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Everything posted by copasetic

  1. I have a full Champ geared Juggernaut and I have to admit that I have felt compelled to roll a Sentinel/Marauder at times. Their defensive cooldowns are so amazing. They should never be losing a 1v1 to a Juggernaut/Guardian solely because of these CDs. They can simply outlast the Jugg/Guardian every time as long as they know how to use their CDs. I can't count the amount of times where I've been one Vicious Slash away from killing a Sentinel/Marauder only for them to pop Undying Rage -> Cloak thus giving them enough time to either finish me off or for their teammates to run by and finish me. I really wish Bioware would give us Juggs/Guardians a better class-unique defensive CD because Endure Pain is simply an extra Medpac, like you said, that is only good for about 2 auto attacks and 1 special attack.
  2. Just want to point out that Endure Pain (the 30% HP boost) is on a 1 minute 30 second cooldown and was Bioware's way of "buffing" Juggernaut/Guardian survivability in Warzones. So much for that "buff" fixing Juggernaut/Guardian survivability eh?
  3. There should a be TV show based on the Bioware's weekly patches and the reactions players have to the patch. This entire thread, combined with how badly Bioware has handled each patch, is so funny that I'm nearly in tears. I simply cannot believe Bioware is really this dumb and don't see how annoying this UI is. This is really unacceptable and I really hope they release an emergency fix within the next 48 hours. I'm trying to imagine the Bioware coder/developer responsible for creating these changes and I just can't see them going "This is the UI our players have been asking for! Let me give it to Lead Developer A for approval and we'll get this out right away!" How does Lead Developer A not immediately notice how bad is this and reject it? Does Bioware even have this type of approval process?
  4. Does anyone else feel this way? I feel that despite all the bugs and issues in the game, PvP in SWToR is pretty fun when it works. The problem is that the PvP never completely works correctly. I'm talking about those super annoying bugs and issues like: - Your AoE ability completely missing because of server lag or some other bug. I just love using my Smash right on top of an enemy only for it to do zero damage yet still go on CD. - The absurd difficulty with trying to click on players and trying to tab to an ally in Huttball to leap to/pull to yet you keep targeting the wrong person - Trying to push the ball carrier into the pit only to see him fly into your own endzone or trying to push enemies off the bridge in Voidstar only to see them go the opposite direction (server lag again I think) - Ability delay, despite them actively trying to fix it, is still present. Nothing more annoying for me than using my Ravage and seeing that it didn't actually activate (it didn't go on CD) yet I'm still stuck in the 3s animation while taking damage. - The amount of Knockbacks and how Resolve isn't affecting them enough. This is my opinion but I think if you eat a Knockback, your Resolve should be completely full so you can't get knocked back again. The bar doesn't have to be full as long as it would be if you eat chain CCs. I've been knocked back by a Sage and immediately knocked back again by a Commando before with my Resolve only being 90% full. - The Resolve system in general feels inconsistent. There are times where its working great and you can walk the ball across the line without any issues and there are times where its full yet you seem to still be eating stuns. The biggest issue is snares and how they don't affect Resolve. Bioware needs to do something about snares being affected by Resolve or possibly giving snares their own diminishing returns system. - DOTs interrupting you when trying to capture a turret or plant/defuse on doors. I know some players may support this but I believe it makes Defending far too easy, especially since one of the classes with the DOTs also happens to have Force Sprint. This is even more broken when trying to capture side turrets on Alderaan since the speederbikes arrive far too quickly allowing players that just respawned to interrupt the capture casts before the enemies even have time to capture it. And I didn't even get into class balances issues as well so add them with these too and you have one frustrating PvP experience. There are many more issues that I just can't remember at the moment so feel free to add any that frustrate you to no end as well. I guess I'm just stuck in a Love/Hate relationship with PvP in SWToR
  5. They've already said they are going to allow players to pull mods out of PvP gear and placing them in orange gear while still retaining the 2 piece/4 piece set bonuses as well as the Expertise. See here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252 They haven't announced when this will be released but my guess is this won't go live until Patch 1.2 sometime in March.
  6. Sorry but this is never going to happen. Just be patient and wait until March when Patch 1.2 is released and Rated Warzones are available. The majority of the premades will most likely be queuing for Rated Warzones instead of Normal Warzones meaning you will not face as many.
  7. DPS is very important in all three Warzones. Here are my thoughts on DPS in WZs: Huttball: DPS is very underrated in here. I've lost too many games where the only reason we lose is because nobody else on my team can do enough damage to outdps one healer on the ball carrier. It's so frustrating losing Huttballs where I have anywhere between 300-600k damage and my next closest teammate is anywhere between 100-150k. You know what makes Huttball even more annoying? When the enemy team figures out that I am doing the most damage and am the biggest threat, they all begin to focus me down right away and ignore my low dps teammates. I pop my defensive CDs, LoS, use my biochem stuff, and grab the health pickups in the corners to live as long as possible. By doing this, I am distracting 2 or 3 enemies by causing them to stop to try and kill me thus giving my 7 other teammates a good 20-30 seconds of time to run the ball or kill the ball carrier without the help of the 3 enemies hitting me. This is even better if you can distract these enemies in an obscure part of the map where the ball carrier is nowhere near. This means I'm usually also in the top 1 or 2 of damage taken (which can be seen by hovering your mouse over the "Deaths" column). Losing a Huttball when you're doing the most damage and taking the most damage always irks me. Voidstar: While you do need DPS here to kill the enemies fast enough before the next wave of respawned enemies comes, DPS isn't as important since you do need at least 1 or 2 people at each door to watch for stealths. However, as I just said, if your team isn't doing enough damage to kill enemies near the doors in time before the next wave of enemies spawns and runs down to support, you're never going to defend all the doors. If the opposing team has 2 or more healers and your team is filled with subpar DPS, good luck trying to kill people until they eventually outlast your team and start planting on the doors. Alderaan: DPS is pretty much the same as Voidstar. You need to be able to kill the enemies around a Turret fast enough before respawning enemies make it back in time to interrupt your capture or to support their allies. This is especially important at the side Turrets where you need to clear the Turret as fast as possible before respawning enemies take the quick speeder down. Some teammates will need to sacrifice their damage/medals in order to defend Turrets so it is understandable for a few of your team to have little Damage Done.
  8. Just to let you guys know, Bioware never said that this was going to be fixed in this Patch. They have acknowledged the issue and said they are working on it. See here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2484102#edit2484102
  9. I didn't read through the thread so I don't know if someone has brought this up but does anyone else find it funny that excluding the lone Juggernaut, the entire Imperial team is composed of Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors?
  10. The Cybertech Reuseable grenades are worthless. I dropped Cybertech before switching to Biochem due to the grenades having a FIVE MINUTE SHARED COOLDOWN. This means you can only use your grenade of choice TWICE per Warzone when compared to the Reusable Medpac that you can use up to 11 times in a Warzone if you spam it on CD. Not to mention that for some bizarre reason Bioware decided to nerf the best grenade (the flame one) in Patch 1.1. I don't understand this nerf at all considering the grenades were and still are so rarely used. The grenades will continue to be awful until they either reduce the shared CD or give each grenade their own CD while also having a much shorter "use grenade" CD that prevents you from using all of the grenades at once.
  11. Who says they have to nerf Battlemaster/Champion gear in order for fresh 50s to have more success or be more enjoyable in Warzones? They could simply buff Centurion gear by adding more Expertise and the Primary Class Stat so the gap from Centurion to Champion isn't so gigantic. The gap from Champion to Battlemaster is very small (The difference in Expertise is only in the range of 3 to 6. The other primary stat attributes are less than 10 as well) and in some cases, not even worth it considering the different secondary stats on Champ pieces and Battlemaster pieces. The majority of my Juggernaut DPS Battlemaster pieces have Accuracy and Crit on them which are both useless for my current spec so I'm most likely going to use a mix of Champion and Battlemaster gear. You guys are assuming they are going to lower the stats on Battlemaster and Champion gear when they could just be improving Centurion gear.
  12. This guy said it perfectly. If you want the most utility possible, Sage/Sorcerer is the way to go. - Absorption Bubbles - Heals - CCs - Roots/Knockback - Force Sprint - Good Sustained Damage - DOTs Obviously they can't be great in all these areas but they DO have access to them and depending on how you spec, you can be better in one area than the other. It just depends on your playstyle and preferences.
  13. Yes. See here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252
  14. As others have already said, they are fixing this issue. See here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252 My guess is this will come in Patch 1.2 sometime in March.
  15. Yep. Here you go: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252
  16. Bioware has already said that they are going to allow players to remove mods from PvP gear while still keeping the 2 set/4 set bonuses when placing those mods in orange gear. They also said there will be restrictions as to what slot a specific mod can go in. They have not said what patch this fix will go in but my guess is Patch 1.2 in March.
  17. Operative/Scoundrel burst could only be countered by one ability: your CC breaker. There was no other way to avoid it. If this was on cooldown, you're guaranteed to be dead/nearly dead against a geared Operative/Scoundrel. You can't see when their burst is coming because they are stealthed. Juggernaut/Guardian burst can be countered by SEVERAL different methods that aren't based on one single ability. - CC them - Knockback - Run away. Their Smash/Sweep animation is very buggy and often will completely miss moving targets - Pop your defensive CD when they use Smash/Sweep and take anywhere between 0-2k dmg depending on CD and laugh as the Jugg/Guardian has to spend another 10-30 seconds building charges again There's 4 perfectly viable methods of avoiding Guardian/Juggernaut burst.
  18. The difference between Operatives/Scoundrels doing their insane burst and a Juggernaut/Guardian doing their insane burst is that you can't PREDICT when an Operative/Scoundrel is going to open on you. They are stealthed and can open whenever they want. Smash/Sweep is very predictable and easy to counter if you know what to look for. In order for a Juggernaut/Guardian to do their burst, they need to get 4 stacks of a buff that can only be gained from Force Choking an enemy for the entire duration or using Force Crush to gain 4 stacks. Force Crush progressively slows you to a crawl so when this is casted on you, CC/knockback the Juggernaut/Guardian and run. Or better yet, use your Knockback the second the Juggernaut/Guardian begins their Smash/Sweep animation and you will take zero damage while their Smash/Sweep goes on cooldown thus wasting their entire buildup. TL;DR: Stop whining and learn how to predict and counter their Smash/Sweep.
  19. Umm I don't know why you would say these two bolded parts. Juggernaut/Guardians that are Focus/Rage specced are actually easy to kill if you focus them, especially if you're a Merc/Commando, Sage/Sorc, or Vanguard/Powertech. They only have two defensive CDs: Endure Pain - Temporarily increases your maximum health by 30% for 10 seconds. When the effect ends, the health is lost. 1 minute 30 second cooldown. This is a horrible defensive CD compared to other classes. It basically just gives another 2 or 3 seconds until death. Saber Ward - Raises a lightsaber ward, increasing melee and ranged defense by 50% and reducing the damage taken from Force and tech attacks by 25%. Lasts 12 seconds. 3 minute cooldown. This is their ONLY good defensive CD (Marauders/Sents have it too, btw) and its on a 3 minute CD meaning they can only use it around 3 or 4 times per Warzone (assuming its not a stomp and ends quickly). Once both these are down, they are easy to kill. People seem to think that just because they wear heavy armor, they are insanely difficult to kill when this isn't true at all. I would even say Marauders/Sentinels are harder to kill due to their much stronger defensive CDs. And PLEASE stop calling Juggernauts/Guardians the "tank class." They have two DPS talents trees that are both perfectly viable. I guess this also means we should start calling Assassins/Shadows and Powertechs/Vanguards the "tank class" as well?
  20. Stop being a terrible PvP player and learn to recognize when the Smash/Sweep is coming. It is very obvious when the Guardian/Juggernaut is building his 4 Shockwave/Singularity charges. If you see the number 4 in any of his buffs, either run away, CC him, or knock him away. If you want to be really good, you could use your knockback the second he starts his Smash/Sweep animation and knock him out of range just as he is using it thus you take zero damage while his Smash/Sweep goes on cooldown. One obvious way to tell Smash/Sweep is coming is if the Guardian/Juggernaut uses his Force Choke/Stasis on you. They gain 4 charges of Singularity/Shockwave by letting the entire duration of Choke/Stasis cast so if a teammate interrupts it or if you get knocked out of range while being choked, the Guardian/Juggernaut will not have his 4 stacks and his Smash/Sweep will do considerably less damage. The reason Operatives were insane is because you COULDN'T see the damage coming. They came out of stealth, dropped you on your face, and proceeded to kill you/nearly kill you before the CC wore off (this is assuming your CC breaker is on cooldown). TL;DR: Stop whining, learn how predictable a fully buffed Smash/Sweep is, and learn how to counter it.
  21. I agree 100% OP. I have always thought the best way to make PvP competitive again is to force players to use a set of standardized gear where the stats are itemized according to their class and spec. This instantly creates a level playing field for all players where the victors will be determined through skill, teamwork, and coordination. Throw in a good spectator mode and you'll have PvP players flocking to the game. If you must have rewards for that "carrot on a stick" approach, the rewards need to be stuff that doesn't influence player stats in any way. Some examples include: - Unique titles - Unique mounts - Unique looking one-of-a-kind gear that still has standardized stats - Schematic recipes to create social/cosmetic gear - Leaderboard stats - Statue of top monthy/weekly players is created in middle of most popular city There are many ways to motivate players to PvP through means other than gear.
  22. copasetic

    competetive PvP

    Instead of gear: Carrot = Unique titles, mounts, gear (purely cosmetic and not stat-based similar to social gear), schematic recipes (for more social/cosmetic purposes) There are so many different ways, other than gear, to provide incentive to PvP players for wanting to PvP and for wanting to be the best at PvP. It just takes a bit of creativity and effort, both of which I fear Bioware is lacking (see the bland and boring PvP gear models that are simply colored differently for example).
  23. You have it backwards. The bolded parts show where you are mistaken. Rage/Focus easily has more potential to do very high amounts of damage depending on how often you get those fully buffed Smashes/Sweeps off and how often those are casted in groups of enemies. It's possible to get crits of 6k+ on GROUPS of enemies when done correctly. Vengeance is more of a sustained but lower DPS spec on single targets due to the bleeds and constant Impales and Shatter. While both Rage/Focus and Vengeance/Vigilance suffer in the survivability department, I'd argue Vigilance/Vengeance has more due to the talents Unstoppable, Huddle, and Deafening Defense (don't know their Republic names) if you spec into them.
  24. "Standardized Gear" in PvP means nobody has a huge advantage from having better gear, such as Battlemaster gear with far more expertise and stats than any other gear. By standardizing it, everyone is on an equal playing field and the only way to defeat the opposing team is through strong teamwork and coordination. My ideal PvP system would be to standardize all PvP gear. Whenever a player enters a Warzone and is in the 2 minute "waiting zone" before the WZ begins, the player must choose a set of gear from multiple different choices. Each set of gear will have different itemization stats so that the player can decide which role he wants to fulfill, such as more Endurance to be tankier or more Strength/Cunning to do more DPS or more Willpower to have more Force to heal more. The stats from these sets of gear will also change depending on what class the player is playing (Sith Warriors obviously need more Endurance/Strength while Bounty Hunters need Aim/Endurance). This appeals to both PvE players that raid every day and have far better PvE gear than other players and PvP players that do Warzones all day and have full Battlemaster gear. Both of these types of players will be on the same playing field when they enter a Warzone due to having standardized gear. The rewards for winning Warzones and gaining Valor can be cosmetic rewards, such as unique looking sets of gear that are still standardized with the other sets, unique titles that can only be gained once, unique mounts and/or social gear, unique schematics for gear that only that player would be able to create and sell, etc. The rewards are fine as long as rewards aren't giving distinct advantages over other players in PvP.
  25. This can only happen once every 50s when talented and this is of course assuming the entire duration of Force Choke goes off the Jugg/Guardian gets the 4 stacks. Their total damage done at the end of the Warzone will be terrible compared to what he could be doing if he went full Rage spec. The Jugg/Guardian is basically gimping himself with this spec and is only getting it because they either can't or don't want to try avoiding knockbacks when they leap on enemies. Either get more Expertise and PvP gear to avoid taking so much damage from this combo or just accept that you were the unlucky one that the Jugg/Guardian happened to target to use his combo on.
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