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Everything posted by Sunsoar

  1. I bet Garza is awesome behind that black screen...
  2. whiskey tango foxtrot? Rofl I see what you did there. BUT if only BioWare understood military jargon. The real whiskey tango meaning and foxtrot.
  3. This chat bug has been around for several months in beta. Im sure its near the bottom of their to do list Remember this is a last gen MMO. Not a next gen. Cant expect much from it, no matter how fun the story is the game is still broken.
  4. Stop whining. At least yours works as intended. Trooper mortar volley AND full auto are STILL broken.
  5. Resolve is beyond broke. I can have a full bar and sit in a cc. I can be blinded by a Imp agent, stunned by an inquis then sit in a full whirlwind CC. Resolve sucks bantha juices.
  6. Must play a Inquis or Cons. Yeah theyre not over powered or anything.
  7. Spash screen is better than looking at nasty texture pop up. Default skins are fugly.
  8. Cool story. Thanks for thinking you know everything. Bottom line: You don't play every server.
  9. Goes the same for you too friend. You assume you know when I play. Just so you know, I play late night (past 12am) or early mornings, so before you try to make someone look stupid, make sure you dont make yourself look stupid first. Note: posting from my G Nexus, typing mistakes WILL show up.
  10. I hope you give them free server transfers so they DO move off our servers. Im all down for playing with other countrymen but not when it sacrifices my time (ques) and enjoyment. Hell give us US ONLY servers so we cant complain theyre the issue.
  11. They should open up free transfers, and have a 48hr cooldown ,(or something like it) on them for a couple weeks so that players can leave the servers that keep filling up. I cannot for the life of me figure out why joining players would continue to join a full server. Sitting in ques is a drag and waste of time.
  12. They may have ninja nerfed it. Only getting 300 credit profits when i send out for the 1k missions. Oh well. Tons of money sinks in TOR so nothing to worry about
  13. you know what really grinds my gears? Oceanic players playing on our servers. Plus Bioware/EA had to follow the typical model of "we are prepared" but then probably going to change it to "we didnt anticepate this many players at launch. Blah.blah.blah." Game isnt even out yet physically and we are sitting in long ques. Plus all the bugs and issues still left from beta. They got a lot on their hands. I dont expect much to get fixed in a timely matter. And yes,BioWare, you should offer free server transfer for all our toons for 30days. I played beta for a year. I can only stand so much repetitive quest grinding and linear progression.
  14. premium (green) is NOT better than prototype (blue).
  15. you have to hussle this early on when NO ONE is going to whip out creds for low level items.
  16. No, you're doing it wrong. Maybe your level to talent ratio is gimping you, but your probably doing something wrong. Con/Inq have been strong for a while now. And assassin/shadow has also been strong for about same time. Would go into more detail but i am on my galaxy nexus. Good luck out there and may the force empower me more.
  17. IT's better than nothing.
  18. Pumped Up Kicks. Same song I blast while playing BF3.
  19. You paid for a game, and access on the 20th. Early access is not guaranteed and a special offer they gave to stagger the people getting on the servers. Again you're paying customer come the 20th.
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