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Everything posted by Vegetian

  1. It's a known fact that the forums represent less than 1% of the total game population. Whether or not someone chooses to accept this fact is entirely different. Regardless it is a fact.
  2. Yup..especially when those patches occur during your playing time. Since game release the game has been unavailable for 44% of my play time, or 3/7 days a week. This includes the time duration. I have np with maint..but it should be a revolving or rotating maint period. Lastly my peers in the EU should have thier own servers with thier own specific downtime. Further..some of that downtime has been emergency patches to fix (ironically) fix's...which actually should have been detected or noticied on the test server (which is why you have a test server)....so I wouldn't go so far as to call me "ignorant" just feeling slighted some, which the statistics back up, that's all. Otherwise, aside from normal MMO game issues, I do enjoy the game.
  3. I can't say I agree on everything. For example I have np with the "grindfest" of getting to r60 valor or in acquiring the battlemaster pvp gear. Also, having played SWG, I understand the ebb and flow of open world PVP on Ilum...I mean its almost always about the luck of the draw, in regard to there being action. I guess my only beef really is the WZ's. Not so much in the grind..but rather the endless huttball matches that (at least on my server) are always emp v emp. I don't mind fighting the same faction, or playing huttball...but why not open up voidstar or a map like alderaan, where it's two sith lords competing against each other? I can completely understand those getting burned out on consistent huttball matches (think the ratio on my server is like 6 huttballs to 1 factional map). In other words, my only gripe is that I'd like to see more factional v factional maps, should wz matches end up happening that way.
  4. Yup, just stopped playing WZ's. Whats the point of using my time, which is limited due to the nature of my work, when **** doesnt count. A few rage quits..other times worked on an alt. Isn't driving me to cancel..but isn't giving me a good feeling/opinion either.
  5. I dont know the hard cap, or if it has one. However, it does have a diminishing return, specifically for Sorc's its around 300-350, from what i've read in various guides.
  6. Haha you just fell for the biggest joke in gaming history! They should make a reality show abou this....no seriously...I'm sure someone would watch it. Look for it upcoming on Fox.. Just like those useless books about diets, biographies of nobody, relationships, oh and "soup" books.
  7. I would consider contacting the guild leaders on those servers then, via email, and ask them. Technically only 1% of the in-game population actually participates on the forums..
  8. No good LFG tool. Those damn shields in pvp that prevent you from jumping back into combat.....then you get a message to leave the safe zone but you cant because thier still on a timer.. That burst dps operative/smuggler who knocks me down and then just destroy's me lol. Yes I hate you...but love to have you on my team.
  9. The ones listed as "heavy" or "full".
  10. Give each player, in your faction, 50000 credits. Then submit a request to CS and wait 1 month. Then you may (underlined) get a chance to change it, provided the ruling council approves of your gift and decides you can. If not, its to the gu-lag for hard labor.
  11. Aside from the fact that it's completely silly..let's examine it in a logical fashion. First, the technology needed to implement what your saying may be costly for BW to implement. From a company standpoint..it may not be worth it. They want ppl to play the game, they don't directly care how the factions are balanced (although indirectly that does effect some people playing the game...hence the term "server merge"). Add to this fact the manpower needed to monitor the faction populations and Ilum population and well..you see where this is going. Besides..placing a population restriction on Illum and instancing it sorta defeats the purpose of open world pvp. It's true that it can be somewhat imbalanced at times...at times completely dead, and at times insanly fun...but thats the way open world PVP is, in almost any game. It's really just luck of the draw. To add to, if you really want an interesting fight..then maybe guild leaders from each faction should exchange emails and have set established times to participate in large pvp matches @ Ilum (its what we did in SWG). Although this has nothing to do with que's...we don't have any control over those atm. While I can understand your frustration..from a company standpoint your ideas aren't practical. As for Imps v Imps in huttball...I haven't heard one Imp complain about that...more so they just desire to play different maps than huttball everytime (myself included). Would be nice to have something like voidstar be open to same faction pvp.
  12. 99% of computer problems are....USER error.
  13. 1. SWG PRE-CU 2. Lotro (including mines of moria exp) 3. STO (after launch...was much improved) I'm still on the fence about ToR here. It's premature to judge an MMO until its about 3mo after launch. Basically because of several facts imo. First is the bugs at launch or shortly thereafter, second is implementation of changes based on player feedback, and third is after 3mo you at least get somewhat of a feel for what direction the dev's are going with content release.
  14. Can we anticipate a revolving maintaince window in our weekly patches or in emergency patchs, or should we expect maintaince to always occur in the previous time frame?
  15. Clearly you need to play as a Sorc before you make that statement. Our armor is like paper and we have no defensive ratings, unlike assassin/shadow's and sith warrior classes. Further, we can't stealth. And I do try and cast the bubble on assassins when I can. As far as our heals, unless your healing spec'd the 2 DPS trees have 2 heals that both are on a timer to activate.
  16. Cryptic does something like this with STO. Although they don't add it as content patches...instead they review it and release the player content/missions if they approve it. However, I don't see this happening in ToR. Wishful thinking, but not likely.
  17. Well in regard to the pvp gear, part of the reason peeps get/wear it is for the expertise modifier. Tbh I utilize the pvp gear for pvp and then have a seperate orange gear set (modd'd to 50) for Pve stuff. So I still think you'll see ppl using the pvp armor for pvp. However, can completely understand the point about oranges. The only way I see that being balanced is if they add in an option for green/blue/purple gear to have the ability to have an augment mod too, somehow. Previously in beta we could mod any aspect of any quality level of equipment..but that was later removed. I happened to think they should have kept that...woulda kept some nice customization/appareance options for players, but they decided against it. Perhaps we may see that again.
  18. To clarify my point of view here...I'm not saying that they need to implement what JTL was for SWG. I don't anticipate it, nor expect them too. I know the massive effort that would require and tbh thier focus should be on the ground game. I was just stating that while it may be fun for some people, I can't get into it, so whatever they decide to do with it, it's fine with me. I do think, at some point, it would be a good idea for them to involve space combat and ground missions together, but that's just my opinion.
  19. Honestly I can't bring myself to really play the space combat. As many prob's as galaxies had, they hit the nail on the head with JTL and the space combat. Anything short of that for me just fails to catch my interest. I realize this is a new/different game and all, and I did try a few space missions in beta to see how they were. But honestly it doesn't compare for me. It's like having a street rigged corvette and then having to go to a chevy cavalier...as bad *** as the cavalier may have a setup, even street rigged, it still won't equal the corvette. This isn't saying the space combat isn't good or fun for some people. I'm not knocking it..just saying I cant seem to get interested in it after playing JTL in SWG.
  20. Posted in a previous thread. You want statistics, here it is. There were actually 3 downtimes this week. In total around 14-16 hours. Of course all those hours were at or around the 2am-12pm period. "Originally Posted by mrromo I'd just like to point something out to the common response "its only once a week and a couple of times they had to do something during the week". Game launched on Dec 20th. There have been 20 patches since launch. Never have 2 been applied the same day. For us that can only play during patch hours that means in 44 days this game has been unavailable to us about 45% of the time. In other words no, its not once a week, its 3 out of 7 days. Love paying for things i cant use half the time... feels good." Again, more than 80% of those downtimes have been at or around the 2am-12pm time frame. While I agree you'll never get a refund..and it's probably stupid to ask for one, you can see some of the frustration of the player base (Americans and Euro's) who's play time is cut by these increasing maint. periods. Perhaps they need to utilize the test server more and refine thier implemenation process to reduce downtimes, or figure out a rotating time/maint schedule. Just some thoughts.
  21. An interesting observation...however it fails on two accounts. George Z even said himself in an interview with a magazine that beta testers were there to stress test and that was it. He went on in detail to state (summarization) that they already knew of the bugs we were reporting in thier closed next build alpha stage. Thus they knew of the Taris memory leak..they knew of the various class quests that were bugged...the knew of the companion ky issue. Yet we continued to report. Unless you were there testing, which idk if you were, then you have no idea what happened or what was going on. Besides they did character wipes every build (2-4 weeks) so only in a few build did people actually reach a level higher than 30. So if you weren't in beta..then your just assuming w/o correct information. I don't need to tell you what you make yourself out to be when you assume. Lol.
  22. There were actually 3 downtimes this week. In total around 14-16 hours. Of course all those hours were at or around the 2am-12pm period. Posted on another thread, for a bit more statistical data for ya. "Originally Posted by mrromo I'd just like to point something out to the common response "its only once a week and a couple of times they had to do something during the week". Game launched on Dec 20th. There have been 20 patches since launch. Never have 2 been applied the same day. For us that can only play during patch hours that means in 44 days this game has been unavailable to us about 45% of the time. In other words no, its not once a week, its 3 out of 7 days. Love paying for things i cant use half the time... feels good." Again, more than 80% of those downtimes have been at or around the 2am-12pm time frame. While I agree you'll never get a refund..and it's probably stupid to ask for one, you can see some of the frustration of the player base (Americans and Euro's) who's play time is cut by these increasing maint. periods. Perhaps they need to utilize the test server more and refine thier implemenation process to reduce downtimes, or figure out a rotating time/maint schedule. Just some thoughts.
  23. fyi patience. No, beta is a game testing period when you test your client and game content for bugs and glitches as well as stress test equipment for a live audience. Upon release you should have squashed many game breaking bugs as well as have a decently smooth server operation running. Once live you establish a test server to roll out new updates to ensure that when they go live, there are no problems. Anyone notice a few things here? True..the likelyhood of that scenario is not good..but in this game its non-existent. They listened to no problems we reported in beta, and clearly the test server is not being utilized for the purpose it was meant. I see a re-occuring theme here. So, while I respect your opinion (your entitled to it) I'm going to disagree and say they have been doing a very very poor job for a company that's well funded and has (currently) the largest sub base of all MMO's. My assessment is based on those facts listed above, and the resources they have at thier disposal.
  24. Nope..no time deserved. They had beta, which they clearly didnt make use of, and they have a public test server to test **** before putting it live, so this situation doesnt happen. Make use of it and listen.
  25. /signed Exactly what I've been saying. Apparently they didnt learn from not listenting to us beta players. Figures.
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