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  1. Hi everyone, Can anybody please explain the benefits of being a Synthweaver at level 50? You look at biochem and it's obvious the consumables and buff they give themselves just makes them a killing machine in both PVE and PVP. Synthweaving you get to make a few pieces of junk whilst levelling that are quickly replaced by doing flashpoints, and then when you hit 50 and do hardmodes you have the fortune of collecting schematics that allow you to make gear that is identical in appearance to the stuff people buy for pve drop tokens, such as the bananatree toiletbrush headpiece for my class (jedi consular). Surely the idea of synthweaving is to make equipment different in appearance at least, even if said equipment won't give you an advantage Anyone able to cheer me up by suggesting something I missed? Touchie (Jedi Consular, The Kumumgah)
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