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Everything posted by Sunsoar

  1. I'm pretty sure I saw something during the guild summit that said they're making it so you can solo ops. It's called story mode or something like it. Heroic and Nightmare modes will be the actual group content. The item drops will be outdated gear that is 3months old or something like. The dev was joking about it on stage but meh. I paid attention I just don't remember it very well. Pretty sure I view/saw/heard that though
  2. I curse you OP for bringing this to my attention. Being two years sober from WoW, I now have returning hope and an urge to get back into the game based of what they have planned and have released since I left the game. One reason I mainly won't go back is because their graphical engine is hella outdated in the character/armor textures. While the art style is still barely holding up and the water system was a much needed revamp, character/armor textures just matter a lot to me. Here's hoping TOR will become something as awesome as WoW has been, and maybe, just maybe, I will return to TOR one day too.
  3. From what I saw during the Guild Summit. World events won't happen until after 1.2
  4. Kills the community? How so? If you're talking about your own faction...then oh well. Que with friends/guildies/or start a premade (this will be out before cross server is) Do you find yourself constantly in conversations with the Emps? Because I don't. (I was a Republic player) PvP desperately needs a cross queing system. It takes way too long to even get into warzones on the server I played on. That is why it's upcoming. Faster ques is what matters.
  5. Hey Bioware, When you release 1.2 You should think about giving a free 7 day invite of gameplay to those players who left this game and try and get them back for this patch. I haven't bothered playing in weeks, and my sub is up this month. I can't stomach logging into this game. I am curious if you really fixed anything in 1.2 though. I can't speak for everyone else, but I myself, do not want to waste 15 bucks resubbing only to find that the game is still trash (my opinion). Just a thought
  6. People like the OP are killing MMO's. This game too hard? Are you F N serious? I let my 1 1/2 year old button smash for me, when I can actually stomach logging in (haven't played in a couple weeks), and HE can faceroll.... How did the OP even get to 40 without knowing the breakdown of mob groups? He probably trying to solo 4man heroic quests (which you can solo some) and he's getting mad he can't kill anything.. /Sigh
  7. Sorry you're another player who just wants to be handed more and more with no effort.
  8. Leveling does not net you Champ bags. Stop making **** up. You can only hold ONE bag at a time in your inventory that you bought from the PvP vendor. ONE BAG. At 50 with max commendations you can buy FIVE BAGS. That's SIX BAGS......with a very very very low chance of a gear token in there. Stop over exaggerating and go work to get your PvP gear like everyone else.
  9. If a PvE server is all you want then that is all you should get by your definition. No PvP at all on PvE servers. None, no warzones etc. Yeah right....like that will ever happen OP, you make a some what valid argument, but if you're just jealous because some people pvp level, or you just can't compete at all...then you should just not PvP. PvE servers are there so you don't get gank'd while questing. AND Leveling full time PvP does not net you a "ton" of Champion bags when you hit 50. It nets you 5 bags if you saved a 1000 merc/warzone comms. Whoopty do. You just want gear handed to you same way PvE content hands it to you, but you're dying to real PvPers and it makes you sad.
  10. I'm glad their words got to you, because what I saw from the summit. Too little too late. The game may be awesome in 2014, but I don't see it doing anything good in 2012. Legacy is a joke and was a waste of dev resources.
  11. They will be posting them shortly after the event is what their blog says. They have to edit out any bad PR first.
  12. Yeah I saw that during the summit. There was ONE, reread that, ONE, reread it one more time, ONE server that had more Republic than Empire. And they were proud of that. That is success in their eyes. They also said that the imbalance is not as bad as people think. Where did they get their numbers from? The overall players currently on Repub VS Empire? The ratio of current players on Taris? From what I have seen on youtube and my own experience. Empire outnumbers Repub. I know they didn't get their numbers from Ilum. Gabe didn't even mention any plans for Ilum. He was too busy answering UI questions. I thought he was the Lead PvP designer? They can easily fix the imbalance in regards to Ilum. Bolster the lower pop faction in the zone. Will they? No. They don't care.
  13. You wont be removing anything until you wipe the drive.
  14. Isn't that just funny? Again, they're giving a way to people who don't want to put forth any effort the ability to just get it....
  15. Race unlock is worthless to me. I missed the memo where I was suppose to wait for Bioware to unlock the Legacy system before I leveled alts. Now I have all human alts that I will NOT delete and reroll for the purpose of race unlocks. So stupid really. This game is so repetitive in the questing and leveling a new toon department that I would rather take my computer out to the desert and fill it with .40cal from my Glock 22 before I even try to stomach leveling a new toon for this 'well thought out' system.
  16. The game runs better on a fresh install? No way! ..... Duh. Not to mention all the bloatware on an Alienware computer.
  17. I've noticed it as well. Instants are back to be non casts. GCD is back to triggering without an actually ability going off. Gotta love their custom hero engine.
  18. Well OP. They don't care. They have to appease the main player base. The casuals. The ones who will stick with this game no matter what as long as they are able to get everything the game has to offer with very very little effort. This game has nothing for the hardcore gamer. Hardcore meaning a skilled player. You spend a week or two (or less or more, w.e) grinding for something rare, and some chump can just buy it from a vendor. Pff.
  19. Now if only turning it to high would actually reflect what high should look like...
  20. What's up with all the posts getting deleted in this thread? Tons of missing posts. Anyways bump for justice.
  21. I win button? You must have not read op. You obviously agree that there are issues with the in game items since the speeder wasnt what you want/thought. They promised updates to CE store. That is why i dished 150 for the CE. Continued CE support. Otherwise I would have got Deluxe
  22. Well a free feature essentially (unless you don't have an android phone, or iphone) has better perks then a paid for feature. Both are optional. Yet the paid for feature is has less quality perks. Thanks for pointing that out. What is patience? Three more months? One year? Asking for updates and when a paid for feature will be updated and shown some love can be seen as complaining by people who don't care either way what happens or just like to flame. I for one see it as a valid question.
  23. The thing is: You bought an expensive piece of equipment that was only expensive because Apple made it. The same hardware in a Windows computer would cost you 500bucks. Blah blah blah blah about Windows running like crap to Mac. User error does not mean an OS sucks. Mac has perks sure. Windows will ALWAYS be superior for gaming. Good luck in your gaming adventures on a Mac.
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