is not currently working as intended. In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items. We are also looking into the issue where a player receives "You already know that schematic" instead of learning a new research variation. Patrick Malott Systems Designer You can argue semantics all you want. Just point your gun at Bio because they seem to not agree with you. And its not the fact that no one has said or given you their failure rate, there are quite a few people posting their failure rates. You just refuse to believe it because you think you know better.
  21. Since I don't plan on running alts because other than the story everything else will be the same I hope it applies to level 50 characters only. Anything less.......they let it go the way of hero classes for all I care.
  22. You are the one saying nothing is wrong when a dev has said different. Its obvious you cannot see past your own nose. And you are the one disagreeing with the dev. Please prove the dev wrong. You seem to be the only one who doesn't see an issue. Proof below. Please tell the devs how you are right and they are wrong. Quote: Originally Posted by PatrickMalott The reverse engineering return rate is not currently working as intended. In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items. We are also looking into the issue where a player receives "You already know that schematic" instead of learning a new research variation. Patrick Malott Systems Designer
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