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Is Mako the only real useful companion?


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Mako makes you green, not viable.

^ that bug is annoying as hell.


I'm a merc healer, and I only get mako out when I have a boss fight that I want to "bore to death".. basically, me + mako = immortal.


the rest of the time, i'm running with blizz, because he's good at holding aggro, and does a fair amount of dmg.


i'm thinking about kitting out torian to try him out though.

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I use them in this order:








I'm a Power-Pyro, so a healer is pretty useful. For Torian, I wanted to marry him (I did ♥), and he can put ot some wicked DPS. Gault can pull some dps too. I just don't really find use for tanks myself, but other people can.



Originally Posted by Steeeeve

Mako makes you green, not viable.

^ that bug is annoying as hell


They fixed it as well.

Edited by Kikilicious
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When I was Bodyguard spec (lvls 20-40) I used Gault and Torian with great results, letting them DPS tank. When I went Arsenal around lvl 40, I used Blizz to tank for me. Being Biochem I had the reusable lvl 40 Med Unit, that healing alone was enough to beat any Elite I came across. Blizz rarely died, and if he did, the elites would always be under 10%.


As level 50 I'm back to Bodyguard and I'm still running Blizz most of the time, things are slower for sure, but I have no worries of dying, ever. I'm running Torian around now to get affection up, but he isn't geared up to 50 yet... so I'm struggling on tougher pulls, but on the weak stuff it 's already dying a lot faster. I think Torian will be my go to once he is geared up.

Edited by Kyleface
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I am a Shield Tech specced Bounty Hunter. I use Torian for any fight with less than a gold elite in it. On golds I use Mako. It's a little faster to clear a pack with Torian, though I do have the added downtime of healing myself afterwards.
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Torian's DPS just seems... so sub-par compared to Gaults. I don't know why. He's better geared.


put him in bleed stance. the bleed ticks stack infinitely. anything Torian touches has a deathmark on it, he will kill it, just let him hit it with his wiffle bat a few times.



Leveled 10-50 as a straight shieldtech and I used Gault almost exclusively up until around the 40s. I kept Tor on the shelf until the level curve slowed down for the home stretch, then I took him out when I had more gear to give him as 'hand me downs' rather than stuff that would just be replaced immediately.


Both Gault and Torian are monster DPS. I prefer Torian though.


I soloed every class quest in the game without any trouble up until the chancellor, where I took a friend to back me up because I read about what a pain the supreme guard were and didn't want to have to deal with it.



As far as the downtime is concerned, its laughable- I would happily trade in Mako any day of the week for my recharge and reload button, The DPS companions kill everything so fast that there was never any danger of me being killed by anything less than an elite mob, and what you sacrifice stopping to heal up without Mako is easily worth more than what you would still be fighting right now if you had a Mako out instead.

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sadly unbalanced, all classes and specs except healers use their healing companion mainly after lvl30.

sure you can pick up a dps for some weak/normal mob killing. buyt over all the healer is the only viable option unless you fancy self healing after each and every battle.


Wrong. My Assassin Tank uses the DPS companion and I end all fights with 90-100% this is from level 25 all the way to 50.


The only time I used my healer companion was for champion mob killing.

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If you're a healer Mako is really very useless in combat. It entirely depends on what advanced class you pick, that's why the companions have different skillsets.


This. As Merc (Bodyguard speced) Mako was a burden for me and I couldn't practice my healing besides FP and heroics, so I ditched her for gault, and I'm doing fine in alderaan. Now I have to heal often, but again, I'm a healer so that's my job :D


Now, my Jugger could use someone like mako...Vette is good until you realize you need some heals now and then...

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This. As Merc (Bodyguard speced) Mako was a burden for me and I couldn't practice my healing besides FP and heroics, so I ditched her for gault, and I'm doing fine in alderaan. Now I have to heal often, but again, I'm a healer so that's my job :D


Now, my Jugger could use someone like mako...Vette is good until you realize you need some heals now and then...


Did you try her DPS stance, and turn off her healing abilities?


It would be nice to see some more hybrid-y companions.

Edited by FrostyDroid
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Did you try her DPS stance, and turn off her healing abilities?


It would be nice to see some more hybrid-y companions.


I tried disabling them, but her damage is a bit lacking (and I had her blaster updated), specially compared to gault. With her I had to focus mainly on DPSing instead of healing and doing some DPS.

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I find non of them are worth using while questing other than Mako, if Mako is not out I’m spam healing a mediocre DPS or spam healing a crapy tank until my companion is dead then I’m soloing stuff. It takes longer and much more stressful.


Maybe it changes at lvl 50 (im lvl 48 now) but not sure why they would add other companions who are not really much use other than crafting?




If you're healing why would you use Mako? Mako is really useful if you're a tank, but I think you'd be much better off with a DPS or tank companion as a healer. Torian does really good DPS, I've been using him lately and I'm a tank so if I can use him I'm sure you can. You could have Blizz tank too but I'm not sure how good he is since I haven't quite gotten him yet.

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It depends on your class, skill set and if you can compentently equip your companion with the right gear for the right situation.


As a heal specced merc I use Blizz for pve duties he has 17k hit pts good damage mitigation and holds aggro better than many real players but, in delicate situations that involve multiple targets and require cc you have to remember to turn off his EMP blast and Salvaged rocket launcher aoe abilities or he will aggro everything within range.


I use Gault for ranged dps and I use Torian for meless dps both with open world pvp in mind.


Mako is useless for me since I'm a healer but, for other classes I assume she would be very useful if euipped properly.

Edited by Hardwear
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Wow. Ttally different experience for me. I love Mako but her best ability is being adorable. As a tank I find stuff takes too long to die when it is just Mako and I so we end up R&R after tough fights anyway :/


If you have BioChem (and you really should) use a dps companion (who can wear your dps gear) and nuke stuff. Your reusable medpacs keep you and your companion up well enough for most anything. ToR is designed so there is not a ton of misses (by you or the mobs) so unloading everything with a dps companion going first = dead mobs.


Of course your milage may vary. Her Electro-stasis is handy and her company priceless but in the end she is just a pretty sidekick....

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for most encounters i actually use the droid: equip him properly and he is a healer tank (equiping him is not obvious and takes an inordinate amount of time to hunt down components that can be modded or bribing someone into making something for you)


by using the droid i am able to use the other 5 (who are now at full 10,000 affection) to do non stop missions with bonuses from affection


if an encounter is too hard for the droid (rare) than my choices are:


mako (if i need a better healer and im currently using dps spec)


gault (if i need max damage and im using a healer spec)


blizz or torian (if i need a bit more damage but mainly need a tank, torian holds better agro, blizz does more damage, neither does as much as gault, but gault cant tank)


skadge i simply dont use, maybe i dont have him properly equipped but he does no damage and dies fast, and i hate him


if you are dps spec, mako is 99% of the time the best choice, if you are healer spec or tank spec you have more versatility in choosing who to use to best fit the situation


if you are just doing routine farming, the droid is actually useable so that you can maximize your missions success/crit rates

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I used Mako exclusively till i got Blizz, and it felt like she was the only real option since she healed, but i think thats just a psycological thing. Even with Mako i used the Recharge & Reload inbetween fights cause it was faster than waiting for her to heal you up.


I fell in total love with Blizz when i got him (he rivals Mako in adorable-ness), so i figured i'd give him a try, at first it felt abit shaky, but after a visit to AH and 100k on some pimp gear (blue/purple), he kicks ***. atm, i only use Mako for very high-hp mobs who has pull/slow mechanics that messes up kiting.

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I used to think so but after giving Gault good gear, I'm not going back to Mako (I'm a tank). It is true what they say, "what do you need heals for when your opponent is dead?" Edited by xioix
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It's pretty simple: You need a dps in your duo for fast leveling, you need a tank/healer combo for tough fights (champions, Heroic2, some class quests, or when you are close to falling asleep).


So, as a rule of thumb: healers spec should go gault/torian most of the time, switching for skadge/blizz when needed; tanks should go gault/torian most of the time, Mako when need arises; Dps spec should prolly go mako all the way.

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I really don't understand why people have so much trouble with Mako or her CC ability.


I made great use of it while leveling, I felt no need to turn it off at all, I just made sure she was targeted on the mobs I wanted her to CC and attack when going through her rotation and not in the middle of healing me.


I agree with you here. She hits one with her CC then I hit one with mine then the fight is one on one. He 8 second CC last just long enough for me to bring one down. So after I engage one and take it down her CC is up then I hit hers. After hers there is one left. The whole time its pretty much one on one. Almost no down time between mobs. Doing it this way.


Mako is the way to go. Only problem I have is if I get two mobs together he sometimes runs up to them and CC's one of them. Then I have two mobs to deal with.

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With my arsenal merc and Mako i almost killed 60k HP boss with my 9k merc on Hoth in those caves where bonus series quest are located. On second try some guy helped and it was easy kill - I think with a bit more selfhealing it would be doable. Should have try it again maybe.


No other BH companion can do that : - )

Edited by Loladarulz
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I leveled as advanced prototype, and used blizz almost exclusively since I got him. I would send him in first and let him tank everything, then after the fight dismiss/summon him again and bam, he is back to full health instantly with me taking no damage (can also just mount to heal him). Once I started giving him good tank gear he could tank elites no problem and I didn't need mako at all.
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